Travis Perkins boost for CEG’s Nottinghamshire development Posted on: March 31st, 2021 Property investors CEG has submitted a detailed planning application to deliver a 1,933 sqm builders merchant facility for Travis Perkins at the Vesuvius retail park in North Nottinghamshire.The proposal will further regenerate this brownfield site and address a live requirement for a new bespoke Travis Perkins facility within Worksop.CEG is currently managing the comprehensive regeneration of the 17.75-hectare Vesuvius site. With planning permission for more than 200,000 sqft of employment space, the multi-million-pound first phase of commercial development is due to complete this summer.Will Moss, Head of Acquisitions Midlands and South West for Travis Perkins plc, said: “We are delighted to be involved in this exciting new development, providing the opportunity for us to relocate to a new purpose built and modern branch.“This new site will provide our customers with a significantly bigger, better and more accessible branch facility, offering a superior range of building material and landscaping products. Providing a multi-tenanted 46,000 sqft of units, ranging from 1,200 to 5,000 sqft, and retail space adjacent to the recently-opened Asda superstore, the first pre-let has already been agreed with Burger King.Subsequent phases will also offer larger employment units including speculative as well as pre-let, design and build development for office, light industry, storage and distribution requirements.CEG has also recently obtained planning for Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service for the construction of its new fire station at Vesuvius.Lawrence Escott, Investment Manager from CEG said: “Travis Perkins will be a welcome addition to the Vesuvius development, creating 20 new job opportunities on the site and will help to enhance and support the local supply chain.“Vesuvius is fast becoming a thriving commercial destination. We are on site delivering the largest speculative scheme of this scale and quality in Worksop for many years and we continue to see strong interest in the space from well-known national trade and industrial occupiers alongside smaller, local businesses.”In 2018, supported by D2N2, CEG delivered a £5.5m package of works to create a new roundabout and access road opening up the site and remediating it for redevelopment.D2N2 LEP CEO, Sajeeda Rose said: “The Vesuvius site represents a landmark development for Worksop and the wider area. It’s great to see the Vesuvius development is attracting investors and businesses and unlocking opportunities for new jobs, supporting our collective ambitions to rebuild and grow our economy.”