Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 18 Sep 2023 The Future of the Oxford to Cambridge Region Conference; In partnership with Bidwells Monday, 18th September 2023 0800hrs – 1630hrs DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Milton Keynes, Stadium Way W, Bletchley, MK1 1ST Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgrammeSpeakersExhibitorsBecome a PartnerConference DinnerThere’s more than £5bn of capital development projects in the pipeline in the Oxford to Cambridge Region…with the potential to add £200bn annually to the UK economy by 2050. Get exclusive inside knowledge and meet the people driving it forward. A group of leaders from local government, Local Enterprise Partnerships, the Arc Universities Group and England’s Economic Heartland are forming a new partnership for the Oxford to Cambridge area. This Partnership will champion the Oxford to Cambridge region as a world leader of innovation and business, acting to achieve environmentally sustainable and inclusive growth that brings benefits to communities now and in the future. The region already accounts for 7% of England’s economic output and this could grow to £235bn by 2030 with the right support. It is home to the UK’s greatest concentration of Life Sciences and Technology businesses, as well as growing industrial property and renewable energy sectors. There is a huge need for high quality and affordable housing, continued strengthening of transport infrastructure and major investment development to provide space for its many world class businesses, universities and enterprises to grow. This annual event brings together brings together key stakeholders including members of the new Oxford to Cambridge Partnership Board as well as universities, local authorities, investors, developers, science & technology powerhouses and major employers to present details of upcoming projects and discus how the wider built environment can support. Topics to be discussed: Socius/Railpen’s £500m Botanic Place project Intel for 3 Milton Keynes masterplans Regeneration of Bletchley town centre Update on the £700m Oxford North project Advanced Oxford’s push for knowledge-intensive industry L&G’s £500m BtR drive Countryside’s 885 Homes at Barton Park Update on EW Rail’s proposed route 1,500 home Campbell Park Northwide Missions Street’s £100m project Plan to create a world leading Supercluster An update on OUD’s £4bn investment Packaged Living’s second MK project Harwell Campus’s £300m Masterplan The new Oxford-Cambridge Partnership LandsecU+I’s 47 hectare Hartree project Speakers include: Beth West,Chief Executive Dr Richard Hutchins,Managing Director Anna Strongman,Chief Executive Steve Eccles,Director Victoria Collett,Development Director Adam Burney,Head of BtR Annuity Cllr Bridget Smith,Leader Colin Brown,Development Director Sarah Haywood,Managing Director Daniel Johns,Managing Director Adam Sciberras,Special Projects Director Zoe Metcalfe,Director, Connected Thriving Places John Cornell,Natural Environment Leader Emily Slupek,Partner Dr Andy Williams,Chair Jenny Gardner,Development & Construction Director Ed Ellerington,Founder & Chief Executive Officer Neil Farnsworth,Head of Planning Verity MacMahon,Managing Director, Northern Home Counties Jason Longhurst,UK Head of Sustainable Investment and Partnerships Sarah Chitty,Senior Development Manager 08:00-09:00 Breakfast & Networking 09:00-09:15 Conference WelcomeBidwells; Mike Derbyshire, Head of Planning 09:15-09:30 Keynote SpeakerHomes England; Peter Freeman, Chair 09:30-10:30 Session 1: Maintaining Momentum – How Can We Make the Ox Cam Pan Regional Partnership Work For All?With the launching of the new Pan-Regional Partnership it is an exciting time for the region, where public/private collaboration is more important than ever. Our panel of industry and regional leaders will give an update on this collaboration and how the new partnership can capitalise on their momentum. The session will start with a 15 minute update from Dr Richard Hutchins, Managing Director of the Oxford to Cambridge Partnership. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Oxford to Cambridge Partnership; Dr Richard Hutchins, Managing Director East West Rail; Beth West, Chief Executive South Cambridgeshire District Council; Cllr Bridget Smith, Leader Oxford-Cambridge Supercluster Board; Dr Andy Williams, Chair LandsecU+I; Sarah Chitty, Senior Development Manager 10:30-11:00 Break & NetworkingBuild commercially rewarding connections during the break – with refreshments included. 11:00-12:00 Session 2: Driving UK's Science Superpower – Unlocking the Potential of the Ox-Cam Region; Sponsored by Kohn Pedersen Fox AssociatesLife Sciences has been at the heart of a science and technology boom across the Oxford-Cambridge ecosystem. Yet, how do we fully capitalise on the region’s capability to drive the UK’s Science Superpower ambition? And how can we harness the potential of the wider Oxford-Cambridge supercluster? Our panel of sector leaders will outline upcoming investment and development plans to unlock the full potential of the region. Chair: Bidwells; Emily Slupek, Partner Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates; Elie Gamburg, Principal Thomas White Oxford; Victoria Collett, Development Director Mission Street; Colin Brown, Development Director Advanced Oxford; Sarah Haywood, Managing Director 12:00-12:45 Lunch & NetworkingBuild commercially rewarding connections during the lunch break – with refreshments and food provided. 