Free Online Conference Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 29 Mar 2021 Green Infrastructure: Make it the Heart of Smart and Future Cities and New Development; Sponsored by Logika Group Monday, 29th March 2021 0930hrs – 1130hrs Book online View Partnership Packages EventSpeakersWhat to ExpectProgrammeMost of us love a new, innovative, tech based solution that makes our lives easier, more enjoyable or more sustainable. But what if there were efficient, cost effective and more natural ways of providing the same, that have forever existed, and whose full potential to support a healthier population and planet, are only now being truly understood. This event will explore the myriad of benefits that green infrastructure and nature based solutions can have when integrated into new and existing development. It will explain why these solutions should be as integral to development design as roads, utilities and the buildings themselves. We invite everybody working in build environment design to join us including particularly architects, engineers, town planners and developers themselves. Speakers for this event include: Toby Gibbs,Founder Gary Clark,Chair of RIBA Sustainable Futures Group Dr Gemma Jerome,Director Richard Blyth,Head of Policy Practice and Research Peter Massini,Director Sophie McCabe,Water Management Lead’ Dr Ben Marner,Technical Director Fahmida Nisa,Host & Event Manager Our online webinars will merge our face-to-face events with a virtual platform – providing networking opportunities, an exceptional panel discussion and debate, speaker presentations and an exhibition hall. Here’s a little video highlighting what to expect… And here’s a bit more information of key areas of our online webinars… You’ll receive unique log-in details to join our online event via computer or phone – and you’ll be greeted with an easy navigation tool. You’ll be able to navigate to: Main Stage Where the webinar will take place with excellent speakers and content. You’ll be able to get involved, asking questions and taking part in live polls. Networking Just like a real event you’ll be able to meet and connect with new people in our forum. You can directly request to chat with someone or you can enter our ‘speed networking’ area to meet numerous new people within the industry. Get your elevator pitch ready! Sponsor / Exhibitor Area Meet our partners and sponsors – view what they’re all about, video chat with them and download their literature and product information. We have a number of expert speakers joining us for this session including: Logika Group – Toby Gibbs, Founder Toby is the founder of Logika Consultants. He is an environmental consultant, ecologist and botanist with more than 20 years’ experience including on highly complex environmental planning projects, both in the UK and internationally. He is a champion, and early adopter, of the role of embedding environmental issues and green infrastructure into development design and has been working on this for the last 20 years. He was the main author of the document ‘Design for Biodiversity’ published in 2003; an early member of English Partnerships Collaborative Design Forum; and provided the environmental input to the Heathrow Expansion Design Team. More recently he has been helping integrate green infrastructure into development proposals in Cambridge, York and at Olympia in London. Logika Consultants – Sophie McCabe, Water Management Lead’ Sophie has 14 years’ experience managing and leading flood risk and drainage solutions. She has worked on many large high profile development schemes throughout the UK specialising in advising on flood risk and drainage opportunities to development, creating innovative solutions to maximise development in a sustainable manner. Sophie undertakes Flood Risk Assessments from due diligence throughout the planning process, with projects including hydraulic modelling, flood resistant and resilient design, river restoration and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Future Nature Consulting – Peter Massini, Director Peter is an experienced green infrastructure policy-maker and practitioner. Following a 30-year career working for environmental NGOs and in the public sector, latterly as Green Infrastructure Lead for the Greater London Authority, he now works as a consultant advising both public and private sector clients. With his knowledge and experience of how policy can be interpreted to achieve practical solutions, Peter works with partners to optimise environmental outcomes through a more integrated approach to planning, design and development. Building with Nature – Dr Gemma Jerome, Director Gemma is the Director of Building with Nature (BwN), a national benchmark and accreditation system for green infrastructure. She is an environmental planner specialising in the delivery, management and maintenance of development that puts nature at the heart of its decision-making. BwN is the UK’s first Standards Framework for high-quality green infrastructure and provides industry with how-to guidance to create great places for people and wildlife. She recently co-chaired the British Standards Institute panel for the BS8683 Biodiversity Net Gain standard, sits on the advisory group for the Natural England Green Infrastructure Standards Project, and has acted in an advisory capacity on various Government roundtables directing design quality and placemaking. Air Quality Consultants – Dr Ben Marner, Technical Director Ben is an air quality specialist who has been instrumental to the development of industry best practice over many years, helping to develop many of the approaches which are used to assess and manage air quality impacts for planning in the UK. Ben has also been responsible for more than one thousand air quality assessments including for road schemes, rail schemes, airports, commercial and residential developments in the UK and abroad. He has provided support and advice regarding air quality to the UK Government, Transport Scotland, Transport for London, the Greater London Authority and numerous local authorities. He currently advises the UK Government on air quality as part of its Air Quality Expert Group, where his specific area of expertise relates to air quality in the development control process. He has also been involved in a Study for the same Group which investigated the benefits green infrastructure has to mitigate air quality impacts. 09:30-09:40 Doors Open & Networking 09:40-09:50 Keynote – RTPI RTPI; Richard Blyth, Head of Policy Practice and Research 09:50-10:00 Keynote – RIBARIBA; Gary Clark, Chair of RIBA Sustainable Futures Group 10:00-11:00 Green Infrastructure: Make it the Heart of Smart and Future Cities and New DevelopmentLogika Group; Toby Gibbs, Founder Logika Consultants; Sophie McCabe, Water Management Lead Future Nature Consulting; Peter Massini, Director Building with Nature; Dr Gemma Jerome, Director Air Quality Consultants; Dr Ben Marner, Technical Director 11:00-11:30 Networking, Exhibition & Close Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Monday, 29th March 2021Time:0930hrs – 1130hrs Venue Online – Hopin View our ticket T&Cs. 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