Service complex on edge of Teesworks site unveiled Posted on: January 11th, 2023 A 160-bed hotel, two parades of shops and a petrol station will all be part of a new services zone near the Trunk Road, at Lackenby.It will also feature a convenience store of around 4,500sq ft, a family pub/eatery, and two other freestanding restaurant units.Outline plans will be submitted to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council in the coming weeks. The scheme will provide shops, services and attractions for visitors and for nearby Grangetown, Teesville, and South Bank. It will also serve thousands of construction workers due to come to Teesworks as work gathers pace on major projects in the coming years.A CGI flythrough from architects at Corstorphine & Wright shows how the impressive complex is set to look. Access to the park is due to come via the Trunk Road and from the A1053 – with the complex set to include two drive-thru facilities.Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen said: “Teesworks is the single biggest development in the UK. Jobs are being created here and now on vast projects like SeAH Wind’s offshore wind monopile facility, with thousands more to come through Net Zero Teesside and other exciting green energy projects.“We’re already putting in roads and vital infrastructure to meet the demand of all the work we’ve got going on – and Teesworks Service Complex is yet another step on this path. This will serve thousands of workers coming to Teesworks, while also offering a welcome boost for nearby Grangetown and Teesville through stores and restaurants.“More Teessiders in good well-paid jobs means better livelihoods, more disposable income, and more opportunities for local people.“Teesworks is attracting big names with game-changing projects – and this service complex is an example of the wider long-lasting impact we want it to have in Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool.” Teesworks Development Director Matt Johnson added: “This complex is a key part of the wider masterplan and will offer vital facilities for an array of tenants we’ve got on sit