12:45-13:45 Session 3: Sustainable & Nature Positive Development; Sponsored by AtkinsAs the UK accelerates towards its sustainability goals infrastructure experts and other regeneration stakeholders discuss their plans to support biodiversity, clean growth to deliver thriving places for people and nature. Chair: Atkins; Zoe Metcalfe, Director, Connected Thriving Places Greater Cambridge Shared Planning; John Cornell, Natural Environment Leader Water Resources East; Daniel Johns, Managing Director Prologis; Jason Longhurst, UK Head of Sustainable Investment and Partnerships 13:45-14:15 Break & Networking Build commercially rewarding connections during the break – with refreshments included. 14:15-15:15 Session 4: Major Resi and BtR Projects to Deliver Housing for TalentRegardless of national or local housing targets, a pressing need for high quality and affordable housing remains. Our panel of developers, house builders and local authority leadership present details of major projects which aim to address this need. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Legal & General; Adam Burney, Head of BtR Annuity OX Place; Helen Horne, Managing Director Packaged Living; Ed Ellerington, Founder & Chief Executive Officer Countryside Partnerships; Verity MacMahon, Managing Director, Northern Home Counties CALA Homes; Neil Farnsworth, Head of Planning 15:15-15:30 Break & NetworkingBuild commercially rewarding connections during the break. 15:30-16:30 Session 5: Delivering Economic Growth through Major Development and Investment PrioritiesWith thousands of new jobs forecast for the next few years the Arc needs a place for business. We will explore mixed use and industrial focused developments and how they will support the region’s economy. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Socius; Steve Eccles, Director Oxford University Development; Anna Strongman, Chief Executive Milton Keynes Development Partnership; Adam Sciberras, Special Projects Director ARC; Jenny Gardner, Development and Construction Director 16:30 Conference Summary & Close This is the only conference that brings together the biggest names in the OxCam built environment industries – the people driving economic growth through development and regeneration across the area. There will be plenty of exhibitors showcasing their brand and best practice in the industry, putting themselves on display in a lucrative shop window that’s browsed by the most influential business leaders. Meet them and tell them why your company should be in their business plan. Exhibiting will allow you to: Meet 250+ delegates face to face Be part of the OxCam Arc Economic Growth and Development Conference. Be seen as a leading firm in the industry’s bid to drive sustainable growth in the regions Network with hundreds of your business clients and peers Showcase your work to regional authorities, government officials, leading private sector firms, blue-chip companies, investors and more Confirmed Exhibitors: If you’re interested in exhibiting at the conference then get in touch with our team – with space available for standard exhibition stalls or larger spaces to showcase more of your brand and create an eye-catching area contact: Email: Associate your brand with the The Future of the Oxford to Cambridge Region Conference and position yourself at the forefront of one of the UK’s biggest discussions and debates about economic growth, development and regeneration within the area. Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Corporate Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £8,250 Sold Out Session One Partner: Maintaining Momentum – How Can We Make the Ox Cam Pan Regional Partnership Work For All? Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 View Details Session Two Partner: Driving UK's Science Superpower – Unlocking the Potential of the Ox-Cam Region Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 Sold Out Session Three Partner: Sustainable & Nature Positive Development Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 Sold Out Session Four Partner: Major Resi and BtR Projects to Deliver Housing for Talent Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 View Details Session Five Partner: Delivering Economic Growth through Major Development and Investment Priorities Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 View Details Best Practice Presentation Partner Yes Yes 7 Yes £3,250 View Details Pre Conference Dinner – – 2 Yes £2,750 Sold Out Programme Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 Sold Out Breakfast Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Lunch Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Email Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Registration Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Exhibitor Packages Yes – 4 – £1,750 View Details We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities and huge exhibition space large enough to promote your business, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the construction and property sector, and