Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 11 Feb 2020 Building The UK’s Energy Future Conference Tuesday, 11th February 2020 0800hrs – 1545hrs Kensington Town Hall, London, Hornton Street, W8 7NX Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgrammeExhibitorsBecome a Partner The inaugural Building The UK’s Energy Future Conference will bring together hundreds of leaders from the property, development, infrastructure, construction and energy industries to maximise the phenomenal opportunities for economic growth currently engulfing the UK – and how a sustainable approach to development and regeneration is crucial to this. To deliver the UK’s energy future there needs to be major changes – and that brings around huge opportunities in the shape of building energy and research clusters, new energy plants, and new approaches and innovations which are needing to be incorporated into major developments. View agenda > We have an exceptional line-up of speakers who’ll discuss some incredible projects such as: 11 new energy plants by Peel – £1.5bn in projectsPlans for several new power stationsCrown Estate’s plans to upgrade their £20bn estateExpansion plans at Cheshire’s Energy HubNational Grid’s major infrastructure investment programme £4bn expansion of the North West clusterHyNet’s plans which will deliver £31bn GVAIntel into brand new off-shore opportunitiesBrockwell Energy’s £800m portfolio plansDetails on Sizewell C – new Nuclear powerplant And many more. Click here to view full agenda and programme > Event speakers include: Clara Semal,Head of Corporate Strategy Will Apps,Head of Marine Development Julia Pyke,Nuclear Development Director of Finance Kristina Arsenievich,Director, European Real Estate ESG Jane Gaston,Development Director Professor Joe Howe,Chair Dr Rebecca Heaton,Head of Climate Change Tim Foster,Head of Origination Chris Peters,Business Manager – Fusion Technology Business Unit Emma Degg,Chief Executive Mark Wilson,Chief Executive David Jones,Project Director Marija Simpraga,Infrastructure Strategist Ged Barlow,Chair David Parkin,Director Alex Lambie,Chief Executive Alexandra Malone,Head of Corporate Affairs Download Programme 08:00-09:00 Breakfast & Networking 09:00-09:15 Keynote SpeakerA top industry stakeholder will open the event with an inspirational keynote, setting the tone for the conversation to come. 09:15-10:15 Keeping The Lights On; Overview of Energy in the UK & Challenges AheadLeading voices from the energy sector give an insight into the current state of energy and renewables in the UK and explore the challenges to come with destructive climate change, with audience-led Q&A throughout Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Legal & General Investment Management; Marija Simpraga, Infrastructure Strategist Marine Energy Wales; David Jones, Project Director Cheshire Energy Hub & Energy Innovation District; Ged Barlow, Chair North West Hydrogen Alliance & Thornton Energy Institute; Joe Howe, Chair & Executive Director 10:15-10:45 Break & Networking 10:45-12:00 Renewable Energy – The Key to a Green FutureTop companies from the Wind, Solar, BioEnergy and Hydro sectors will give us an exclusive insight into their exciting and innovative new projects and developments as they develop major new sites to help the UK become more sustainable and carbon neutral. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) The Crown Estate; Will Apps, Head of Energy Development North West Business Leadership Team – North West Energy & Hydrogen Cluster; Emma Degg, Chief Executive Progressive Energy; David Parkin, Director SSE Renewables; Alexandra Malone, Head of Corporate Affairs 12:00-13:00 Lunch & Networking 13:00-14:00 Innovative Energy Sources‘Traditional’ methods of producing energy are not going to be enough to power our future. Innovative and sometimes controversial methods of creating energy may need to be considered, and in this session, we’ll hear from companies at the forefront of these developments as they outline their plans. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Drax; Dr Rebecca Heaton, Head of Climate Change SembCorp Energy UK; Tim Foster, Head of Origination UK Atomic Energy Authority; Chris Peters, Business Manager, Fusion Technology Business Unit Intelligent Land Investment Group; Mark Wilson, Chief Executive Sizewell C / EDF Energy; Julia Pyke FEI, Director of Financing SZC 14:00-15:00 New Developments & EnergyOne of the biggest challenges facing developers is how to sustainably power their projects; in this session we’ll hear from top developers explaining the challenges and opportunities this presents and what they need from the energy sector. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Canary Wharf Group; Paul Laidlaw, Head of Energy Services and Operations Peel Environmental; Jane Gaston, Development Director Brockwell Energy; Alex Lambie, Chief Executive National Grid; Clara Semal, Electricity Transmission Network Manager 15:00-15:15 Conference Summary & Conference Close Download Programme This unique conference will bring together the construction industry to discuss the ever changing landscape of the energy sector – revealing new developments and how energy shall be incorporated into future development. There will be plenty of exhibitors showcasing their brand and best practice in the industry, whilst helping them reap the rewards of being prominently displayed within the events exhibition area in front of some key and influential business leaders. Exhibiting will allow you to: Meet 250+ delegates face to faceBe part of the inaugural Building the UK’s Energy Future ConferenceBe seen as a leading firm in the the energy and construction industryNetwork with hundreds of your business clients and peersShowcase your work to regional authorities, government, leading private sector firms, investors and more Confirmed Exhibitors CLICK HERE FOR EXHIBITOR FLOORPLAN If you’re interested in exhibiting at the conference then get in touch with our team – with space available for standard exhibition stalls or larger spaces to showcase more of your brand and create an eye-catching area contact: Email: Associate your brand with the Building the UK’s Energy Future Conference and position your brand at the forefront of one of the UK’s biggest discussions and topics across the global. Become known as a leading figure in the sector… Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Conference Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £10,000 View Details Session Partner Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,000 View Details Output Report Partner Yes – 8 Yes £5,000 View Details Programme Partner Yes – 10 – £3,500 View Details Breakfast Partner Yes – – – £2,500 View Details Lunch Partner Yes – 5 – £2,500 Sold Out Email Partner Yes – 5 – £2,500 View Details Registration Partner Yes – 5 – £1,750 Sold Out Exhibitor Packages Yes – 4 – £1,500 View Details VIP Dinner Partner – – 2 Yes £3,500 Sold Out We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities and huge exhibition space large enough to promote your business, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the