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All Events 16 Nov 2020 Education Property & Development Conference; Sponsored by Hollis Monday, 16th November 2020 1000hrs – 1430hrs Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgramme SpeakersBecome a PartnerWhat to ExpectAttendees 30+ Universities & Colleges & 15+ Student Accommodation Providers Involved Developing the Future Education Estates – Universities, Colleges, Academies and Accommodation With billions of pounds spent on education estates development projects across the UK each year, numerous new academies and schools being built, and thousands of students coming from across the globe to study on modern, high-spec campuses, the Education Property and Development Conference is the only place to discover forthcoming property and construction related projects planning in the realm of schools, student accommodation, colleges and universities. We’ll be hearing from the leading figures – those heading up the estates facilities and management, the key decision makers in procurement processes and those at the forefront of major capital investment into education estates. Our delegates will be privy to presentations and thought leadership from the estates teams, giving inside intel into future development plans and offering the opportunity to connect and meet throughout the day. Speakers will discuss: Education Estates and Property – a sector deep dive on challenges and opportunitiesCollaboration – Working With Public and Private Sector Partners To Deliver Transformational University Estate’s ProjectsInnovation and disrupting the status quo through future development in University EstatesThe Future of Student AccommodationUniversity Masterplanning Masterclass Speakers include: Christopher Hinge,Director of Estates Linda Goodacre,Director of Estates and Facilities Peter Ward,Director of Real Estate Development Iain Garfield,Director of Estates and Facilities Emma Hesbrook,Regional Relationship Manager, Midlands Rychard Scrase-Field,Director of Estates & Property Alistair Burg-Broquere,Director of Estates Saud Muhsinovic,Global Practice Lead for Higher Education Nicky Fairbairn,Partner Download Programme Agenda and Programme: 10:00-10:30 Doors Open & NetworkingEnjoy some networking time with those also attending the conference and visit the exhibitors – with the ability to video chat with attendees, enter the speed networking area or visit the booths of our sponsors. 10:30-10:50 Keynote2020 has been an extremely challenging year for University Estates teams, as the pandemic impacts day to day activity across UK campuses and several major property projects on hold or postponed, our keynote address will assess how Covid-19 and other pressures may lead to a rethink in our perception of a University. DAC Beachcroft; Nicola Fairbairn, Real Estate Partner 10:50-11:00 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 11:00-12:15 Session One: Collaboration – Working With Public and Private Sector Partners To Deliver Transformational University Estate’s ProjectsA host of University estate professionals unveil upcoming collaborative property projects that they are delivering with other public and private sector organisations Chair: PAGABO; Emma Hesbrook, Regional Relationship Manager Newcastle University; Iain Garfield, Director of Estates & Facilities University of Westminster; Christopher Hinge, Director of Estates Planning & Services University of Bedfordshire; Alistair Burg-Broquere, Director of Estates 12:15-12:45 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 12:45-14:00 Session Two: Delivering Campuses of the Future: Master Planning World Class EstatesOver a billion pounds of future development will be dissected and discussed in this session as a series of Estates Director’s talk about their campus masterplans and how they will shape the student experience at their institution’s over the next decade Chair: Mott MacDonald; Saud Muhsinovic, Global Practice Lead Higher Education University of Nottingham; Linda Goodacre, Director of Estates and Facilities Kings College London; Peter Ward, Director of Real Estate Development SOAS University of London; Rychard Scrase-Field, Director of Estates and Property Services 14:00-14:30 Networking, Exhibition & Close Download Programme We’re set to have an exceptional line-up of speakers who’ll be sharing intel into their future development projects, plans and vision for education estates. Here’s an overview of the confirmed speakers: Newcastle University – Iain Garfield, Director of Estates and Facilities Birmingham City University – John Plumridge, Estates & Development Director As we emerge from the aftermath of the pandemic, placemaking and regeneration are at the forefront of town and city rejuvenation. Birmingham City University – is investing £400m in placemaking and city rejuvenation in Eastside, which will be completed by 2025. Also refurbishing £3.7 million science HUB. John from BCU will be joining the session to discuss importance of placemaking, the processes and challenges of delivery. PAGABO – Emma Hesbrook, Regional Relationship Manager, Midlands Pagabo is leading the way in the sector with innovative new frameworks – such as their newly launched £10bn developer-led framework, and their approach to development focusing heavily on social value, mental health and wellbeing. Their ideology isn’t being overlooked as they continue to see major growth with new and existing clients across the UK, with an ever growing list of projects in the portfolio and a team growing at an exponential rate. Emma will bring her expertise to the event, whilst sharing details on their approach to procurement, and intel on new and existing frameworks coming up for renewal including their soon to be launched Civils and Infrastructure Framework. Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust – Peter Ward, Director of Real Estate Development Guys and St Thomas’ Foundation, along with the London Boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark and Kings Health Partners are creating the SC1 life science innovation district. The project will create a globally renowned quarter of high impact health innovation which will create a range of opportunities for the local community through the co-location of healthcare, research and development. The partnership is moving forward with the “Snowsfields Quarter” – a £350m, 300,000sq ft life sciences hub being developed alongside Reef Group and Oxford Properties which will play a central role in creating the required, and highly technical, real estate infrastructure to support the emergence of the SC1 innovation cluster. Peter will discuss how the partnership will develop innovation that meets local needs, bring employment and investment into the surrounding community and put health innovation at the heart of Lambeth and Southwark. Mott MacDonald – Saud Muhsinovic, Global Practice Lead for Higher Education Saud is well known in the industry for heading up a number of game changing strategic partnerships – and he’s a key promoter of a collaborative approach to development. Mott MacDonald are themselves a major name in the educational estates field – with clients including the University of Essex, University of Sheffield, University of Huddersfield and many more. The University of Nottingham – Linda Goodacre, Director of Estates and Facilities With five major projects of a diverse nature in the pipeline, it is a busy time for the University of Nottingham’s estates team as they seek to maintain the institution’s global reputation by providing an outstanding campus. Spanning the proposed East Midlands Conference Centre refurbishment, the Sutton Bonnington North Lab Redevelopment, the University Park Centre for Biosciences expansion, Jubilee Campus Accommodation project and the state of the art PEM Centre, Linda will be talking about the reasoning behind their plans, how the current economic and public health climate has impacted her thinking and what the future of her estate looks like. University of Bedfordshire – Alistair Burg-Broquere, Director of Estates More information to follow. SOAS University of London – Rychard Scrase-Field, Director of Estates & Property More information to follow. University of Westminster – Christopher Hinge, Director of Estates University of Westminster has been a pioneer since 1838, supporting over 19,000 students and stretching beyond its boundaries while maintaining heritage, creating social enterprise and developing placemaking. Recently announcing the development of 2852 sqm Marylebone campus employability centre due to open in 2024 and £5.2 million on campus refurbishment. The high-tech employability facility creates opportunities for employer student engagement and enhancing student experience. Chris Hinge – director of estates will be joining us to explore his perspective on place making, the impact of university estates on the surrounding areas, also the challenges and opportunities going forward. DAC Beachcroft – Nicky Fairbairn, Partner Nicola acts for both private and public sector clients on a wide range of estates matters but with a particular emphasis on large scale development or investment transactions and the related project management. Prior to her promotion to Partner in 2020, Nicola had been recognised by Chambers & Partners as a “Star Associate” for three consecutive years. She is described as “really approachable” and praised for her ability to “translate legal jargon into a layman’s perspective.” Associate your brand with the Education Property & Development Conference and position your brand at the forefront of one of the UK’s biggest discussions and debates about the development, expansion and growth of education estates and property. Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Conference Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £2,500 Sold Out Session One Partner: Collaboration – Working With Public and Private Sector Partners To Deliver Transformational University Estate’s Projects Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 Sold Out Session Two Partner: Delivering Campuses of the Future: Master Planning World Class Estates Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 Sold Out Best Practice Presentation Package Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,000 View Details Exhibitor Packages Yes – 5 Yes £500 View Details We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities and huge exhibition space large enough to promote your business, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the construction and property sector, the future vision for the education estates and the whole built environment industry. Conference Partner Become a partner > Event Partner Become a partner > Session One Partner: Collaboration – Working With Public and Private Sector Partners To Deliver Transformational University Estate’s Projects Become a partner > Session Two Partner: Delivering Campuses of the Future: Master Planning World Class Estates Become a partner > Best Practice Presentation Package £1,000+VAT During the breaks delegates are able to speed network and visit the exhibitors – but with this package you can also give them the option of coming to see your company deliver a 15-minute thought leadership presentation, enabling you to play a key role in the conference. Build brand awareness, loyalty, trust and new business leads amongst numerous civic and business leaders from across the industry. Benefits include: Ability to deliver a 15-minute presentation during one of the break periods Access to the VIP Room – a green room for speakers, VIP guests and sponsorsBranding across the rest of the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share