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Liverpool – The Atlantic Gateway – The Future
Wednesday, 16th October 2013 @ 1530hrs - 1900hrs
Liverpool Town Hall, High Street, L2 3SW
Liverpool – The Atlantic Gateway – The Future | Event
This will be an amazing event; we have SEVEN Board Members form the Atlantic Gateway on a panel to present their joint plans for the future; and then to discuss their individual roles and answer all the questions you have. They have over £14bn of planned investment!
Event Sponsored by:
Event Format
- 1400 – 1500; Sponsors Lunch (Invite ONLY)
- 1530 – 1600; Pre-Event Educational Presentation (PEEPshow)
- 1600 – 1645; Networking with Wine, Beer and Soft Drinks
- 1645 – 1815; Speaker Presentations
- 1815 – 1900; Networking with Hot Food, Wine, Beer and Soft Drinks
- 1900 – Late; After Event Drinks
Susan Williams; Chief Executive Atlantic Gateway
Susan was appointed as Executive Director of the Atlantic Gateway in May 2012. The Atlantic Gateway is a series of projects, which have regional or national significance and can accelerate growth and jobs in the North West. She has been Director of the North West Rail campaign since January 2011. The campaign is primarily involved in calling for rail investment that has a direct economic benefit, for example the interventions for the Northern Hub and ensuring that High Speed Rail is delivered. She has 13 years experience in Local Government, having been a Councillor from 1998- 2011 and leader of Trafford from 2004- 2009. She has also been a leading figure in sub regional governance as leader member of the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities during the period 2004- 2009 and its vice chairman from 2007- 2009. She was a member of Manchester Enterprises, latterly the Commission for the New Economy from 2005- 2009 and has served as a non executive director of G Mex Ltd and a member of the Greater Manchester Police Authority. Susan served as a board member of the North West Regional Development Agency from 2007 to 2011, whose investments have contributed to the prosperity of the North West.
Peter Nears; Strategic Planning Director, Peel Holdings and Board Director for Atlantic Gateway
Peter joined the Peel Group in 1988. His responsibilities include the progression of development schemes and the promotion of Group assets within strategic planning and economic policy. He is a Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute, Fellow of the Institute of Logistics & Transport, Academician of the Academy of Urbanism, Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce and is also a Visiting Professor in the Department of Civic Design, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool. He sits on a number of public private Partnership Boards. He is Chair of Liverpool SuperPort, Member of the Liverpool City Region LEP, Member of the North West Business Leadership Team, Member of the Liverpool South Mayoral Board and a Member of the Atlantic Gateway Partnership Board. Prior to joining Peel, Peter worked as an Historic Buildings Officer at Durham County Council and Macclesfield Borough Council.
Roger Milburn; Greater Manchester LEP and Director of ARUP and Board Director for Atlantic Gateway![Roger 2]](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22
For the last 15 years Roger has continued to hold a number of senior roles both within an international design consultancy and as a non-executive for a variety of private and public boards and commissions. He has helped design and deliver a wide range of international building and infrastructure projects. Having worked for Arup for over 30 years, Roger has held a number of Board positions and global roles including Global leader for the Civil Engineering, Site Development and Regeneration Practice. His particular focus and areas of expertise are cities, large-scale masterplanning, urban regeneration, sustainability and multi-disciplinary working. Roger’s career has taken him to Libya, Burma, Indonesia, China, Japan, Hong Kong, America, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Singapore and The Gulf.
Outside of Arup Roger has a number of external roles including being a member of the Atlantic Gateway Board, representing the Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership on Infrastructure & Environment, Board member of the GM Low Carbon Hub (previously the Chairman of the GM Low Carbon Economic Area for the Built Environment now part of the Low Carbon Hub). Roger is a Visiting Professor to the University of Manchester and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and a Fellow and Chartered Institute of Water & Environmental Management.
Chris Matthews; Head of Sustainability; United Utilities and Board Director for Atlantic Gateway
Chris became Head of Sustainability at United Utilities in May 2009. Prior to that, he was UU’s Carbon Manager, the first dedicated carbon manager in the UK water industry. Chris’ prime focus is to help the business deliver its objectives in a sustainable way through the development and implementation of environmental and social strategies. This covers areas such as biodiversity, waste, carbon management, community partnerships and charitable giving. He believes that embracing the sustainability agenda will add real value to UU’s business activities. He remains responsible for the overall delivery of UU’s carbon strategy and plan, the first to publicly declare a short term reduction in carbon emissions. He also works with groups across the north west of England to encourage responsible business behaviour. He chairs Business in the Community’s Marketplace Sustainability team in the North West and is vice-chair of the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities’ Natural Capital Board.
