USE DISCOUNT CODE ONLINE5 FOR 20% OFF WHEN BUYING 5 OR MORE ONLINE EVENT TICKETS Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 11 May 2021 Further Education Colleges Property Development Conference Tuesday, 11th May 2021 0930hrs – 1430hrs Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgramme SpeakersBecome a PartnerWhat to Expect UK Government has pledged the further education sector £2bn in funding to overhaul their estate and make it fit for teaching subjects of importance to economic growth and prosperity in Britain. As part of this high level virtual event, delegates will hear from estates and property professionals from the college sector who will talk candidly about sector expansion plans, their challenges and how fellow built environment professionals can assist in delivering their projects. Topics for this event include: Numerous new college developments£27m Barnfield Campus redevelopmentNCG’s 100 delivery locationsBradford College’s campus projects and plans Procurement in education estates/fmHull College Group’s 30,000 pupil estateThe expansion of England’s highest achieving collegeLuminate Education Group’s campus development Speakers for this event include: David Hughes,Chief Executive Liz Bromley,Chief Executive Officer Colin Booth,Chief Executive Susan Gott,Head of Facilities Management John Billington,Director of Facilities & Technical Services Lisa Clark,Director of Corporate Services Bill Barton,Director Karen Buchanan,Principal Guy Wheeler,Senior Development Manager Gill Worgan,Principal and Chief Executive Rav Cheema,Senior Associate Stuart Arnfield,Director of Finance and Resources Agenda and Programme: 09:30-09:45 Doors Open & NetworkingEnjoy some networking time with those also attending the conference and visit the exhibitors – with the ability to video chat with attendees, enter the speed networking area or visit the booths of our sponsors. 09:45-11:00 Session One: Developing Colleges – How Can Further Education Estate Plans Contribute to the Levelling Up Agenda?; Sponsored by Barton LegalOur audience will hear from a mixture of policy influencers and senior sector property professionals who will outline the size of the task facing the further education sector when modernising their estate and delivering state of the art developments Chair: Barton Legal; Bill Barton, Director LocatED; Guy Wheeler, Senior Development Manager LocatED; Ravinder Cheema, Associate Glasgow Kelvin College; Lisa Clark, Director of Corporate Services 11:00-11:30 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 11:30-12:30 Session Two: Delivering The Campuses of the Future: Creating Estate to Adapt to Ever Changing Needs of Industry and Higher EducationThis high level session brings together innovative estates professionals who are pioneering new styles of estates developments in a further education setting who will share their plans via a series of presentations and interactive Q&A Session Sponsor: (Available – click for details) Association of Colleges; David Hughes, Chief Executive Newcastle College Group; Liz Bromley, Chief Executive Bradford College; Susan Gott, Head of Facilities Management Luminate Education Group; Colin Booth, Chief Executive 12:30-13:00 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 13:00-14:00 Session Three: Further Education Colleges Major Estates PlansDelegates will hear from a number of FE College leadership about their forthcoming property development plans, how these plans will enhance the education they are able to deliver and how they will enhance the communities in which they are located via a series of high level presentations and interactive Q&A. Session Sponsor: (Available – click for details) Burnley College; Karen Buchanan, Principal Burnley College; Stuart Arnfield, Director of Finance and Resources West Herts College; Gill Worgan, Principal and Chief Executive Hugh Baird College; John Billington, Director of Facilities & Technical Services 14:00-14:30 Networking, Exhibition & Close We’re set to have an exceptional line-up of speakers who’ll be sharing intel into their future development projects, plans and vision for across the education estates sector. Here’s an overview of the confirmed speakers: Association of Colleges – David Hughes, Chief Executive David is the Association of College’s direct liaison with government and works tirelessly to represent the challenges and needs of the sector to politicians and other stakeholder groups. He joins the event to outline how the past 12 months have altered student and staff perception as to what makes a good teaching environment, to talk about the changing requirements of college estates and to speak about how the sector is addressing the green agenda and technological advancements. Newcastle College Group – Liz Bromley, Chief Executive Officer Newcastle College Group is one of the UK’s largest college and training groups, and the first FE institution to be awarded Taught Degree Awarding Powers. With two campuses in the region they support 17,500 students in the North East and contribute to the region’s economy through the creation of jobs and skills. Liz will bring an education perspective to the conversation around potential devolution as well as discussing the contribution the sector can make to future inclusive growth and development. Luminate Education Group – Colin Booth, Chief Executive Luminate Education Group comprises Leeds City College, Keighley College, Harrogate College, Leeds College of Music and the White Rose Academies Trust, with a total of 30,000 students and over 3,000 staff. With an Ofsted grade of ‘good’ with ‘outstanding’ features, the group works closely with the Leeds Enterprise Partnership