THIS EVENT HAS NOW PASSED. CLICK HERE TO GET ACCESS TO THE VIDEO AND PRESENTATIONS. Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 29 Oct 2020 Garden Communities & New Towns Development Conference Thursday, 29th October 2020 0845hrs – 1500hrs Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgramme SpeakersBecome a PartnerWhat to Expect The UK is facing a housing crisis. New garden cities, towns and villages are seen as a way of aiding the ever growing issue, whilst they’re seen as the perfect example of best practice within placemaking – developing a community that’s sustainable, connected, integrated and thriving. At this event we’ll be gathering those at the forefront of bringing forward new garden cities and new towns across the UK. We’ll discover the details on how these schemes will be delivered, discovering unknown intel into each and every garden city/new town on display. Some of the schemes and subjects which will be discussed include: What actually qualifies ‘Garden’ community statusCarlisle City Council’s 10,000 home St Cuthbert’s Garden VillageEastern Quarry where over 6,000 new homes are planned in EbbsfleetTwo new garden communities planned by a private sector firm in the South EastGarden community including new stadium and 4,000 homes in CornwallGrosvenor’s 2,200-home project in Oxfordshire as they plan 30,000 homes by 2023Numerous others including: Halsnead, Dunton Hills, Tresham…. Speakers include: Jane Meek,Assistant Director Thriving Place and Investment Peter Nelson,Director Charlotte Carpenter,Executive Director of Growth and Development Coby Tomlins,Project Lead Anthony Breach,Chief Housing & Planning Analyst Ian Greaves,Principal Regeneration Officer Silvia Lazzerini,Project Director Jon Allen,Head of Strategic Development South Simon Marks,City Executive, Birmingham Marybeth Harasz,Garden Communities Development Manager Jeff Nottage,Regional Board Director Dean Ward,Managing Director Euan Hall,Chief Executive Agenda and Programme: 08:45-09:15 Doors Open & NetworkingEnjoy some networking time with those also attending the conference and visit the exhibitors – with the ability to video chat with attendees, enter the speed networking area or visit the booths of our sponsors. 09:15-09:45 KeynoteCentre for Cities; Anthony Breach, Chief Housing & Planning Analyst 09:45-10:00 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 10:00-11:00 Session 1: Developing Successful Garden Villages and New Towns – Best Practice and Expert InsightsWith a plethora of large scale sites earmarked for garden village status over the next ten years, our expert panel of policy makers, development delivery experts and investors deliver thought leadership on challenges such as planning, partnerships creation and placemaking via a series of high level presentations and interactive Q&A. Session Sponsor: (Available – click for details) Broadway Malyan; Jeff Nottage, Regional Board Director Henley Camland; Peter Nelson, Director Dunton Hills Garden Village; Coby Tomlins, Project Lead 11:00-11:30 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 11:30-12:30 Session 2: Private Sector Lead Garden Villages and New Town Development PlansExperts from a host of developers and investors unveil their multi-million pound garden village development strategies through a series of presentations and interactive Q&A The Land Trust; Euan Hall, Chief Executive Oxfordshire Garden Village/Grosvenor Britain & Ireland; Silvia Lazzerini, Project Director Karbon Homes; Charlotte Carpenter, Executive Director of Growth and Development CEG; Jon Allen, Head of Strategic Development (South) 12:30-12:45 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 12:45-13:15 (Breakout Session) DCW GroupDCW Group has developed a new innovative solution that will save time and costs within the development journey of new homes – potentially shaving 3-months off the process. He’ll reveal all in this breakout session. DCW Group; Dean Ward, Managing Director 13:15-13:30 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 13:30-14:30 Session 3: Public Sector Lead Garden Villages and New Town Development PlansLocal authorities are often the catalyst for proposing major new communities across the UK, in this session delegates will hear about the timeline for collaboration opportunities on a host of forthcoming new town developments and the positive economic impact they will have in the regions they are created. Chair: Arcadis; Simon Marks, City Executive, Birmingham St Cuthbert’s Garden Village; Jane Meek, Corporate Director for Economic Development Knowsley Council/Halsnead Garden Village; Ian Greaves, Principal Regeneration Officer Didcot Garden Town; Marybeth Harasz, Garden Communities Development Manager 14:30-15:00 Networking, Exhibition & Close We’re set to have an exceptional line-up of speakers who’ll be sharing intel into the future of garden communities in the UK. From future projects to lessons learnt, we’ll hear from the leaders at the forefront of these large-scale residential developments. Here’s an overview of the confirmed speakers: Grosvenor Britain & Ireland – Silvia Lazzerini, Project Director Grosvenor Britain & Ireland are working towards submitting their outline planning application for the Oxfordshire Garden Village scheme which is a new neighbourhood of 2,200 homes plus community infrastructure and a raft of commercial development aimed at attracting businesses to the region. As one of the UK’s most advanced Garden Village initiatives, Silvia is better placed than most to talk about the future