Aidan Manley; Chief Executive of the Cheshire and Warrington LEP
Aidan Manley is the first Chief Executive of the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership having previously been appointed as the Managing Director of the Cheshire and Warrington Enterprise Commission. Aidan Joined the Commission from St. Helens Council where he was the Head of Regeneration. He brings a wealth of experience in managing professional teams responsible for delivering complex socio-economic regeneration and physical redevelopment projects. He has been personally involved in numerous high profile schemes ranging from mixed use, city centre joint ventures to the delivery of the St. Helens City Growth Strategy. Graduating from Sheffield in 1978, Aidan qualified as a Chartered Surveyor in 1981. Born and educated in Liverpool, Aidan has spent the majority of his working life in and around northwest England. Previous positions include Area Manager (Merseyside) for the Northwest Development Agency and Development Executive with English Partnerships. A member of many sub-regional and local regeneration and economic development groups, Aidan also represents Cheshire and Warrington on the Sci-Tech Daresbury Advisory Board and the Alderley Park Executive Board. Aidan lives in Liverpool with his wife and four sons. Although still an active sportsman with a particular interest in Rugby Union, he is increasingly taking colleagues’ advice and concentrating more on spectating than participation.
Geoff Muirhead; Chairman Atlantic Gateway
Geoff Muirhead has made a huge contribution to business in the North West over nearly 3 decades, having spent 22 years up to 2010 at a senior level at Manchester Airport, culminating in the last 9 as Chief Executive. Since retiring as Chief Executive in 2010, his knowledge and experience have seen him in roles which require strategic vision and direction and which have benefitted from his input and chairmanship. He currently chairs the IPPR Commission for Northern Economic Futures, the North West Rail Campaign, the Atlantic Gateway and is Deputy Chairman of the North west Business Leadership Team. His recent appointment to the commission headed by Sir Howard Davies to look into airport capacity sees him as the only industry expert on the commission and someone whose input should prove very valuable to their findings.
Since 2009, Geoff has been a non-executive director of ASK developments, he is a board member of Manchester Metropolitan University and he is a past President of Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. Geoff’s contributions have been recognised in his being awarded a CBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List in 2003, DBA (Hons) from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2003 and Business Executive of the Year by the CBI in 2001. In addition, the North West Tourist Board awarded him the ‘David Goldstone Award’ for the most Outstanding Contribution to Tourism in 1996.
Steve Moore; Director North West; Environment Agency 
Steve Moore began his career with the Agency in 2000, having spent 20 years in the construction industry. Currently he is the NW Director responsible for leading the Environment Agency activities across the NW. Steve has worked through various roles including Head of Business Improvement, Head of Operations, Corporate Services Manager, Area Manager and more recently Strategic Planning and Performance. Helping improve the environment through the way the Environment Agency works, the influence it brings and the messages it communicates has been paramount in all these roles. Steve has significant experience in regulation, strategic planning and policy development, and in organisational change management. He sees the Environment Agency as being at the forefront of addressing the environment challenges the UK and the rest of the world face in relation to climate change and sustainable development.
Pre-Event Educational Presentation (PEEPshow)
International Festival of Business
We will hear form XXX from the International Festival of Business in Liverpool in 2014; explaining how you can benefit from the IFB Built Environment Networking will be hosting an exclusive event during IFB – more details to come soon.
IFB 2014 will accelerate UK economic growth with an ambitious programme of global business events running throughout June and July 2014. The result of an exciting convergence between innovative thinking, government policy and will to win, IFB 2014 will connect the smartest entrepreneurial minds and best business opportunities in the world.
IFB will deliver:
- Over one hundred events throughout June and July 2014
- An engaged audience of 250,000 business professionals
- Global representation
- £100m direct investment into the UK
- A catalyst to double UK exports by 2020
- At every level the Festival will attract an audience of pioneers from the UK and across the world