Carter Jonas appointed to advise the Defence Infrastructure Organisation at Catterick Garrison Posted on: June 20th, 2023 National property consultancy Carter Jonas has been instructed by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) to advise on the delivery of the regeneration of Catterick Garrison town centre.Catterick Garrison has grown to be the largest Army base in the UK and requires an area for people to gather and spend their leisure time. The need for a good quality town centre, alongside increased employment and training opportunities, has highlighted the importance of transforming the area around Shute Road to provide improved public realm and essential services to increase footfall and dwell time, and encourage greater social cohesion.The project has been awarded £19m of Levelling Up funding to create an attractive, vibrant and inclusive town centre, which will comprise a new town square with a Community and Enterprise facility, significant landscaping improvements both in the town centre and in the adjacent Coronation Park, and enhanced pedestrian and cycle links.The project is set to be the first phase in the regeneration of the wider area and will be delivered in accordance with the emerging Catterick Masterplan Vision Document. The DIO is working in partnership with North Yorkshire Council to deliver the project.Caroline Searle, Partner in Carter Jonas’ Regeneration team commented, “We are delighted to be appointed to advise the DIO on the delivery of this important project and the wider regeneration of Catterick Garrison. The successful Levelling Up Fund bid has unlocked a project that will transform the town centre, increasing economic activity, providing new opportunities for social interaction and driving investment in the area.”James Roy, Principal Manager (Acquisition & Disposals) at the Ministry of Defence commented, “The LUF project is a catalyst to improvements to the off-duty retail and leisure experience for military personnel, their families and wider community who live, work and train in this major garrison. DIO on behalf of the Ministry of Defence is collaborating from a strategic point of view with the Local Authority by transferring land to facilitate LUF and also enable other real estate improvements to Catterick Garrison town centre as part of a wider masterplan.”