Hybrid Conference – Attend Physically or Virtually Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 3 Nov 2021 Green Retrofitting and Property Decarbonisation Conference Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 0800hrs – 1615hrs Kensington Town Hall, London, Hornton Street, W8 7NX Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgrammeSpeakersExhibitorsBecome a PartnerSafety InfoThe green retrofit sector will create £724bn of work opportunities by 2040, whilst creating 150,000 jobs. Over the coming years we face a significant challenge to reach net-zero carbon emissions in the UK. Carbon emitted from existing buildings make a significant contribution to the UK’s total and green retrofitting on a massive scale is needed if we are to reach net-zero by 2050. National and local government, housing associations and the private sector are all mobilising to increase the energy efficiency of our building stock – a project that could reduce annual energy costs by £7.5bn a year, create 150,000 jobs and reduce national carbon emissions by upwards of 20%. Join us to find out details of retrofitting projects in planning and already underway, hear best practice and learn how your organisation can get involved in this vitally important project. Speakers include: Topics to be discussed: BEIS plan to retrofit all 5.5 million social homesPfP’s retrofit plans for 195,000 homesThirteen Group’s 34,000 home retrofit challengeLondon Councils’ £950m of retrofit projectsGreater South East Energy Hub’s £1bn projectsPeabody’s 67,000 home net-zero ambitionsOrbit Homes’ 45,000 home retrofit programmes UKRI’s £170m decarbonisation and retrofit fundingThe Greener Futures Partnership’s retrofit journeyEnfield’s plan to be a net-zero borough by 2040Raven HT’s £118 million programmeWelsh Gov’s 225,000 home decarbonisation planGreen Finance Institute’s zero carbon buildings driveNesta’s mission to support home decarbonisation Speakers for this event include: Lord Callanan,Minister for Business, Energy and Corporate Responsibility Donna Williams,Director – Sustainability and Climate Change Matt Harrison,Project Director, Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Maxine Narburgh,Regional Hub Manager Cllr Johnny Thalassites,Lead Member for Planning, Place and Environment Samantha Granger,Head of Environmental Sustainability Sam Stacey,Challenge Director, Transforming Construction Sarah Laing Gibbens,Head of Decarbonisation & Standards Derek Watters,Head of Environmental Sustainability Joanne Drew,Director of Housing & Regeneration James Hardy,Head of Energy Hannah Langford,Partner Darren Welsh,Deputy Strategic Director – Resident Services Anna Thompson,Non-Executive Director Richard Ellis,Director of Sustainability Emma Harvey,Programme Director Jack Wilkinson-Dix,Policy Officer Jo Hills,Director of Assets and Services Nico Van Der Merwe,Vice President Home & Distribution Jeanette Hodges,Head of Carbon & Operations Richard McWilliams,Director, Sustainability Sophie Wharton,Business Development Manager James Grinstead,Solicitor Madeleine Gabriel,Mission Director, A Sustainable Future 08:00-08:50 Breakfast & Networking 08:50-09:00 Conference WelcomeBuilt Environment Networking; Phil Laycock, Director 09:00-09:15 Keynote SpeakerDelegates will hear from the Government Minister with responsibility for retrofitting, energy efficiency and clean heat in a high level address which will set the tone for the day ahead. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Lord Callanan, Minister for Business, Energy and Corporate Responsibility 09:15-10:15 Session One: Green Retrofitting – The Challenge Ahead; Sponsored by Turner & TownsendPublic and private sector leadership with a stake hold in the retrofitting ambitions take part in a high level thought leadership discussion, outlining what needs to be done to complete the challenge ahead and the positive economic and social benefits it will have. Chair: Turner & Townsend; Richard McWilliams, Director, Sustainability Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy; Matt Harrison, Project Director, Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund UK Research and Innovation; Sam Stacey, Challenge Director, Transforming Construction Welsh Government; Sarah Laing Gibbens, Head of Decarbonisation & Standards Energy Saving Trust; Jack Wilkinson-Dix, Policy Officer National Home Improvement Council; Anna Thompson, Non-Executive Director 10:15-10:40 Break & Networking 10:40-10:45 UKREiiF – The UK’s Real Estate Investment & Infrastructure ForumPhil will provide an update on UKREiiF which takes place in May 2022 and explain why this will be the most strategically important conference for the UK property sector having a massive impact on all sectors of real estate and why you should get involved. Built Environment Networking; Phil Laycock, Director 10:45-11:00 Best Practice Presentation – Procuring Retrofit Work; Sponsored by NSR ManagementNSR Management Ltd are transforming the construction industry with its Data, Software and QS services helping Organisations who are looking to adopt digital solutions to manage their built Maintenance and Retrofit works. NSR Management; Sophie Wharton, Business Development Manager 11:00-12:00 Session Two: Retrofitting in London and the Greater South East – The UK’s Biggest Housing Decarbonisation ChallengeWith close to 10 million homes needing green retrofit work undertaking in the next 10 years, this panel brings together some of the public sector stakeholders tasked with delivering the ambition to set out challenges and opportunities while asking the built environment supply chain for support. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Greater South East Energy Hub; Maxine Narburgh, Regional Hub Manager Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council; Cllr Johnny Thalassites, Lead Member for Planning, Place and Environment Greater London Authority; James Hardy, Head of Energy London Borough of Enfield; Joanne Drew, Director of Housing & Regeneration London Borough of Waltham Forest; Darren Welsh, Deputy Strategic Director – Resident Services 12:00-13:00 Lunch & Networking 13:00-14:15 Session Three: Preparing for the Retrofit Challenge – What Can Your Business Do?; Sponsored by DevonshiresDelegates will hear from social housing providers and other retrofitting experts who will discuss the challenges they face, the work they are doing to overcome them and the major investment required to achieve ambitious retrofitting targets. The session will cover the work being done around governance and regulatory requirements and provide information on how organisations and individuals can get involved. Chair: Devonshires; Hannah Langford, Partner Co-Chair: Devonshires; James Grinstead, Solicitor Raven Housing Trust; Jo Hills, Director of Assets and Services Peabody; Richard Ellis, Director of Sustainability Orbit Homes; Jeanette Hodges, Head of Carbon & Operations Nesta; Madeleine Gabriel, Mission Director, A Sustainable Future 14:15-14:45 Break & Networking 14:45-16:00 Session Four: Major Residential Retrofitting Projects; Sponsored By Schneider ElectricSocial housing providers and private developers will discuss the forthcoming work pipeline to retrofit our housing stock, including details of how the audience can get involved. Chair: Schneider Electric; Nico Van Der Merwe, Vice President Home & Distribution Places for People; Derek Watters, Head of Environmental Sustainability Thirteen Group; Samantha Granger, Head of Environmental Sustainability Sanctuary Group; Donna Williams, Director – Sustainability and Climate Change The Green Finance Institute; Emma Harvey, Programme Director 16:00-16:15 Conference Summary and Close This unique conference will bring together the construction industry to drive economic growth through development and regeneration across the retrofitting sector. There will be plenty of exhibitors showcasing their brand and best practice in the industry, whilst helping them reap the rewards of being prominently displayed within the events exhibition area in front of some key and influential business leaders. Exhibiting will allow you to: Meet 300+ delegates face to faceBe part of the inaugural Green Retrofitting and Property Decarbonisation ConferenceBe seen as a leading firm in the industry’s bid to drive sustainable growth in the regionsNetwork with hundreds of your business clients and peersShowcase your work to regional authorities, government officials, leading private sector firms, blue-chip companies, investors and more Confirmed Exhibitors: CLICK HERE FOR EXHIBITOR FLOORPLAN If you’re interested in exhibiting at the conference then get in touch with our team – with space available for standard exhibition stalls or larger spaces to showcase more of your brand and create an eye-catching area contact: Email: opportunities@built-environment-networking.com Associate your brand with the Green Retrofitting and Property Decarbonisation Conference and position your brand at the forefront of one of the UK’s biggest discussions and debates about economic growth, development and regeneration within the sector. Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Corporate Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £7,500 View Details Session Partner Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,000 View Details Session One: Green Retrofitting – The Challenge Ahead Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,000 Sold Out Session Two: Public Sector Decarbonisation Projects Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,000 View Details Session Three: Preparing for the Retrofit Challenge – What Can Your Business Do? Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,000 Sold Out Session Four: Major Residential Retrofitting Projects Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,000 Sold Out Best Practice Presentation Partner Yes Yes 7 Yes £3,000 View Details Pre Conference Dinner – – 2 Yes £2,500 View Details Programme Partner Yes – 5 – £2,000 View Details Breakfast Partner Yes – 5 – £2,000 View Details Lunch Partner Yes – 5 – £2,000 View Details Email Partner Yes – 5 – £2,000 View Details Registration Partner Yes – 5 – £1,750 Sold Out Exhibitor Packages Yes – 4 – £1,500 View Details We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities and huge exhibition space large enough to promote your business, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the construction and property sector, the future vision for the green retrofit sector and the whole built environment industry. Corporate Partner £7,500+VAT Be at the forefront of the conference with onstage branding, a 15-minute keynote speech to kickstart the conference, access to the VIP Speakers’ Room and much more. This package will elevate your brand and drive awareness, loyalty and trust in front of industry leaders. This is the ultimate package if you’re looking to be seen as a leading figure within the industry with branding within the title of the event – ‘Green Retrofitting and Property Decarbonisation Conference in association with YOUR BRAND’. Benefits include: Position yourself alongside Built Environment Networking to shape the conference agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the conference, with the option to recommend speakersInclusion within pre-conference speaker communications including speaker briefing callsDirect access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding for the whole conferenceOne pull-up stand on stage for the entire conferenceOption to do a Keynote speech3x1m² exhibition spaceFifteen delegate passes for the conferenceOne ticket to the VIP Speaker’s dinner for one of your selected event speakers, which takes place the day before or day of the event – allowing you to meet speakers in a relaxed environmentAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to fifteen people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomDigital Media Branding: your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsPrint Media Branding: One full (A5) page advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersBecome a partner > Session Partner £5,000+VAT The role of the session partner provides an opportunity for you to chair or participate in one of the sessions to build brand awareness, loyalty and trust amongst hundreds of civic and business leaders from across the industry. You’ll be seen to be a thought leader within your area of expertise and showcase your company in front of key decision-makers from across the industry. Benefits include: Involvement with an exceptional panel session with the option to chair or be involved in the debate, discussions and presentationsPosition yourself alongside us to shape the session agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the conference, with the option to recommend speakersInclusion within pre-conference communications including speaker briefing callsDirect access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding for the conferenceOption to do a five minute introduction to the panel OR thought leaders presentation3x1m² exhibition spaceAdditional pull-up stand on stage during your conference sessionTen delegate passes for the conferenceOne ticket to the VIP Speakers’ dinner for the session speaker, which takes place the day before or day of the event – allowing you to meet speakers in a relaxed environmentAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to ten people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomDigital Media Branding: your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsPrint Media Branding: One full (A5) page advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersBecome a partner > Session One Partner: Green Retrofitting – The Challenge Ahead Become a partner > Session Three Partner: Preparing for the Retrofit Challenge – What Can Your Business Do? Become a partner > Session Four Partner: Major Residential Retrofitting Projects Become a partner > Best Practice Presentation Partner £3,000+VAT This package enables you to speak at the conference – providing you an opportunity to deliver a thought leadership presentations and/or on-stage Q&A utilising our expert Chair. You’ll be able to position yourself as a though-leader and go-to-business in your sector in front of sector/regional stakeholders and influencers. Benefits include: 15-minute timeslot before one of the main session to deliver a thought leadership presentation and/or Q&A sessionDirect access before and after every session to the VIP speaker room, an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding at the conference3x1m² exhibition spaceAdditional pull-up stand on stage during your Best Practice session7 x delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to ten people per yearDigital Media Branding: your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsPrint Media Branding: One full (A5) page advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speech#Social media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Best Practice Presentation Partner Become a partner > Pre Conference Dinner £2,500+VAT The day before the event we’ll be hosting a Speaker and Sponsor VIP dinner – and this invite-only event offers a unique opportunity to network one-on-one with the industry’s leading figures. This partnership enables you to have prominent involvement and branding at the dinner with benefits including: Speaking opportunity – with a 10-minute promotional talk at the VIP Dinner2 x pop-up banners at the conference dinnerPromotional material and literature placement on the dinner tables2 x VIP Dinner invite-only tickets for the meal2 x delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to ten people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomDigital Media Branding: your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsLogo on the evening dinner programmePrint media branding: A full-page advertisement in the dinner programmeSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Programme Partner £2,000+VAT Prominent branding on the front of our conference programme handed out to all delegates on entry to the conference. A great way of driving brand awareness and visibility in front of your primary audience. Benefits include: Prime Branding on the cover of the conference programme3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearDigital media branding – your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsPrint media branding: A full-page advertisement in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersBecome a partner > Breakfast Partner £2,000+VAT A package to enable mass brand awareness and visibility during the busiest periods of the day. Becoming a partner would ensure branding is at the forefront of the breakfast