development timeline and also gather her thoughts on Grosvenor Britain & Ireland’s approach to creating this new, inclusive and vibrant place. Henley Camland – Peter Nelson, Director Henley Camland is a joint venture bringing together the financial resource of The Henley Group with the experience of land purchase structure and placemaking of Camland. They’re currently working on numerous residential-led projects including the first phase of Eastern Quarry – a development which will see 6,250 homes being built in Ebbsfleet, Martello Lakes in Kent where 1,050 dwellings are planned and a 30-hectare project in King’s Lynn where 2,500 homes are planned. With so much experience in large scale residential led developments they’ll be well placed to share their thoughts, learnings and opinions on the UK garden community agenda. Cumberland Council – Jane Meek, Assistant Director Thriving Place and Investment Jane will join the conference to update on the plans for St. Cuthbert’s – by far the largest site, in terms of capacity, from the Government’s Garden Village Programme. The £225m Southern Link Road will unlock St. Cuthbert’s which will see 10,000 homes built over the next 30 years as well as employment opportunities which will bring significant benefits to Carlisle and the wider county. Centre for Cities – Anthony Breach, Chief Housing & Planning Analyst Anthony works as part of the research team at Centre for Cities and is a respected voice on topics of how the planning system can create housing shortages and drive wealth inequality. With publications across the UK media- including the Times and the Daily Mail- Anthony will be on hand to give insight on the viability and potential these new garden communities will unlock for localities across the UK. Knowsley Council/Halsnead Garden Village – Ian Greaves, Principal Regeneration Officer Covering 430 acres, Halsnead Garden Village is the largest combined housing and employment site in Liverpool with 1600 proposed houses and 55 acres of proposed commercial development. As one of the key voices leading the scheme, Ian will go into detail about development timelines, positive local economic impact and the further development opportunities it could unlock. Dunton Hills Garden Village – Coby Tomlins, Project Lead Dunton Hills Garden Village is a new settlement proposed in Brentwood Borough that will help to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population. The proposal will be self-sustaining; providing up to 4,000 homes, new schools, job opportunities, health and community facilities and new public spaces. Currently at draft masterplan phase, Coby will be outlining the next steps as Brentwood council move into co-design phase which they hope will significantly involve the Brentwood Youth Forum and the Community Forum CEG – Jon Allen, Head of Strategic Development South CEG are the master developer delivering one of the government’s first official garden villages at Dunton Hills in Essex. The development will consist of 4000 new homes and community facilities, shops and business space. Jon will talk in depth about the development timeline and also touch on the concepts behind the scheme. Karbon Homes – Charlotte Carpenter, Executive Director of Growth and Development Karbon Homes are one of the newly announced joint venture partners for the Seaham Garden Village project which will bring forward the creation of 1500 new homes over the next 10 years. Landlords to over 30,000 houses across the North East, Karbon are the only social housing provider to be entering the realm of Garden Villages and New Town delivery in the UK. Charlotte is keen to interact with all areas of the supply chain to talk about this project and other schemes that Karbon have in the pipeline. Broadway Malyan – Jeff Nottage, Regional Board Director Jeff joined Broadway Malyan in 2007 and became a Director of Broadway Malyan Ltd in 2016. He is a Chartered Town Planner and Urban Designer with 17 years experience and heads up the UK masterplanning team, based in the Weybridge studio. He has worked on a number of large scale and high profile masterplanning projects for both public and private sector clients and has worked in both the UK and overseas. His projects have included strategic urban extensions, new settlements including ‘Garden Villages’, town wide strategies and new urban quarters. Arcadis – Simon Marks, City Executive, Birmingham More information to follow. DCW Group – Dean Ward, Managing Director DCW Group has developed a new innovative solution that will save time and costs within the development journey of new homes – potentially shaving 3-months off the process. He’ll reveal all in this session. Didcot Garden Town – Marybeth Harasz, Garden Communities Development Manager In 2015 Didcot was one of the first towns to be awarded garden town status by the UK government and is also close to becoming a realisation with development scheduled to start in the medium term. The team behind the development was recently awarded £218m for access roads to be developed and as part of this session Marybeth will talk about the timeline for delivery and the economic impact it will have in West Oxfordshire. The Land Trust – Euan Hall, Chief Executive The Land Trust is a charity that is committed to the long-term sustainable management of open space for community benefits – and they’re planning a crucial role in pushing forward this agenda across garden communties and the creation of new towns and villages. Euan will share the trusts vision to improve the quality of people’s lives by creating sustainable, high quality green spaces that deliver environmental, social and economic benefits. Associate your brand with the virtual Garden Communities & New Towns Development Conference and position your brand at the forefront of one of the UK’s biggest discussions and debates around developing garden communities. Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Conference Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £2,500 View Details Session One Partner Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 Sold Out Session Two Partner Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 Sold Out Session Three Partner Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 Sold Out Best Practice Presentation Package Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,000 View Details Exhibitor Packages Yes – 5 Yes £500 View Details We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities, exhibition space and those that will drive brand awareness, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the construction and property sector, the garden communities sector and the whole built environment industry. Conference Partner £2,500+VAT Become the headline partner of this conference and get mass awareness and brand visibility. This package is the ultimate – with a prime location during the event, a speaking opportunity, logo positioning on the top of the logo and your name in the event title – “Garden Cities & New Towns Conference; Sponsored by YOUR COMPANY NAME” The conference will be called the xxx Conference in association with your company nameAbility to help shape the conference agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the eventOption to recommend speakersInclusion with pre-conference speaker communicationsAccess to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding for the whole conferenceOption to do a keynote speechOne speaking position on one panel during the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature15 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventBecome a partner > Session One Partner – Developing Successful Garden Villages and New Towns – Best Practice and Expert Insights Become a partner > Session Two Partner – Private Sector Lead Garden Villages and New Town Development Plans Become a partner > Session Three Partner – Public Sector Lead Garden Villages and New Town Development Plans Become a partner > Best Practice Presentation Package £1,000+VAT During the breaks delegates are able to speed network and visit the exhibitors – but with this package you can also give them the option of coming to see your company deliver a 15-minute thought leadership presentation, enabling you to play a key role in the conference. Build brand awareness, loyalty, trust and new business leads amongst numerous civic and business leaders from across the industry. Benefits include: Ability to deliver a 15-minute presentation during one of the break periods Access to the VIP Room – a green room for speakers, VIP guests and sponsorsBranding across the rest of the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share content10 online delegate passes for your team and/or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media, etcMaster of Ceremonies ‘thank you’ in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion in any PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the event Become a partner > Exhibitor Package £500+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to meet online delegates and chat with them – then our exhibitor package is perfect. Some people can be reluctant to approach exhibition stands – but online it’s different and you’ll be inundated with enquiries and questions about your brand. Benefits include: Online exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature5 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the event Become a partner > If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 Our online conferences will merge our face-to-face conferences with a virtual platform – providing networking opportunities, exceptional panel discussions and debates, speaker presentations and an exhibition hall. Here’s a little video highlighting what to expect… And here’s a bit more information of key areas of our online events… You’ll receive unique log-in details to join our online event via computer or phone – and you’ll be greeted with an easy navigation tool. You’ll be able to navigate to: Main Stage Where our ‘Programme’ will take place with excellent speakers and content. You’ll be able to get involved, asking questions and taking part in live polls. Networking Area Just like a real conference you’ll be able to meet and connect with new people in our forum. You can directly request to chat with someone or you can enter our ‘speed networking’ area to meet numerous new people within the industry. Get your elevator pitch ready! Sponsor / Exhibitor Area Meet our partners and sponsors – view what they’re all about, video chat with them and download their literature and product information. Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Thursday, 29th October 2020Time:0845hrs – 1500hrs Venue Online – Hopin View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW Sponsors Session Partner Session Partner Session Partner National Partner National Framework Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Core Digital Partner Core Digital Partner Digital Core Advertising Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Diversity Partner Speakers Exhibitors