content10 online delegate passes for your team and/or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media, etcMaster of Ceremonies ‘thank you’ in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion in any PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventBecome a partner > Exhibitor Package £500+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to meet online delegates and chat with them – then our exhibitor package is perfect. Some people can be reluctant to approach exhibition stands – but online it’s different and you’ll be inundated with enquiries and questions about your brand. Benefits include: Online exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature5 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the event Become a partner > If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 Our online conferences will merge our face-to-face conferences with a virtual platform – providing networking opportunities, exceptional panel discussions and debates, speaker presentations and an exhibition hall. Here’s a little video highlighting what to expect… And here’s a bit more information of key areas of our online events… You’ll receive unique log-in details to join our online event via computer or phone – and you’ll be greeted with an easy navigation tool. You’ll be able to navigate to: Main Stage Where our ‘Programme’ will take place with excellent speakers and content. You’ll be able to get involved, asking questions and taking part in live polls. Networking Area Just like a real conference you’ll be able to meet and connect with new people in our forum. You can directly request to chat with someone or you can enter our ‘speed networking’ area to meet numerous new people within the industry. Get your elevator pitch ready! Sponsor / Exhibitor Area Meet our partners and sponsors – view what they’re all about, video chat with them and download their literature and product information. We’re expecting an exceptional turnout of high-level senior professionals for this event from a variety of construction and property sector roles. Universities, Developers & Colleges Attending: Aberystwyth University Aston University Bath Spa University Beaufort Birkbeck University of London Birmingham City University Blackpool and The Fylde College Bricks Capital Coventry University Gonville & Caius College Harrow School HBD Hosting Student Housing Imperial College London King’s College London Lancaster University Leeds Beckett University LocatED Manchester Metropolitan University Milton Keynes College Newcastle University New City College North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College Office for Students Programme Sheffield Hallam University SOAS University of London Tiger Developments True Student Unite Students University of Bedfordshire University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Derby University of East London University of Lincoln University of London University of Northampton University of Nottingham University of Plymouth University of Westminster University of Wolverhampton University Partnerships Programme Other Attendees Include: 5plus Architects 8build ABB Addleshaw Goddard AECOM Akzon Nobel Aldridge Education Allies and Morrison Architects Altro AOC Architecture Artelia UK ASK4 Associated Architects Avison Young Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt Architects Baart Harries Newall Architects Barbour ABI Barton Willmore BDP Bevan Brittan Birkin Cleaning Services Bond Bryan Bouygues UK BPR Architects Briggs & Forrester BuroHappold Burwell Architects Business Moves Group chapmanbdsp CIOB CLS Risk Solutions Cognica Cornerstone CPMG Architects Crystal Facilities Management Curtins Consulting DAY Architectural DCW Group Dulux EA-RS Fire Engineering Eco-Res EMCOR Group Engie Equals Consulting Eric Wright FM Eversheds Sutherland Fado Fit Out Faithorn Farrell Timms Farrans Construction Ferco Seating Systems Firescape UK Fitzgerald Contractors Frame GCL Gerflor Gleeds Goldbeck GRAHAM GRAHAM Interior Fit-Out H&J Martin HarrisonStevens Haverstock Haworth Tompkins Haworth Tompkins Architects Henry Riley Hickton Consultants HKS Architects HLM Architects Hollis Holmes Wood Howarth Litchfield IBI Group iDEA IES Irwin Mitchell ISG Jestico + Whiles JG Poole & Co JRP Solutions Kuit Steinart Levy Land Use Langley Waterproofing Systems Leed Associates Lee Evans Partnership LUC Lichfields LSI Architects Mace Mace Group Mail Manager Marshalls MCM MD Group Meinhardt Metro Safety Mills & Reeve Momentum Transport Consultancy Morgan Sindall Mott MacDonald Newforma Nexus Nicholas Pearson Associates NLT Electrical Noviun Architects Novus Property Solutions Osterna P4 Planning PAGABO Pagabo Pegasus Group Pennington Choices Penningtons Manches Cooper Perfect Circle Pick Everard Pinsent Masons Plowman Craven PML Profab Access PTS Consulting Purcell Recoup Capital Retroflo Rex Procter & Partners R G Carter Rider Levett Bucknall Robinson Low Francis Rockwool Ryder Architecture Safety for Design SAV Group SB Electric Systems Shepherd Epstein & Hunter Sheppard Robson Sir Robert McAlpine SpaceInvader Space Zero Spatial Initiative SSE Stantec Steve Ritchie Partnership Stride Treglown Study Inn Group Sypro Tate Harmer The Bedford Estate The Green Consultancy tp bennett True Student Turley Turner & Townsend UKNAR VINCI Facilities VolkerFitzpatrick Vu:City Ward Hadaway WilkinsonEyre Willmott Dixon Willmott Dixon Interiors Wilson Mason Architecture + Interior Design Woods Bagot WSP Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Monday, 16th November 2020Time:1000hrs – 1430hrs Venue Online – Hopin View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW Sponsors Conference Partner Event Partner Session Partner National Partner National Framework Partner National BIM Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Diversity Partner Speakers Exhibitors