play a part in the future of OxCam’s built environment industry. Corporate Partner Become a partner > Session Partner £5,500+VAT The role of the session partner provides an opportunity for you to chair or participate in one of the sessions to build brand awareness, loyalty and trust amongst hundreds of civic and business leaders from across the industry. You’ll be seen to be a thought leader within your area of expertise and showcase your company in front of key decision-makers from across the industry. Benefits include: Involvement with an exceptional panel session with the option to chair or be involved in the debate, discussions and presentations Option to do a five minute introduction to the panel OR thought leaders presentation Position yourself alongside us to shape the session agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the conference, with the option to recommend speakers Inclusion within pre-conference communications including speaker briefings Direct access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationships Positioned as as ‘Conference Session Partner’ in all branding Additional pull-up stand on stage during your conference session 3x1m² exhibition space Ten delegate passes for the conference 50% off tickets to the VIP Speakers’ dinner which takes place the day before or the day of the event – allowing you to meet speakers in a relaxed environment Access to the Speakers’ Green Room Your logo will be displayed on the conference page of the website Your logo will be on supporting marketing activity – ie. marketing emails, powerpoint presentation etc One full page digital advert in the conference programme The event host will name you on-stage as one of our event partners Social media – pre, during & post-conference activity Inclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry press Access to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Session Two Partner: Driving UK’s Science Superpower – Unlocking the Potential of the Ox-Cam Region Become a partner > Session Three Partner: Sustainable & Nature Positive Development Become a partner > Best Practice Presentation Partner £3,250+VAT This package enables you to speak at the conference – providing you with an opportunity to deliver a thought leadership presentations and/or on-stage Q&A utilising our expert Chair. You’ll be able to position yourself as a though-leader and go-to-business in your sector in front of sector/regional stakeholders and influencers. Benefits include: 15-minute timeslot before one of the main sessions to deliver a thought leadership presentation and/or Q&A session Direct access before and after every session to the VIP speaker room, an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationships Prime branding at the conference 3x1m² exhibition space Additional pull-up stand on stage during your Best Practice session Seven delegate passes for the conference Your logo will be displayed on the conference page of the website Your logo will be on supporting marketing activity – ie. marketing emails, powerpoint presentation etc One full page digital advert in the conference programme The event host will name you on-stage as one of our event partners Social media – pre, during & post-conference activity Inclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry press Access to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Conference Dinner Partner Become a partner > Programme Partner Become a partner > Breakfast Partner £2,250+VAT A package to enable mass brand awareness and visibility during the busiest periods of the day. Becoming a partner would ensure branding is at the forefront of the breakfast period area along with additional marketing benefits including an exhibition stand and inclusion within all marketing material. Benefits include: Prime branding in the physical breakfast area space for the duration of breakfast with three pull-up stands Positioned as ‘Conference Breakfast Partner’ in all branding 3x1m² exhibition space Five delegate passes for the conference Your logo will be displayed on the conference page of the website Your logo will be on supporting marketing activity – ie. marketing emails, powerpoint presentation etc One half page digital advert in the conference programme The event host will name you on-stage as one of our event partners Social media – pre, during & post-conference activity Inclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry press Access to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Lunch Partner £2,250+VAT A package to enable mass brand awareness and visibility during the busiest periods of the day. Becoming a partner would ensure branding is at the forefront of the lunch period area along with additional marketing benefits including an exhibition stand and inclusion within all marketing material. Benefits include: Prime branding in the physical lunch area space for the duration of lunch with three pull-up stands Positioned as ‘Conference Lunch Partner’ in all branding 3x1m² exhibition space Five delegate passes for the conference Your logo will be displayed on the conference page of the website Your logo will be on supporting marketing activity – ie. marketing emails, powerpoint presentation etc One half page digital advert in the conference programme