period area along with additional marketing benefits including an exhibition stand and inclusion within all marketing material. Benefits include: Prime branding in the physical breakfast area space for the duration of breakfast3 x pull-up banners in the refreshments area3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearPrint media branding: A half-page advertisement in the conference programmeDigital media branding – your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersBecome a partner > Lunch Partner £2,000+VAT A package to enable mass brand awareness and visibility during the busiest periods of the day. Becoming a partner would ensure branding is at the forefront of the lunch period area along with additional marketing benefits including an exhibition stand and inclusion within all marketing material. Benefits include: Prime branding in the physical lunch area space for the duration of breakfast3 x pull-up banners in the refreshments area3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearPrint media branding: A half-page advertisement in the conference programmeDigital media branding – your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersBecome a partner > Email Partner £2,000+VAT A package to enable excellent brand exposure before the event – with your logo appearing on all weekly emails sent out to prominent the events, above the fold in a prominent location. Benefits include: Your company logo will be prominently displayed on all emails sent to promote the conference with delegates, before and after the conferencePositioned as the ‘Email Partner’ in all branding3x1m2 stand space in the exhibition area4 x delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ VIP Green RoomYour logo will be displayed on the conference website, and all documents and promotional content relating to the event1 x full A5 page advert in the conference programmeAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersBecome a partner > Registration Partner Become a partner > Exhibitor Package £1,500+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to hold meetings and showcase your services, our Exhibitor Partner package is perfect. There is no limit to the exhibition space enabling you to simply drive brand awareness through a standard exhibition package or bring excitement to the room with the ability to take exhibition space to stand out from the crowd. Benefits include: 3x1m² exhibition space4 x delegate passesDigital media branding – your logo appears prominently at the top of the event website, reminders and promotional emails for each event (subscriber list size: 80,000), and across social media platformsAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to four people per yearChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechInclusion within outreach and press releasePhoto & Video Library: access to professional photographs and video of the eventVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersBecome a partner > Exhibitor Partner Become a partner > Exhibitor Partner Become a partner > Become a Partner If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 opportunities@built-environment-networking.com We’re set to have a plethora of expert names join us for this event. Speakers include: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy – Lord Callanan, Minister for Business, Energy and Corporate Responsibility Lord Callanan has been a major champion of the efforts to drive decarbonisation and retrofitting of our homes and buildings and as a minister has been working to support businesses, social housing providers and the wider population in this work. He will provide a call to arms to open the event, and discuss government support including the £3.8 billion social housing decarbonisation fund. Sanctuary Group – Donna Williams, Director – Sustainability and Climate Change Sanctuary Group are part of the Greener Futures Partnership is a unique collaboration of five of the UK’s largest not-for-profit social housing providers: Abri, Anchor Hanover Group, Home Group, the Hyde Group and Sanctuary Group, which share the core objective of creating sustainable tenancies, homes and communities and own or manage 300,000 homes between them. The partnership have pledged to work together and share resources in the push to retrofit and improve energy efficiency of their homes, and collaborate in the procurement of resources to achieve their sustainability goals. Donna will discuss the partnership, and Sanctuary Group’s work to retrofit their own 100,000 homes. Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy – Matt Harrison, Project Director, Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has established the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator to kick start the decarbonisation of social housing through 2021 and beyond, and support green jobs as part of the COVID-19 economic recovery plan. They are offering an initial £60m to the sector, following a demonstrator fund which allowed 2,000 of the worst performing homes to be retrofitted. BEIS is planning to release funding in three year ‘waves’, with each wave being worth £1bn and the end goal of bringing each of the UK’s 5.5 million social homes up to standard. Greater South East Energy Hub – Maxine Narburgh, Regional Hub Manager The Greater South East Energy Hub is a collaboration of eleven Local Enterprise Partnerships. They are working together to increase the number, scale and quality of energy and retrofitting projects being delivered across the South East. They are looking to engage with the built environment supply chain on their projects and could have close to £1bn of projects over the next five years. Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council – Cllr Johnny Thalassites, Lead Member for Planning, Place and Environment Properties within Kensington and Chelsea are placing green retrofit of their residential properties at the height of their priorities. As part of this event, Cllr Thalassites will talk delegates through their decarbonisation strategy, timeline for specific projects and how the supply chain can play a part in expediting schemes. Thirteen Group – Samantha Granger, Head of Environmental Sustainability Ranging from the North Yorkshire to North Tyneside Thirteen Group are developing thousands of homes and face the mammoth task of retrofitting 34,000 more. With major supply chain shortages and a plethora of work to get through, Samantha joins the event to outline the size of the task facing her team and ask for help from the supply chain.ment partners. UKRI – Sam Stacey, Challenge Director, Transforming Construction UKRI is taking the lead in the UK’s retrofitting and decarbonisation drive and is responsible for distributing significant funding to enable decarbonisation projects. £171 million was recently awarded to 9 industrial retrofitting and decarbonisation projects, with this investment set to be matched by another £250 million from industry. Projects to be funded include schemes to capture and store CO2 that was previously emitted from manufacturing and industrial plants in Scotland, Teesside and on the Humber Estuary. Welsh Government – Sarah Laing Gibbens, Head of Decarbonisation & Standards Sarah Laing Gibbens is Head of Housing Decarbonisation and Standards for the Welsh Government. Wales was the first nation on earth to declare a climate change emergency in April 2019, and continues to position itself at the forefront of work to help us live in low carbon ways that are good for people and good for the planet. Sarah is responsible for setting both new build standards and retrofit standards for Wales – both of which are currently more demanding social housing standards than elsewhere in the UK. As head of commercial performance, Sarah led Wales Innovative housing programme, investing £145m into new energy efficient and low carbon approaches to housebuilding, and £10m into Welsh MMC factories to support achieving Wales’ net zero carbon ambitions by 2050. Sarah is currently leading Wales’ social housing decarbonisation retrofit programme, with £70m invested in the last 12 months to support social landlords make a start of decarbing homes, before expanding the work into the private rented and owner occupier sectors. Places for People – Derek Watters, Head of Environmental Sustainability Places for People have one of the biggest retrofitting programs to undertake, given that they manage over 195,000 homes and 125 leisure facilities across the UK. They have set the objective of reaching net-zero carbon emissions for all their existing stock by 2040, 10 years ahead of the governments deadline. Derek will discuss the challenge ahead, and their plan for improving their UK wide portfolio including information for how to get involved. London Borough of Enfield – Joanne Drew, Director of Housing & Regeneration London Borough of Enfield is at the forefront of net zero efforts and will be a carbon neutral organisation by 2030, with Enfield following as a carbon neutral borough by 2040. They are moving forward there first retrofitting projects as part of this effort, with two pilot projects worth over £15m set to be onsite by November. Enfield are lead borough alongside Waltham Forest on the London housing retrofit strategy as part of London Councils Climate change agenda and Joanne is Co-Chair of the London Housing Directors Network and a leading voice for retrofitting in the capital. Greater London Authority – James Hardy, Head of Energy The Greater London Authority are taking the lead in tackling the climate emergency, alleviated fuel poverty and creating green jobs and recently secured £160 million in government funding for retrofitting projects, with money to be made available for homes, workplaces and other buildings. The Mayor of London is also leading on a new ‘Innovation Partnership’ which could be worth up to £10 billion over the next decade and will enable social landlords and building firms to upgrade ageing buildings. The partnership will see at least half the funding spent in the London and the creation of up to 150,000 jobs. Raven Housing Trust – Jo Hills, Director of Assets and Services Raven Housing Trust are a housing association with homes across Surrey and West Sussex and have been one of the most proactive in moving towards net-zero emission for their housing stock. They are planning to move forward with an ambitious retrofitting programme for their 7,000 homes and have estimated the entire project will cost £118 million. Jo will discuss how they are adopting a minimum heat demand approach and how they are looking to work with partners to move forward with this important work. London Borough of Waltham Forest – Darren Welsh, Deputy Strategic Director – Resident Services London Borough of Waltham Forest are the lead borough alongside Enfield on London Councils’ ‘Retrofit London’ Strategy which has called for an additional £115 million this calendar year to move forward with retrofit projects across the capital. Darren will discuss these projects and how councils across the capital are already funding 375 ‘shovel ready’ retrofit projects costing £950 million. Devonshires – Hannah