Firms invited to bid for new £5bn housing delivery framework Posted on: June 7th, 2021 Developers and contractors of all sizes are being invited to bid for a new tailored housing delivery framework covering the south of England.Public procurement body Southern Construction Framework estimates its new Residential Delivery and Development Framework could be worth as much as £5.2bn over four years.[emaillocker id=”71749″]Under the body’s existing construction framework, SCF has already delivered around £650m of residential work.The new panel of pre-selected firms is being established in response to existing clients who have asked for a more specialist residential framework.SCF said it also aims to use the framework to bring two-stage open book tender process to housing delivery, which has been delivering 10% added value to projects.The framework will give public sector organisations access to a full range of residential construction and development solutions.This includes access to leading local house builders; construct-only or design and build and turnkey end-to-end development, construction, and management services.A commitment to provide a trustworthy, equitable, and ethical vehicle for delivery underpins the framework.SCF Residential will be tailored to suit a wide range of projects, including:Lot structureLarger value projects (£30m+) – delivered in three sublots (SW, SE, London), allowing up to 6 providers per sub lot.Smaller Value (£15m+) – delivered in seven sublot regions, allowing up to 8 providers per sub lot and focused on local delivery.The lots are split between schemes of 10-75 houses and 65+ houses and it is expected that SCF will appoint contractors and developers to more than one lot.Kingsley Clarke, SCF operations lead, said: “This high-value new framework will help our public sector clients unlock delivery of over £5 billion of public residential work.“Our emphasis is on delivering value across all public sector projects that are built under this framework, but we are keen to avoid a race to the bottom.“We want to work with developers and contractors that share our commitment to quality and collaboration, so that we can build a portfolio of innovative developments that showcase the southern regions.”“This new deal complements the current SCF Construct and SCF Consult frameworks which have delivered just under £7bn worth of combined construction schemes in the last 14 years since they were first established.“As a collaboratively managed framework, SCF brings the expertise of contractors and partners together to drive ongoing best value and high standards.Now open for tender, SCF isdeveloper and contractors to express their interest by midday on 2 July 2021.For more information on the new Residential Framework click here.To sign up go to the Devon Procurement portal.[/emaillocker]