Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 23 Jun 2022 Glasgow Development Plans Thursday, 23rd June 2022 1530hrs – 1900hrs The Trades Hall, Glassford St, Glasgow G1 1UH, UK Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgrammeBecome a PartnerSpeakersAttendeesIntel on thousands of homes and billions of pounds worth of infrastructure, commercial and mixed-use development will be unveiled at this conference. Glasgow is undergoing one of the largest transformational regenerations outside of London, providing commercial and residential properties to tackle the current housing crisis, increase inclusivity, and reach its net zero targets. At this conference we’ll hear more details about the £1.5bn invested in housing developments, the £1.5m Clyde Gateway development, Scottish Canal Projects and £500m Carbon Neutral project. Topics include: Clyde Gateway’s £1.5billion regenerationScottish Canals £750m development plansStrathclyde Uni’s £500m carbon-neutral project. Latest intel on the Glasgow Metro expansionLink Group develops 562 homes in Dalmarnock Speakers include: Martin McKay,Executive Director of Regeneration Catherine Topley,Chief Executive Officer Colin Culross,Group Commercial Director and Managing Director Dr Roddy Yarr,Assistant Director Estates Sustainability Partnership Package Exhibition Stand Delegate Places Number of Packages Cost (+VAT) Conference Partner Yes 4 1 £2,500 View Details Email Partner Yes 2 1 £1,750 View Details Registration Partner Yes 2 1 £1,750 View Details Drinks & Bar Partner Yes 2 1 £1,750 View Details VIP Dinner Partner – 2 1 £1,500 View Details Exhibitor Package Yes 2 4 £1,000 View Details Programme Partner – 2 1 £500 View Details Conference Partner £2,500+VAT Become the conference partner for the conference – and gain the ultimate brand awareness, contact with the speakers and thought leadership. Benefits include: Prime branding for the whole conference3x1m² stand space in the exhibition area3 x pull-up banners at the conference including one on the stage behind the lectern4 x delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Network Training sessions for up to four people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomLogo on the speaker’s presentationsLiterature placement in the networking roomFacilitation of introductions to the speakers at all conferencesYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all marketing material related to the conference1 x full page advert in the conference programmeReserved seating on front two rowsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post conferenceInclusion within PR sent to local and industry pressAccess to event photography and videoBecome a partner > Email Partner £1,750+VAT Prime branding on all emails used to promote the event before, during and after the event with your logo always above the fold. Benefits include: Branding on all emails relating to events – circa 100,000 views3x1m² stand space in the exhibition area2 x delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Network Training sessions for up to two people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the event websiteYour logo will be displayed on all marketing material for the event1 x full page advert in the event programmeReserved seating on the front two rowsChair’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post eventInclusion within the press releaseAccess to photography and video from the eventBecome a partner > Registration Partner £1,750+VAT Sponsor the registration area – the delegate entry point and the first thing our attendees with associate with the event. Benefits include: Branding of the registration table cloth2 x pull-up banners in the registration area3x1m² stand space in the exhibition area2 x delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Network Training sessions for up to two people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the event websiteYour logo will be displayed on all marketing material for the event1 x full page advert in the event programmeReserved seating on the front two rowsChair’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post eventInclusion within the press releaseAccess to photography and video from the eventBecome a partner > Drinks & Bar Partner £1,750+VAT Prime branding at the drinks and bar area – the key delegate meeting point for all refreshments located within the main networking hall. Benefits include: Branding of the bar and refreshments area2 x pull up banners in the bar and refreshments area3x1m² stand space in the exhibition area2 x delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Network Training sessions for up to two people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the event websiteYour logo will be displayed on all marketing material for the event1 x full page advert in the event programmeReserved seating on the front two rowsChair’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post eventInclusion within the press releaseAccess to photography and video from the eventBecome a partner > VIP Dinner Partner £1,500+VAT Spend quality time with the speakers at the after-conference VIP Speakers’ Dinner – with input into the seating arrangement and branding through banners and marketing literature to showcase your brand. Benefits include: 2 x pull up banners at the evening dinnerLiterature placement at the dinner venueInput into the VIP dinner seating plan2 x VIP dinner tickets2 x delegate passes to the main conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to two people per yearLogo on the website conference page1 x full-page advert in the evening dinner programmePromotion on social media pre, during and post conferenceInclusion within the press releaseAccess to photographs and video of the conference The VIP Dinner will run between 19:30-22:00 with private dining at a top restaurant (Michelin starred if available). The restaurant will be close to the conference venue with a maximum of 25 VIP guests in total. The dinner will be a relaxed and formal setting with a managed conversation from the dinner host.Become a partner > Exhibitors Package £1,500+VAT Showcase your brand in front of senior business and sector