THIS EVENT HAS NOW PASSED. CLICK HERE TO GET ACCESS TO THE VIDEO AND PRESENTATIONS. Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 3 Jul 2020 Sheffield City Region Development Conference Friday, 3rd July 2020 1000hrs – 1700hrs Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgramme SpeakersExhibitors Become a Partner What to Expect This conference will focus on driving economic growth within the Sheffield City Region – with future developments totalling £20bn+ set to be discussed. Sheffield is thriving – with investment at an all time high and major regeneration programmes set to take place across the city it’s an exciting period. The £1.5bn transformation of Sheffield coupled with the arrival of HS2 and focus on the Northern Powerhouse will only see these trends continue – and future investment and development will be the focus of this event. We’ll be gathering over 300 stakeholders and business decision makers for this virtual event who’ll be hearing from key developers and investors on subjects such as: * £3bn Doncaster Sheffield Airport masterplan* Sheffield Hallam’s £800m estate strategy* The £1.5bn masterplan to transform Sheffield* Large scale regeneration of Barnsley town centre* 9 highlighted development sites in Doncaster* Harworth Group’s multi large-scale regenerations* Sheffield City Region’s £350m programme* Unity – a major game-changing development* Capital & Centric’s first entry into Sheffield* And much more… Speakers Include: Lee Weatherall,Senior Planning & Development Manager Peter Henry,Director of Sustainability Liz Askam,Property Manager Dave Smith,Chief Executive Officer Stuart Pratt,Group Development Director Scott Cardwell,Assistant Director for Development Helen Johnson,Partner Tom Wheldon,Director & Head of Yorkshire & North East Region David Shepard,Strategic Director of Growth and Regeneration Dan Ladbury,Director of Estates and Facilities Janet Sharpe,Director of Housing & Neighbourhoods Tim Heatley,Co-Founder Andy Beattie,Project Director Julia Barratt,Chief Sustainability Officer Martin McKervey,Chair Download Programme Agenda and Programme: 10:00-10:30 Doors Open & NetworkingEnjoy some networking time with those also attending the conference and visit the exhibitors – with a networking chatroom, exhibitor area, video chats and more. 10:30-10:45 KeynoteWe’ll kickstart the conference with a passionate and inspirational keynote which sets to tone for the city region’s ambitious plans for the future. Sheffield City Region; Dave Smith, Chief Executive Officer 10:45-11:00 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 11:00-12:00 Session One – Driving Economic Growth in the Sheffield City RegionIn this session we’ll be gathering a mix of public and private sector names – including the most influential in the region – to discuss how collaborative working with drive economic growth, the foundations being put in place and the future vision. Chair; Kennedys; Helen Johnson, Partner Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council; David Shepherd, Director of Regeneration & Culture Doncaster Sheffield Airport; Liz Askam, Property Manager Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council; Scott Cardwell, Assistant Director for Development Godwin Developments; Stuart Pratt, Group Development Director 12:00-13:00 Networking, Exhibition & Breakout SessionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. We’ll also be hosting a break-out session for your viewing: 12:15-12:45 (Breakout Session) Unity – Doncaster’s Game Changing DevelopmentIn this session we will take an in-depth look at Waystone Hargreave’s 618 acre project which will inject £900 million into the region’s economy and create up to 7,000 jobs, thousands of new homes, a marina, a transport hub and more. Waystone Hargreaves Land; Lee Weatherall, Senior Planning & Development Manager 13:00-14:00 Session Two – Major Development PlansFrom the £1.5bn Sheffield masterplan to major new employment zones, regeneration schemes and more. We’ll take a look at the biggest projects set to come forward by the major developers leading the way in the region. Chair: Sheffield Property Association; Martin McKervey, Chair Sheffield Hallam University; Dan Ladbury, Director of Estates & Facilities Harworth Group; Peter Henry, Regional Director, Yorkshire & Central. Willmott Dixon; Julia Barratt, Chief Sustainability Officer 14:00-15:00 Networking, Exhibition & Breakout SessionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. We’ll also be hosting a break-out session for your viewing: 14:15-14:45 (Breakout Session) Capital & Centric – Game Changing Investment in Sheffield After touring Sheffield and speaking to the local people, Tim was convinced he needed to invest and develop in the city. In this session we will hear about Capital & Centric’s current developments in Sheffield and look forward to their future investment in the city which could top £200 million over the next 5 to 10 years. Capital & Centric; Tim Heatley, Co-Founder 15:00-16:00 Session Three – Housing & Residential ProjectsWith