Additional details have been revealed for the ambitious transport scheme which would see a new metro system developed within Cambridgeshire. The scheme would help connect villages and towns from across the region, linking areas such as Haverhill, Huntingdon and Mildenhall with the city of Cambridge.
Mayor James Palmer, who’ll be speaking at the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Economic Growth Conference, is now looking to deliver the metro through a Mayoral Development Corporation, which would enable the body to consolidate planning powers from the region into one – helping bring forward the high-speed metro system more quickly.
Mayor James Palmer said: ”Doing things in a different way is a key. Development corporations are about sharing the opportunities. It’s not about the mayor coming in and taking power. It is a collaborative agreement. I can’t deliver without the local planning authority.”
He stressed the need for collaborative working across the region – which the MDC would enable – which would allow them to work together to deliver this unique and ambitious scheme which could see a major positive impact on the regional economy.
The new plans reveal a much wider ambition than previously announced – which saw the metro connecting areas such as Waterbeach and Cambourne.
Antoinette Jackson, Chief Executive of Cambridge City Council, has confirmed she’d be ‘happy’ to have a conversation with Mayor James Palmer over the potential creation of an MDC – with the authority currently being the main planning authority for the City.
Mayor James Palmer will be joining us for the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Economic Growth Conference on the 5th December.
You can register for tickets to the event here.