decision-makers and leaders, with hours of networking time to make strong connections for future business opportunities. Benefits include: 3x1m² exhibition space at the conference2 x delegates ticketsAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to two people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the event websiteYour logo will be displayed on all marketing material for the event1 x A5 advert in the conference programme.Reserved seating on the front two rowsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post eventInclusion within the press releaseAccess to photography and video from the eventBecome a partner > Programme Partner £500+VAT Evening Conference Programme Sponsorship Package Includes: 2 x Complimentary tickets to the conference.1 x Full page digital advert in the conference programme2 x Pull-up banners at the conference in the networking areaLogo on all conference marketing emails – c.15,000 views.Logo on the conference event page on the Built Environment Networking website.Logo on the speaker’s presentations.Full access to official photography and video from all conferences.Privilege of asking the second question of the evening – the programme sponsor’s question.Access to post an editorial/blog onto the Built Environment Networking website.Become a partner > Clyde Gateway – Martin McKay, Executive Director of Regeneration Glasgow has one of the largest regeneration projects outside of London; Clyde Gateway is providing £1.5 billion,20-year investment programme. Developing Scotland’s first Green Regeneration Innovation District , with green business spaces and 3000 new homes over 100,000 sq. meters. The ongoing development of Clyde gateway provides major investment in commercial and residential. Martin will be joining the session to discuss current and future development plans and how to support mixed-use and commercial regeneration. Scottish Canals – Catherine Topley, Chief Executive Officer Scottish Canals have been the custodians of the Scottish waterways for 250 years, maintaining the environment as a part of Scottish heritage and transforming them to the highest level – while supporting surrounding infrastructure. Following the development of the first ‘smart canal’ in Glasgow– Scottish Canal now have plans to build on the transformation of North Glasgow with the ‘New Canal Action Plan’ investing £750 million to deliver over 3,000 new homes in the next 4 years. Catherine Topley will be joining the session to discuss improvement of infrastructure, connectivity plans and views on greenspaces. Link Group and Curbs – Colin Culross, Group Commercial Director and Managing Director Link Group are one of the largest award-winning social housing providers in Scotland, serving more than 15000 clients. Aiming to deliver 3000 affordable homes in the next 5 years and reach net zero by 2026. Link Group are currently developing 562 new homes at Riverside, Dalmarnock which is due for completion by 2026. Colin will be joining us to provide information on property development plans, investments and what needs to be done to support the growth of affordable housing in Glasgow. University of Strathclyde – Dr Roddy Yarr, Assistant Director Estates Sustainability Strathclyde University is a pioneer in climate neutral projects – currently developing a £500 million, 100% renewable, climate resilient area within Glasgow City Innovation District (GCID). Bringing climate friendly solutions for urban developments in the Glasgow region, partnered with Glasgow city council. Dr Roddy Yarr will be joining the session to discuss the future of modern environmentally friendly developments, sustainability plans and the drive to NetZero. 15:30-16:45 Doors Open and NetworkingEnjoy over an hour of networking before the main event kicks off, with drinks available and time to speak with our event exhibitors. 16:45-18:15 Speakers take to the stageSpeakers will take to the stage to showcase through very short presentations their future development activity, procurement opportunities and visions for the future before an open panel Q&A. Clyde Gateway; Martin McKay, Executive Director of Regeneration Link Group and Curbs; Colin Culross, Group Commercial Director and Managing Director Scottish Canals; Catherine Topley, Chief Executive Officer University of Strathclyde; Dr Roddy Yarr, Assistant Director Estates Sustainability 18:15-19:00 Conference NetworkingWe’ll be putting on canapés and drinks for the rest of the evening enabling you to explore the discussions which have taken place on stage with some networking. We have a number of key players from across the region attending this event – with key decision makers from local authorities, developers, investors, housebuilders, universities, architects, contractors and more set to be here. Companies to have secured their tickets include: Anderson Strathern Arcadis Architype Atkins, Member of SNC Lavalin Austin-Smith:Lord Bidwells Blackwood Homes and Care Brodies Brown & Wallace Clancy Clyde Gateway Collective Architecture Cruden Homes DAC Beachcroft Emtec Group ERZ Studio Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Glasgow City Council Grant Murray Architects Harley Haddow Hulley & Kirkwood Hydrock Hypostyle Architects ISG Keppie Design Kier Linear Design and Construct Link Group London & Scottish Property Investment Management Loop Malcolm Hughes MAST Architects Max Fordham MM Management Services Morrison Construction Mott MacDonald MX Underwriting Newforma Nixon Blue NorDan UK Openreach Pagabo Page\Park Architects Parmar and Parker Developments Perceptive Communications Portakabin Proactive Solutions Robertson Group Rybka Ryden Schneider Electric Scottish Canals Scottish Futures Trust Sypro Tilbury Douglas Turley University of Strathclyde Urban Union Vitali Energy VU.CITY Wallace Whittle & Partners Wates Wellwood Leslie Architects Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Thursday, 23rd June 2022Time:1530hrs – 1900hrs Venue The Trades HallGlassford St, Glasgow G1 1UH, UK+ Google Map View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW Sponsors National Framework Partner National Badge Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner Speakers Exhibitors