Langford, Partner Hannah works closely with Registered Providers on development projects, with a particular focus on planning, regeneration, and merger due diligence. She specialises in development and regeneration schemes including site assembly, joint ventures, section 106 acquisitions, and regeneration projects. One of her key strengths lies in her understanding of client’s governance and regulatory obligations. Hannah is also a Board Member for Golding Homes and a member of the sub-committees for Development and Social Value. Schneider Electric – Nico Van Der Merwe, Vice President Home & Distribution Nico has worked at Schneider Electric for over 12 years, taking up the role of Vice President of Home & Distribution UK&I in 2019. Throughout the years, Nico has been in charge of Schneider Electric’s channel development for Europe, playing a vital role in formulating and leading strategic transformational projects. Nico is currently responsible for ensuring that Schneider Electric’s portfolio of smart devices, sensors and energy management solutions are front of mind with electricians, home builders and contractors. With homes becoming increasingly connected and the spotlight on the inefficiencies of UK housing stock becoming a great focus in the battle to halt climate change, Nico believes that smart technologies such as Wiser will have a large role to play in creating truly connected and efficient homes. With electrical demand in the residential space growing, Nico believes that Schneider Electric has the technology and relevant channels in place to bring these solutions from grid to plug. National Home Improvement Council – Anna Thompson, Non-Executive Director The National Home Improvement Council was launched in 1975 and is the umbrella organisation for the refurbishment, maintenance and home improvement sector in the UK. It works across its wide ranging membership, the wider industry and government to works towards improving the nation’s housing stock. Anna is a non-executive director with the NHIC as well as Head of Engagement at the Local Authority Building Control and will call for the need for a joined up national retrofit strategy and for help creating the skills needed for the retrofitting task ahead. Peabody – Richard Ellis, Director of Sustainability Richard is Director of Sustainability at Peabody, one of the largest not-for-profit housing associations in the UK. Following a merger with Catalyst Housing in April 2022, the new Peabody Group has responsibility for 104,000 homes, with around 220,000 residents and 20,000 people who benefit from care and support services throughout London and the Home Counties. Peabody’s community foundation invests around £11m per year, working in partnership to help people flourish in local areas. The Group is committed to sustainable principles, mitigating the impacts of climate change, and driving social value for the benefit of residents and colleagues. It reports annually on its environmental, social and governance performance. The Green Finance Institute – Emma Harvey, Programme Director The Green Finance Institute is an independent, commercially focused organisation, supported by HM Treasury, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the City of London Corporation. As the UK’s principal forum for public and private sector collaboration in green finance, it is uniquely placed to accelerate the domestic and global transition to a zero-carbon and climate-resilient economy through mobilising capital. The institute established the Coalition for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings to develop the market for financing a net-zero carbon and climate-resilient built environment in the UK, by catalysing and financing the widescale retrofitting of residential buildings. Energy Saving Trust – Jack Wilkinson-Dix, Policy Officer As the UK’s most prominent charitable organisation that is working to address the climate emergency, the Energy Saving Trust have launched a campaign to support registered providers and housebuilders in tackling the green energy challenge. As part of this event, Jack will provide a policy overview on how consumers and developers can work together to reduce carbon footprint within homes, supporting homeowners and tenants to adopt renewable energy sources and fitting their houses with energy efficient products. Orbit Homes – Jeanette Hodges, Head of Carbon & Operations Orbit Homes are one of the largest housing groups in the country and the UK’s leading developer of new homes for affordable and social rent, with a growing property portfolio of over 45,000 homes spanning the Midlands, east and south. Over the next 10 years they aim to build 20,000 homes of which 65% will be affordable. We build homes across all tenures and are a market leader in the delivery of shared ownership. They have identified a three stage process that will need to be carried out across their housing stock as they work towards net zero. This will involve fabric improvements, replacement of fossil fuel powered heating systems and the introduction of renewable technologies. Jeanette will discuss the significant investment which is being put into this process and how she is working to create a long-term roadmap for the business to help tackle its own carbon footprint. Turner & Townsend – Richard McWilliams, Director, Sustainability Richard is a Director in Turner & Townsend, responsible for leading our sustainability agenda. Richard and his teams, provide support for clients’ in responding to the challenges of climate emergency, net zero and the green recovery – both for