energy, construction and property sector, the future vision for energy and the whole built environment industry. Conference Partner £10,000+VAT Be at the forefront of the conference with onstage branding, a 15-minute keynote speech to kickstart the conference, access to the VIP Speakers’ Room and much more. This package will elevate your brand and drive awareness, loyalty and trust in front of industry leaders. This is the ultimate package if you’re looking to be seen as a leading figure within the energy industry with branding within the title of the event – ‘Building the UK’s Energy Future Conference in association with YOUR BRAND’. Benefits include: Position yourself alongside Built Environment Networking to shape the conference agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the conference, with the option to recommend speakersInclusion within pre-conference speaker communications including speaker briefing callsDirect access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding for the whole conferenceOne pull-up stand on stage for the entire conferenceOption to do a Keynote speech3x1m² exhibition spaceFifteen delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to fifteen people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomDigital Media Branding: your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsPrint Media Branding: One full (A5) page advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Session Partner £5,000+VAT The role of the session partner provides an opportunity for you to chair or participate in one of the sessions to build brand awareness, loyalty and trust amongst hundreds of civic and business leaders from across the industry. You’ll be seen to be a thought leader within your area of expertise and showcase your company in front of key decision-makers from across the industry. Benefits include: Involvement with an exceptional panel session with the option to chair or be involved in the debate, discussions and presentationsPosition yourself alongside us to shape the session agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the conference, with the option to recommend speakersInclusion within pre-conference communications including speaker briefing callsDirect access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding for the conference3x1m² exhibition spaceAdditional pull-up stand on stage during your conference sessionTen delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to ten people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomDigital Media Branding: your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsPrint Media Branding: One full (A5) page advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Output Report Partner £5,000+VAT Our Output Report Partner opportunity puts you on the front cover of our after event Output Report – highlighting the key discussions during the day and giving you input into the report with branding and editorial input throughout the whole report, helping us to shape the agenda and output: Prime Branding on the conference output reportSignificant input into the structure and content of the report3x1m² exhibition spaceEight delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to eight people per yearPost-Event Activation: Coverage on all after-event marketing activity regarding the output reportDigital Media Branding: your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsPrint Media Branding: One full (A5) page advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Programme Partner £3,500+VAT Prominent branding on the front of our conference programme handed out to all delegates on entry to the conference. A great way of driving brand awareness and visibility in front of your primary audience. Benefits include: Prime Branding on the cover of the conference programme3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearDigital media branding – your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsPrint media branding: A full-page advertisement in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Breakfast Partner £2,500+VAT A package to enable mass brand awareness and visibility during the busiest periods of the day. Becoming a partner would ensure branding is at the forefront of the breakfast period area along with additional marketing benefits including an exhibition stand and inclusion within all marketing material. Benefits include: Prime branding in the physical breakfast area space for the duration of breakfast3 x pull-up banners in the refreshments area3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearPrint media branding: A half-page advertisement in the conference programmeDigital media branding – your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Lunch Partner £2,500+VAT Become a partner > Email Partner £2,500+VAT Prime branding on all emails used to promote the conference with delegates before, during and after the conference. Benefits include: Prime Branding on the emails sent to promote the conference sent to circa 80,000 contacts3x1m² exhibition space5 x delegate passes for the eventPrint media branding: A half-page advertisement in the conference programmeDigital media branding – your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearChairman’s ‘thank you’ in closing speechInclusion within outreach and press releasePhoto & Video Library: access to professional photographs and video of the eventBecome a partner > Registration Partner £1,750+VAT Become a partner > Exhibitor Package £1,500+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to hold meetings and showcase your services, our Exhibitor Partner package is perfect. There is no limit to the exhibition space enabling you to simply drive brand awareness through a standard exhibition package or bring excitement to the room with the ability to take exhibition space to stand out from the crowd. Benefits include: 3x1m² exhibition space4 x delegate passesDigital media branding – your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to four people per yearChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechInclusion within outreach and press releasePhoto & Video Library: access to professional photographs and video of the event Confirmed Exhibitors: Become a partner > VIP Dinner Partner £3,500+VAT Become a partner > Become a Partner If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Tuesday, 11th February 2020Time:0800hrs – 1545hrs Venue Kensington Town HallHornton St, Kensington, London W8 7NX, UK+ Google Map View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW Building the UK's Energy Future Conference 2020 Sponsors Lunch Partner VIP Dinner Partner Registration Partner Advertising Partner National Partner National Core Partner National Framework Partner National Badge Partner National BIM Partner National Core Partner National Lanyard Partner Diversity Partner Speakers Exhibitors Video ADD THE EVENT TO YOUR DIARY 02/11/2020 08:00 02/11/2020 15:45 Europe/London Building The UK’s Energy Future Conference Building The UK’s Energy Future Conference Hornton St, Kensington, London W8 7NX, UK