The event host will name you on-stage as one of our event partners Social media – pre, during & post-conference activity Inclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry press Access to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Email Partner £2,250+VAT Prime branding on all emails used to promote the conference with delegates before, during and after the conference. Benefits include: Prime Branding on the emails sent to promote the conference sent to circa 80,000 contacts Positioned as ‘Conference Email Partner’ in all branding 3x1m² exhibition space Five delegate passes for the conference Your logo will be displayed on the conference page of the website Your logo will be on supporting marketing activity – ie. marketing emails, powerpoint presentation etc One half page digital advert in the conference programme The event host will name you on-stage as one of our event partners Social media – pre, during & post-conference activity Inclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry press Access to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Registration Partner £2,250+VAT Sponsorship of the registration area – the delegate entry point to the conference. Benefits include: Branding on the sign-in iPads at check-out where all delegates sign-in with a table cloth and two pull up stands (provided by you) Positioned as ‘Conference Registration Partner’ in all branding 3x1m² exhibition space Five delegate passes for the event Your logo will be displayed on the conference page of the website Your logo will be on supporting marketing activity – ie. marketing emails, powerpoint presentation etc One half page digital advert in the conference programme The event host will name you on-stage as one of our event partners Social media – pre, during & post-conference activity Inclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry press Access to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Exhibitor Package £1,750+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to hold meetings and showcase your services, our Exhibitor Partner package is perfect. There is no limit to the exhibition space enabling you to simply drive brand awareness through a standard exhibition package or bring excitement to the room with the ability to take exhibition space to stand out from the crowd. Benefits include: 3x1m² exhibition space Four delegate passes for the event Your logo will be displayed on the conference page of the website Your logo will be on supporting marketing activity – ie. marketing emails, powerpoint presentation etc The event host will name you on-stage as one of our event partners Social media – pre, during & post-conference activity Inclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry press Access to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Exhibitor Partners Become a partner > Become a Partner If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 East West Rail – Beth West, Chief Executive East West Rail is a proposed new rail link between Oxford, Milton Keynes, Cambridge and potentially beyond. The new railway will improve local connectivity and serve as a catalyst for economic development, including the creation of more high skilled jobs and new homes as well as reducing existing commuting and travel times. Phase 1 is well underway, with Phase 2 and Phase 3 projected to be completed by 2028. An updated route plan was recently released, which included a new station at Tempsford, which will connect with the East West Rail Line. Homes England – Peter Freeman, Chair Homes England Chair Peter Freeman has been appointed by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities to lead the Cambridge Delivery Group which will develop a strategy to create integrated neighbourhoods and healthy communities which will in turn allow growth in Cambridge’s science and innovation sectors. Peter joins us to deliver a keynote setting out the vision for the city and how it will progress in the coming years. Oxford University Development – Anna Strongman, Chief Executive Oxford University Development is a joint venture partnership bringing together the land, vision and opportunities of Oxford University with the investment and development management skills of Legal & General, who are investing £4bn. OUD has three consented projects worth £300m, including an expansion of Begbroke Science Park, new homes for graduate students and a new world class facility for life and mind sciences. There are a number of other projects in earlier stages including Begbroke Innovation District, which will deliver a range of research and development facilities, new homes and associated social and physical infrastructure, including schools, community centres, space for leisure and recreation, and excellent sustainable transport links to Oxford on a 190 acre site. Oxford to Cambridge Partnership – Dr Richard Hutchins, Managing Director A group of leaders from local government, Local Enterprise Partnerships, the Arc Universities Group and England’s Economic Heartland have formed a new partnership for the Oxford to Cambridge area. The Partnership’s role is champion the region as world leader in innovation and business, acting to achieve environmentally sustainable and inclusive growth. It will be a strong