existing and new-build assets in real estate and infrastructure sectors. Having previously led the delivery of a truly game changing Mayor of London & ERDF co-funded programme to demonstrate and scale-up the industrialisation of self-funding, ultra-low carbon domestic retrofit, Richard is working with partners Energiesprong & Carbon Trust to extend the range of solutions to address the breadth of London’s housing stock and beyond. Industrialised domestic retrofit will change the lives for many, many people for the better and drive a green recovery, for which he is delighted to be spearheading. Turner & Townsend is an independent professional services company specialising in programme management, project management, cost and commercial management and advisory across the real estate, infrastructure and natural resources sectors. With 111 offices in 45 countries, we draw on our extensive global and industry experience to manage risk while maximising value and performance during the construction and operation of our clients’ assets. NSR Management – Sophie Wharton, Business Development Manager Sophie joined NSR Management Ltd in 2018. She had developed and sold her own company, and was looking for her next challenge. Known for having a tireless work ethic and a passion to drive businesses forward, Sophie was immediately evaluating procedures and process to see how she could increase productivity sales levels even during her interview. She continues to manage change projects internally and externally, together with managing marketing and media, she is always striving for efficiency and growth. Devonshires – James Grinstead, Solicitor James specialises in commercial litigation and construction dispute resolution and has experience in acting for many groups within the construction industry, including developers, contractors, sub-contractors, lenders, housing associations and also some private clients. Nesta – Madeleine Gabriel, Mission Director, A Sustainable Future Madeleine leads Nesta’s mission to create A Sustainable Future, which focuses on decarbonisation and economic recovery. Her team is setting up innovation projects and partnerships exploring how to reduce carbon emissions from homes and, in the wake of COVID-19, how to boost productivity and help people find good work. She previously led Nesta’s work on inclusive innovation, researching ways to create an equitable, innovation-led economy in the UK. She has published widely on innovation practices that promote sustainability and social impact. We can’t wait to welcome you back to our physical face-to-face conferences – but we understand that safety will also be paramount and therefore to put you at ease we wanted to confirm some of the steps we’re putting in place to ensure we minimise any risk. The situation surrounding Covid-19 is ever changing however here’s an overview of steps and procedures we’ve put in place. Condition of Entry Delegates will have to show proof of their Covid status upon entry either in form of both vaccinations (first and second dose) or a negative NHS lateral flow test. You will be asked to demonstrate this through showing an NHS Covid Pass – which can be gained by downloading the NHS App onto your smartphone. You can also download and show an offline version or print a copy of your status and show the printed version. If you haven’t had both vaccine doses we advise that all delegates take an NHS Lateral Flow Test 48-hours before the event – you can order them directly to your address here. If you were to report a positive test result before the event we expect that you would follow the correct Government guidelines. All of our physical events will be held virtually so you’ll be able to join the event or alternatively exchange your ticket to a future event. Mask Wearing The wearing of masks at our physical events will not be mandatory. Social Distancing There will not be a requirement for social distancing however we will have introduced a number of things at the event to help minimise risk. Hand Sanitiser Hand sanitiser will be installed in certain areas at the event. Reception & Lanyards The reception and check-in process has been simplified to reduce touch-points with step by step signs confirming the process on arrival. You will simply utilise an iPad to check-in which will print a badge off for you, before you get to choose a lanyard of choice. Green – you’re happy to shake hands and have social contact, Orange – you’re happy to network but be more cautious and observe space, Red – you want to reduce social contact and networking as much as possible. Other Safety Information Depending on the venue we may also have sign-age for certain rights of way and doors may be left open to leave less touch-points across the venue including on doors/toilets. We will have designated areas for drinks/rubbish to ensure these aren’t left around the venue, and all lunch will be provided in pre-prepared bags. Hybrid Events To ensure those who are uncertain about attending physical events can still gain access you will have the option of purchasing a physical or virtual ticket. The virtual ticket will enable you to view the event sessions, ask questions to the speakers, and private message/request video calls with those attendees who’re at the event physically. Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Wednesday, 3rd November 2021Time:0800hrs – 1615hrs Venue Kensington Town HallHornton St, Kensington, London W8 7NX, UK+ Google Map Hybrid Conference – Attend Physically or Virtually View our ticket T&Cs. 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