Kraft Heinz announces £140m investment in the UK Posted on: June 8th, 2021 The firm has confirmed their intention to bring ketchup making back to the UK at their Wigan factory.The factory is already the largest food processing plant in Europe, with around 1.3bn cans of food being produced at the plant a year, but bringing ketchup back to the site could create 50 new jobs. The investment would also be used to fund updated manufacturing equipment and technology.[emaillocker id=”71749″] Luis Spinardi, Site Director at Kitt Green where the factory is situated, said: “This is a very exciting time for Kitt Green and I am proud that the potential for the site to grow and modernise is being recognised.“As a result of this proposed investment, we are now in the fortunate position where Kitt Green can become a much more modern facility and our teams will have the ability to adopt more contemporary ways of working whilst exemplifying the highest global standards for food manufacturing. Not only are we excited to be expanding our product mix by bringing sauces back to the UK but also look forward to a more efficient facility with a sustainable future.“Consumers remain at the centre of everything we do, and this was particularly evident during the pandemic; I would like to thank all our teams for their relentless dedication, commitment and resilience throughout the year helping to feed the nation. We are proud to continue our journey as a motivated team to reach our common goal of establishing Kitt Green as a world class manufacturer, delivering exceptional performance in everything we do.”Makerfield MP Yvonne Fovargue said: “This is fantastic news for staff at Kitt Green and will be a major boost for the local economy. “Heinz has provided a vote of confidence just as we emerge from the pandemic and its ongoing commitment to manufacturing for the UK market is recognised, appreciated and long may it continue.”[/emaillocker]