THIS EVENT HAS NOW PASSED. CLICK HERE TO GET ACCESS TO THE VIDEO AND PRESENTATIONS. Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 2 Sep 2020 Historic Buildings; Regenerating & Restoring Wednesday, 2nd September 2020 1000hrs – 1100hrs Book online View Partnership Packages EventBecome a PartnerThis webinar will focus specifically on historic buildings – from large scale restorations to the regeneration of heritage buildings into new homes and employment hubs, ensuring we don’t lose unique and historical assets. Those working heavily in the sector will, through a series of short presentations and Q&A, reveal details on their latest projects, plans and the work they’re doing. Rokeby Developers are one of those bringing forward an impressive regeneration in Gloucester, whilst the City of London Corporation are leading on a £140m project museum project. And with over 300 properties under their umbrella Historic Environment Scotland will be able to highlight the best opportunities which lie in the country. Speakers for this event include: Dr George Findlater,Head of Partnerships & Projects Paul Curran,Chief Executive Joanna Parker,Senior Heritage Design Officer Adrian Goodall,Director Click here to register for this webinar > Historic Environment Scotland – with 300 historic properties under their umbrella, George is responsible for the upkeep, development and investment into much of Historic Environment Scotland’s estate with the mission to protect their integrity so future generations can enjoy them for decades to come. He will talk about some of the forthcoming property related projects, their position on engaging with the private sector supply chain and their importance in to Scottish government placemaking strategy. City of London Corporation – one of the major funders behind the Museum of London’s £140m relocation and redevelopment, the City of London place heritage preservation at the heart of everything they do. With numerous sites of national importance under their due restriction Joanna will talk about the complexities of delivering heritage related development projects in the City and give a glimpse of the major economic benefits of the museum’s new site. Rokeby Developments – are experts in the realm of sensitively developing and restoring heritage buildings and are in the midst of a multi-phase re-purposing of the Bakers Quay in Gloucester. Phase one of the project was deemed by critics as a massive success story and Adrian has now set his sights on delivering the same success for the Downing Malthouse set of buildings which will include the creation of a new apartment building and other mixed use assets. Qmile Group – Edinburgh-based property developer Qmile Group has significant expertise on large scale regeneration projects and in restoring and converting historic buildings. Qmile Group is responsible for the £750m mixed-use Quartermile development located on the former Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh site in the city centre. One of Scotland’s largest ever regeneration projects, Quartermile includes seven Category B listed Victorian building conversions completed by Qmile Group. At present, Qmile Group is delivering a £150m residential development, Craighouse, in south west Edinburgh. The oldest building on the development, Old Craig, which dates back to 1528, is an outstanding six-bedroom period property. Qmile Group is also currently converting the Category A listed Baronial-style New Craig, a building which was completed in 1894, in to 45 apartments. Qmile Group’s chief executive, Paul Curran, will discuss both developments and explain his company’s distinct approach to undertaking and delivering regeneration and restoration projects. Associate your brand with this Webinar and position your brand at the forefront of the discussion around the future development and restoration of historic buildings. We have various partnership packages available, including opportunities to speak on the webinar, allowing you to present your message to your target audience and receive maximum brand awareness and impact. Packages available include: Package Delegate Ticket Cost Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets Cost (+VAT) Premium Webinar Partner £5 Yes 20 £1,500 View Details Webinar Partner £25 Yes 10 £1,000 View Details Advertising Partner £25 – 5 £500 Sold Out Premium Webinar Partner £1,500+VAT The premium package will give an even bigger boost to attendance numbers and visibility. Be at the forefront of the webinar – with a speaking slot on the panel and prime branding throughout the webinar and post/pre event communications. This package will elevate your brand and drive awareness, loyalty and trust in front of industry leaders. This is the ultimate package if you’re looking to be seen as a leading figure within the industry. Benefits include: Highly reduced rate for all delegates increasing viewersChoose the topic and title of the webinarRequest Built Environment Networking to invite up to 3 speakers of your choice to join the panelInclusion within all pre-webinar speaker discussionsSit on the expert webinar panel as a thought leaderDeliver a 5-minute thought-leadership presentation on the webinar to industry delegatesJoin the private zoom speakers debrief meetingPrime branding on the website and throughout the full webinarUnlimited access passes for colleagues and guests to watch and get involved in the webinarAdditional branding on all event documents, emails, booking forms etcFull downloadable copy of the webinar after the eventSocial media posts – pre, during and post-conference activityBecome a partner > Webinar Partner £1,000+VAT Be at the forefront of the webinar – with a speaking slot on the panel and prime branding throughout the webinar and post/pre event communications. This package will elevate your brand and drive awareness, loyalty and trust in front of industry leaders. This is the ultimate package if you’re looking to be seen as a leading figure within the industry. Benefits include: Request Built Environment Networking to invite up to 3 speakers of your choice to join the panelHelp shape the webinar agenda and content – bringing your strategic thinking to the eventInclusion within all pre-conference speaker discussionsSit on the expert webinar panel as a thought leaderDeliver a 5-minute thought-leadership presentation on the webinar to industry delegatesJoin the private Zoom speakers debrief meetingPrime branding on the website and throughout the full webinar10 x access passes for colleagues to watch and get involved in the webinarAdditional branding on all event documents, emails, booking forms etcFull downloadable copy of the webinar after the eventSocial media posts – pre, during and post-conference activityBecome a partner > Advertising Partner Become a partner > Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Wednesday, 2nd September 2020Time:1000hrs – 1100hrs Venue Online – GoToWebinar View our ticket T&Cs. 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