convening force, strengthening cross-boundary collaboration among its partners, to accelerate solutions to tackle the most pressing economic and environment challenges. Thomas White Oxford – Victoria Collett, Development Director Thomas White Oxford is the development company of St John’s College, Oxford and is responsible for delivering Oxford North, the £700m global innovation district. Oxford North will deliver one million sq ft of laboratory and workspace, 480 new homes, a hotel, nursery, cafes, bars, three public parks and infrastructure. Phase one of the project is underway, with Phase two due to commence at the end of 2023 for completion in 2025. Socius – Steve Eccles, Director Socius have partnered with Railpen, the £35bn railways pension scheme IM to deliver Botanic Place, a major office development in Cambridge city centre. The project, worth £500m will see the development of 500,000 sq ft of office space and set a new benchmark for sustainability. It is the second collaboration between the two in the Arc, with the £160m Devonshire Gardens mixed use development set to begin later this year. Steve will discuss the exciting Botanic Place project as well as their future plans within the Arc. Mission Street – Colin Brown, Development Director Mission Street are a specialist investor, operator and developer focused on the delivery of creative solutions for the evolving Science and Innovation sector and have a rapidly growing development portfolio, with in excess of 1,000,000 sq ft of committed projects in strategic locations within Oxford, Cambridge and Bristol. They are bringing forward proposals to redevelop an underused site close to Oxford city centre and deliver 182,000 sq ft of R&D workspace. The £100m scheme will help meet the need for science and tech workspace in the city and being integrated into the wider city centre will put ‘science on show’. South Cambridgeshire District Council – Cllr Bridget Smith, Leader Cllr Smith is a key leader in the Oxford to Cambridge Region and is a strong backer of regional collaboration. She is a key voice behind the need to balance environmental and sustainability priorities with the need to solve the regional housing crisis and enable responsible development which will drive economic growth and job creation. CALA Homes – Neil Farnsworth, Head of Planning Cala Group is a major UK home builder focused on building well-designed, high-quality homes in prime locations throughout the South of England, the Cotswolds and Scotland. The Cala Group is a subsidiary of Legal & General, and employs over 1,300 people across 10 offices, with 75 live developments at any time ongoing. Cala has significant planning and development expertise, including brownfield and greenfield sites, mixed-use schemes, and larger strategic sites that may require more complex planning. Neil Farnsworth was appointed Head of Planning for Cala Homes’ North Home Counties business in January 2023, having been with the business since 2017. Cala’s North Home Counties team has extensive local knowledge throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, West and South Suffolk, and East London Boroughs, where they have a strong track record for delivering exceptionally designed, high-quality and sustainable new communities. Water Resources East – Daniel Johns, Managing Director Water Resources East is working in partnership to safeguard a sustainable supply of water for Eastern England, resilient to future challenges, to enable the area’s communities, environment, and economy to reach their full potential. They specialise in working with water users to plan and implement water resource management plans; inform government policy; research emerging approaches; and act as a forum to bring together all water users through discussion and debate. Advanced Oxford – Sarah Haywood, Managing Director Advanced Oxford represents major knowledge-intensive businesses and organisations in the Oxford region. They are research-led, providing insight, analysis and a united voice on the key issues affecting the development of the innovation ecosystem in the Oxford region. The organisation works to support the long-term development of the Oxford region as a dynamic and prosperous place to work and live, using knowledge-intensive industries as a catalyst for long term and sustainable economic growth. Legal & General – Adam Burney, Head of BtR Annuity Legal & General’s retirement institutional business is looking to deploy £500m into BtR projects across the UK this year after a pause in investment into the sector. They are actively looking at investing in new cities, including Oxford and Cambridge and will share details of their aims and requirements as they continue to expand their reach. OX Place – Helen Horne, Managing Director OxPlace is Oxford City Council’s housing company, established in 2016 to create high-quality, genuinely affordable homes in the City. They build homes for sale, shared ownership and council rent and are building over 2,000 new homes in and around Oxford over the coming decade, with a strong commitment to building net-zero homes. Milton Keynes Development Partnership – Adam Sciberras, Special Projects Director Having joined the Milton Keynes Development Partnership (MKDP) in 2022 Adam is focused on delivering