and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to provide learners with courses and apprenticeships to bridge the skills gap and meet regional market demand. The group recently revealed major plans for a new campus for Leeds City College which will include top quality sports, education and residential facilities. The plans include a new community space, in the form of a multi-use games area, and it’s hoped that this will act as a catalyst for investment in the local area. Bradford College – Susan Gott, Head of Facilities Management Bradford College is one of the largest Further Education colleges in the UK, with over 20,000 students and one of the largest providers of Higher Education (Degree) courses outside of the University sector. Sue will discuss the colleges work to update and develop its estate, as well as providing an insight into the process of securing government investment for campus development. Hugh Baird College – John Billington, Director of Facilities & Technical Services Serving more than 5,000 students over 300 course, Hugh Baird College is one of the largest and leading providers of education and training in Liverpool and Merseyside. The college continues to invest in its estates and features four separate campuses across the city. John will discuss the ongoing work to invest in and develop these campuses, including their plans for the future. Glasgow Kelvin College – Lisa Clark, Director of Corporate Services Glasgow Kelvin College is the newest of Glasgow’s three regional further education colleges. Formed by the merger of John Wheatley, North Glasgow and Stow colleges in November 2013, there are 4 main campuses and 40 affiliated learning centres located across the city. The college has recently developed an innovative learning centre taking ideas from colleges in Finland, and Lisa will share some thought leadership on this project and how their outside of the box thinking enhances the education they are able to provide. Barton Legal – Bill Barton, Director Bill has specialised in construction for over 30 years – recognised as a leading individual in construction law. He has substantial experience in conducting adjudications, mediations and arbitrations as well as litigation within the TCC, ICC and LCIA. Throughout his experience he has acted for main contractors, specialist sub-contractors, public sector organisations and developers providing advice on contracts, adjudication, arbitration and litigation. With experience is drafting amendments and negotiating a wide range of industry contracts including JCT, NEC IChemE and FIDIC Bill is perfectly placed to lead the discussion and conversation on our first panel. Burnley College – Karen Buchanan, Principal Burnley College is planning an extension to its £100 million campus to provide for the large increase in student number it has seen in recent years. The work will see the construction of a 27,000 sq ft teaching block as well as a 10,000 sq ft sports centre and will be funded by a £6m loan from Burnley Council. Karen will discuss the expansion and how it will allow the college to build on its position as England’s highest achieving college LocatED – Guy Wheeler, Senior Development Manager Guy is a chartered surveyor with over 12 years’ experience of acquisitions, asset management and regeneration. Guy has worked on a varied range of commercial, mixed-use and residential development schemes with a number of prominent public and private sector developers, agencies and landowners. West Herts College – Gill Worgan, Principal and Chief Executive With the Barnfield Campus redevelopment set to take shape over four stages in the next few years, Gill joins our event to talk about the changing face of college investment and design and how the further education sector can be proactive in changing it’s facilities to meet the growing needs of evolving student demographics. LocatED – Rav Cheema, Senior Associate Rav is a chartered surveyor with 5 years’ property experience, most recently with JLL. Rav has provided agency and development consultancy services to a range of public and private sector clients across the Midlands. Prior to that, Rav worked as a Quantity Surveyor for a Lincolnshire based main contractor. Burnley College – Stuart Arnfield, Director of Finance and Resources Burnley College are working on a major project to further develop its £100m Campus to ensure it continues to offer up-to-date facilities for the region’s learners. Under the expansion plan, the college are developing a four-storey building within the grounds of the Princess Way Campus that will provide 20 interactive classrooms and specialist facilities. In addition, the College’s sports and fitness centre is set to be expanded, as well as a proposed £12.5m, 20,450 sq ft industrial hub scheme and the delivery of three more educational buildings on six acres of former playing fields. Burnley Council have recently agreed planning permission for the expansion of the college site in January, estimated to create 150 new hobs and attract an extra 2,000 students. Associate your brand with the Further Education Colleges Property Development Conference Conference and position your brand at the forefront of one of the UK’s biggest discussions and debates around the education estates sector. Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Conference Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £2,500 View Details Session Partner Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 View Details Session One Partner: Developing Colleges – How Can Further Education Estate Plans Contribute to the Levelling Up Agenda? Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 Sold Out Best Practice Presentation Package Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,000 View Details Exhibitor Packages Yes – 5 Yes £500 View Details We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities, exhibition space and those that will drive brand awareness, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the construction and property sector and the whole built environment industry. Conference Partner £2,500+VAT Become the headline partner of this conference and get mass awareness and brand visibility. This package is the ultimate – with a prime location during the event, a speaking opportunity, logo positioning on the top of the logo and your name in the event title – “Further Education Colleges Property Development Conference; Sponsored by YOUR COMPANY NAME” The conference will be called the xxx Conference in association with your company nameAbility to help shape the conference agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the eventOption to recommend speakersInclusion with pre-conference speaker communicationsAccess to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding for the whole conferenceOption to do a keynote speechOne speaking position on one panel during the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature15 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventFree exhibition space at all future Built Environment Recruitment Fair’sBecome a partner > Session Partner £1,500+VAT The role of the session partner provides an opportunity for you to participate in one of the sessions to build brand awareness, loyalty and trust amongst hundreds of civic and business leaders from across the industry. You’ll be seen to be a thought leader within your area of expertise and showcase your company in front of key decision-makers from across the industry. Benefits include: Ability to help shape the session agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the eventOption to recommend speakers for the sessionInclusion with pre-conference speaker communicationsAccess to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsBranding for the whole conference and your sessionOne speaking position on your panelOption to do a five minute introduction to your panel or thought leaders presentationOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature10 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventFree exhibition space at all future Built Environment Recruitment Fair’sBecome a partner > Session One Partner: Developing Colleges – How Can Further Education Estate Plans Contribute to the Levelling Up Agenda? Become a partner > Best Practice Presentation Package £1,000+VAT During the breaks delegates are able to speed network and visit the exhibitors – but with this package you can also give them the option of coming to see your company deliver a 15-minute thought leadership presentation, enabling you to play a key role in the conference. Build brand awareness, loyalty, trust and new business leads amongst numerous civic and business leaders from across the industry. Benefits include: Ability to deliver a 15-minute presentation during one of the break periods Access to the VIP Room – a green room for speakers, VIP guests and sponsorsBranding across the rest of the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share content10 online delegate passes for your team and/or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media, etcMaster of Ceremonies ‘thank you’ in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion in any PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventFree exhibition space at all future Built Environment Recruitment Fair’sBecome a partner > Exhibitor Package £500+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to meet online delegates and chat with them – then our exhibitor package is perfect. Some people can be reluctant to approach exhibition stands – but online it’s different and you’ll be inundated with enquiries and questions about your brand. Benefits include: Online exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature5 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventFree exhibition space at all future Built Environment Recruitment Fair’sBecome a partner > If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 Our online conferences will merge our face-to-face conferences with a virtual platform – providing networking opportunities, exceptional panel discussions and debates, speaker presentations and an exhibition hall. Here’s a little video highlighting what to expect… And here’s a bit more information of key areas of our online events… You’ll receive unique log-in details to join our online event via computer or phone – and you’ll be greeted with an easy navigation tool. You’ll be able to navigate to: Main Stage Where our ‘Programme’ will take place with excellent speakers and content. You’ll be able to get involved, asking questions and taking part in live polls. Networking Area Just like a real conference you’ll be able to meet and connect with new people in our forum. You can directly request to chat with someone or you can enter our ‘speed networking’ area to meet numerous new people within the industry. Get your elevator pitch ready! Sponsor / Exhibitor Area Meet our partners and sponsors – view what they’re all about, video chat with them and download their literature and product information. Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Tuesday, 11th May 2021Time:0930hrs – 1430hrs Venue Online – Hopin View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW What to expect from our conferences: Sponsors Session Partner National Partner National Framework Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Diversity Partner Speakers Exhibitors