Approval for housing-led redevelopment of former glassworks site in St Helens Posted on: March 17th, 2021 A joint-venture £200m residential-led development on the biggest brownfield site in St Helens has been given the go ahead by local planners.The 104-acre Cowley Hill Works project, which has been put together by BXB Land Solutions Ltd and Promenade Estates, includes building more than 1,100 homes and up to 43,000 sqft of flexible commercial space, much of which is earmarked for a hotel.The development is to occupy land that was formerly the Pilkington Glass Cowley Hill Works site. NSG Pilkington UK, which has sold the land to BXB Cowley Hill, will continue to operate from its current glass-coating factory on a 40-acre site next to the proposed housing development. Gary Goodman, Director at BXB Cowley Hill Ltd said: “Cowley Hill Works presents a fantastic opportunity for St Helens to deliver much-needed residential land within a sustainable location, while ensuring the longevity of a key local employer. “From the outset, our approach to this site has been collaborative and this approach will continue as we seek to ensure the delivery of this complex brownfield site, which has laid dormant for many years.“This site also presents the opportunity for other key stakeholders to work along us and ensure our initial investment acts as a catalysis and ensure longer-term strategic benefits can be delivered within this locality, which responds to the local need and assist the Borough in securing their long-term objectives.”The homes will be built in four phases, starting with 198 and then later blocks of 328, 289, and 285 to follow. Nexus Planning were the planning consultants for the project, which was designed by architect Brock Carmichael.