a number of strategically important sites across the city – including the Station Square and Open Market schemes in the city centre and the regeneration of Bletchley. The MKDP is a council owned development partnership looking to develop its portfolio of land assets to advance the city’s objectives to regeneration and develop to create an even better place to live, social, work and do business. They’re currently seeking a development partner to bring forward the Open Market scheme, whilst a 7.3-acre site at Shenley Wood is also being brought forward. Other projects include the transformation of Bletchley and the 1,500 home Campbell Park Northwide project with Urban Splash. Oxford-Cambridge Supercluster Board – Dr Andy Williams, Chair The Oxford-Cambridge Supercluster Board is an industry led partnership working with government to create the UK’s first science and innovation supercluster. The Supercluster Board comprises globally recognised scientific enterprises, investors and world-leading universities alongside the local enterprise partnerships, all of whom have a vested interest in the region and are fully aligned with Government’s ambition for the Oxford-Cambridge Supercluster. Andy will discuss how connecting world leading clusters in Oxford and Cambridge will lead to further opportunities and a higher potential for the attraction of R&D funding. Atkins, member of the SNC-Lavalin Group – Zoe Metcalfe, Director, Connected Thriving Places With over 20 years’ experience of working with clients to help unlock urban challenges that deliver transformational development projects. Zoe is one of the driving forces behind ‘Creating thriving places for nature and people’ which is a place-based regenerative methodology to deliver better quality of life outcomes for all, alongside net zero pathways, climate resilience and nature positive solutions. Through this approach Zoe has been working closely with Local and Combined Authorities to support the identification and delivery of major infrastructure, built environment and nature-based programmes. Underpinned by credible data and digitally enabled, aligned to investment priorities, deliver value and credible outcomes that build a better future for people and nature. Greater Cambridge Shared Planning – John Cornell, Natural Environment Leader The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service is a strategic partnership between Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils to ensure that development leaves Greater Cambridge better than before, for future generations. It is one of the busiest planning teams in the country, processing over 6,000 applications every year, across a huge range of different sites and projects. John will talk about the work that is underway in Greater Cambridge as they seek to balance development and nature as it relates to the theme of supporting biodiversity and clean growth to deliver thriving places for people and nature. Bidwells – Emily Slupek, Partner Emily Slupek is a Partner at Bidwells, working in the Building Consultancy team, with a focus on the science and tech research sector. Currently, she is working with Harwell Campus to deliver their first life sciences building at its Innovation Quarter. Prior to joining Bidwells, Emily spearheaded Buro Four’s Science & Technology division, helping clients to deliver complex projects. Emily was project lead on two schemes at Cambridge BioMedical Campus, as well as project director for the construction of two new laboratory buildings at Begbroke Science Park in Oxford. She also has experience in leading repurposing projects, as well as working with developers and funders to deliver large commercial offices and mixed-use developments. With significant experience across science and tech development, Emily is a recognised figure within the innovation sector, regularly moderating panels and chairing round table discussions to explore future trends within the sector. ARC – Jenny Gardner, Development & Construction Director Harwell Science and Innovation Campus has secured £300m of financing to help it expand and build out new laboratory, advanced manufacturing, and office space. Over the next two years Harwell will use the additional funding secured to build 440,000 sq. ft of new Laboratory and R&D buildings across the campus. This will include Tech Foundry, 220,000 sq. ft of Advanced Manufacturing space, and the Linear Accelerator Building, L^B, a landmark laboratory building for starting and scaling science organisations, alongside a number of further developments across the campus. The investment and development facility has been provided by a consortium comprising Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas and AXA. Packaged Living – Ed Ellerington, Founder & Chief Executive Officer Packaged Living is a bespoke Build to Rent developer and operator which works across the residential property lifecycle: acquiring land, gaining planning, building out and ultimately managing homes within the Private Rented Sector. They have a major presence in Milton Keynes with their JV partner, Affinius Capital and recently purchased a former multi-storey car park site in central MK where they are planning to deliver 250 BtR homes. Countryside Partnerships – Verity MacMahon, Managing Director, Northern Home Counties Countryside Partnership are the leading regeneration specialist within the UK- specialising in delivering homes and community regeneration. With recent plans to develop Barton Park in Oxford City, consisting of 885 homes, a community hub, additional facilities, a primary school and retail space which is due for completion in 2027. Verity – Managing director will be joining the session to discuss upcoming development plans, the challenges of accelerating the housing stock and developing inclusive communities. Prologis – Jason Longhurst, UK Head of Sustainable Investment and Partnerships In his dual role of UK investment lead for Prologis and Chair of the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development, Jason is actively working across the region to deliver sustainable solutions to regeneration having being part of the initial team that conceptualised the OxCam Corridor nearly 10 years ago. He joins the event to discuss how organisations like Prologis can help deliver on public sector priorities. LandsecU+I – Sarah Chitty, Senior Development Manager LandsecU+I are behind the 47 hectare Hartree project, which will transform a former water recycling centre into a new quarter in Cambridge’s northern fringe. The site will be redeveloped into 5,000 homes and 500,000 sq. ft. of office/ lab and employment space. A new district centre will include a mix of retail, hotel, community and leisure, education and public space. Bidwells – Mike Derbyshire, Head of Planning Mike leads Bidwells’ planning practice, and advocates for thoughtful, well-designed development across the Oxford-Cambridge Arc. He is actively advising on plans for 7 million sq. ft of R&D / Life Science space across the Cambridge region, approaching challenges with a blend of strategic and political instinct and forensic knowledge of planning. Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) – Elie Gamburg, Director KPF is an international architecture practice with expertise across multiple typologies including innovation districts, labs and academic buildings. They bring global experience and best practice in architecture and urbanism to their work, which focusses on the potential for architecture to improve the wider city and create opportunities to foster cross-discipline collaboration and innovation. KPF has particular expertise in vertically-oriented laboratories, such as One North Quay in Canary Wharf. The 23-storey building, which was granted planning approval in July 2023, is set to become Europe’s largest and most technologically advanced commercial health and life sciences building. The vertical campus supports cross-discipline collaboration, sets ambitious sustainability targets and will become an iconic presence at the heart of North Quay. Also in London, KPF are the architects for Vinegar Yard, a life-sciences led, mixed-use development that will lead the new SC1 Life Science and Innovation District at London Bridge, deliver significant public realm improvements, and meet ambitious full lifecycle carbon targets. We will be hosting an experience like no other, bringing together the event speakers, selected guests and the exclusive dinner sponsor. The dinner will take place in a private dining setting at MK Dons Stadium (Doubletree Hilton), Stadium Way, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK1 1ST between 16:30-19:30 the night of the conference (Monday, 18th September). The evening includes a three-course meal and drinks with an inclusive menu to suit all, in addition to hours of excellent networking opportunities alongside key influencers and leaders in the sector. Benefits of attending the dinner in addition to the conference include: Targeted networking – the attendees will primarily be our event speakers, ensuring quality networking with the key decision makers Quality networking – ensure you’re not rushed when speaking to potential clients, this event gives you hours of time in a relaxed environment where a true relationship can be built Be ahead of your competitors – they will be at the conference the next day, so guarantee you’re ahead of the competition by forming relationships with key clients the night before the event, you’ll be on first name terms the following day Share knowledge and thought leadership – stand out from the crowd by adding your voice to the table discussion as we ask several key questions on how the sector can overcome challenges and grasp opportunities Those attending the dinner must also be attending the conference, – you can register below or contact for more information. Sponsorship opportunities are also available on the ‘Become a Partner’ tab above. Sponsored by: Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Monday, 18th September 2023Time:0800hrs – 1630hrs Venue DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Milton KeynesStadium Way West, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK1 1ST, UK+ Google Map View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW Sponsors Corporate Partner Conference Session Partner Conference Session Partner Conference Dinner Partner Programme Partner National Partner National Framework Partner National Badge Partner Core Partner Core Partner Diversity Partner Core Partner Core Partner Speakers Exhibitors