an influx of new development and employment sites in Sheffield there has is a need to accelerate housing delivery across the region and in this session we’ll hear from the key decision makers at numerous housebuilders and city centre living developers who’ll discuss their plans – from tradition builds, modular homes, BTR, city centre living and more. Chair: Session Sponsor: (Available – click for details) HBD; Tom Wheldon, Director and Head of Yorkshire & North East Sheffield City Council; Janet Sharpe, Director of Housing Forge New Homes; Andy Beattie, Project Director 16:00-17:00 Networking, Exhibition & Close Download Programme This unique online conference will bring together the construction industry to discuss and debate the future development opportunities in the Sheffield City Region. There will be plenty of exhibitors showcasing their brand and best practice in the industry, whilst helping them reap the rewards of being prominently displayed within the events exhibition area in front of some key and influential business leaders. Sometimes people can be reluctant to approach exhibition stands at physical events – but being online this will see enquiries and interest in your brand peak – with enquiries and questions flooding into your stand. Exhibiting will allow you to: Meet 300+ delegates and connect to them via our online exhibition hallVideo chat with potential clients and customers interested in finding out more about your companyShare downloadable literature and documents with those who attend your stand Private message those attending the event in our networking forumBe part of the annual Sheffield City Region Development ConferenceShowcase your work to regional authorities, government officials, leading private sector firms, blue-chip companies, investors, contractors, consultants, architects and moreReduce the cost and overheads by utilising our online platform and conferences Confirmed Exhibitors: If you’re interested in exhibiting at the conference then get in touch with our team – with space available for standard exhibition stalls or larger spaces to showcase more of your brand and create an eye-catching area contact: Associate your brand with the Sheffield City Region Development Conference and position your brand at the forefront of one of the UK’s biggest discussions and debates around the future of this thriving region. Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Conference Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £2,500 View Details Session Partner Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 Sold Out VIP Room Sponsor Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 View Details Best Practice Presentation Package Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,000 View Details Exhibitor Packages Yes – 5 Yes £500 View Details We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities, exhibition space and those that will drive brand awareness, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the construction and property sector and the whole built environment industry. Conference Partner £2,500+VAT Become the headline partner of this conference and get mass awareness and brand visibility. This package is the ultimate – with a prime location during the event, a speaking opportunity, logo positioning on the top of the logo and your name in the event title – “Sheffield City Region Development Conference; Sponsored by YOUR COMPANY NAME” The conference will be called the xxx Conference in association with your company nameAbility to help shape the conference agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the eventOption to recommend speakersInclusion with pre-conference speaker communicationsAccess to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding for the whole conferenceOption to do a keynote speechOne speaking position on one panel during the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature15 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventBecome a partner > Session One Partner: Driving Economic Growth in the Sheffield City Region Become a partner > Session Two Partner: Major Development Plans Become a partner > VIP Room Sponsor £1,500+VAT This package gives you an opportunity to sponsor the VIP Room – an exclusive invite only area of the event where speakers, invited VIP guests and sponsors can gather. This room enables all to actively video chat – and as the VIP Room Sponsor you’ll be able to host all of those who enter and manage the conversation throughout the day. It includes: Become the official Host of the VIP RoomBranding within the VIP RoomOption to invite selected guests to the VIP Room alongside speakers and sponsorsBranding across the rest of the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share content10 online delegate passes for your team and/or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media, etcMaster of Ceremonies ‘thank you’ in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion in any PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventBecome a partner > Best Practice Presentation Package £1,000+VAT During the breaks delegates are able to speed network and visit the exhibitors – but with this package you can also give them the option of coming to see your company deliver a 15-minute thought leadership presentation, enabling you to play a key role in the conference. Build brand awareness, loyalty, trust and new business leads amongst numerous civic and business leaders from across the industry. Benefits include: Ability to deliver a 15-minute presentation during one of the break periods Access to the VIP Room – a green room for speakers, VIP guests and sponsorsBranding across the rest of the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share content10 online delegate passes for your team and/or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media, etcMaster of Ceremonies ‘thank you’ in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion in any PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventBecome a partner > Exhibitor Package £500+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to meet online delegates and chat with them – then our exhibitor package is perfect. Some people can be reluctant to approach exhibition stands – but online it’s different and you’ll be inundated with enquiries and questions about your brand. Benefits include: Online exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature5 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the event Become a partner > If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 Our online conferences will merge our face-to-face conferences with a virtual platform – providing networking opportunities, exceptional panel discussions and debates, speaker presentations and an exhibition hall. Here’s a little video highlighting what to expect… And here’s a bit more information of key areas of our online events… You’ll receive unique log-in details to join our online event via computer or phone – and you’ll be greeted with an easy navigation tool. You’ll be able to navigate to: Main Stage Where our ‘Programme’ will take place with excellent speakers and content. You’ll be able to get involved, asking questions and taking part in live polls. Networking Area Just like a real conference you’ll be able to meet and connect with new people in our forum. You can directly request to chat with someone or you can enter our ‘speed networking’ area to meet numerous new people within the industry. Get your elevator pitch ready! Sponsor / Exhibitor Area Meet our partners and sponsors – view what they’re all about, video chat with them and download their literature and product information. We have an excellent line-up of speakers who’ll be joining us for this event to share their expert knowledge. They include: Sheffield Hallam University – Dan Ladbury, Director of Estates and Facilities Sheffield Hallam recently revealed plans for three new buildings in the city centre of Sheffield, the latest in their quest to become the “world’s leading applied university.” The new campus will be “zero carbon ready” by using the latest technology and measures as well as 4,300 sq ft of green space. Dan will join the session to give more intel on this new campus and look ahead to Sheffield Hallam’s future campus development plans. Kirklees Council – David Shepard, Strategic Director of Growth and Regeneration Four major projects comprise the £250m Huddersfield Blueprint which comprises the creation of a Cultural Heart and Town Park near the University of Huddersfield, an enhances Station Gateway, improving the New Street Area of the Town Centre with investment into mixed use space, replacing the Bus Station and rethinking Cross Church Street. Shabir joins the event to give an update on this as well as the Dewsbury Blueprint which will see 3500 new homes delivered in the next decade. Doncaster Sheffield Airport – Liz Askam, Property Manager £1.6bn of construction investment planned as part of their ambitious masterplan which includes 1.5m sq ft of airside development, 3m sq ft of logistics and advanced manufacturing space, 3,000 new homes and retail, hotel and leisure complexes. Liz will give us insight into the masterplan, the £10 million expansion announced at the end of January 2020 and future development plans at the airport. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council – Scott Cardwell, Assistant Director for Development Doncaster is currently seeing major regeneration in 9 developments zones as part of its town centre masterplan; new retail space, a new museum and library, a cinema complex, a train station face-lift and more are part of the plans to transform the town. Harworth Group – Peter Henry, Director of Sustainability Earlier this year Harworth Group appointed Peter Henry to the newly created role of Director of Sustainability at the developer having been integral to forming many of Harworth’s key driving principles for sustainable regeneration and placemaking since he joined the business. Peter will join the conference to discuss Harworth’s sustainable and net zero strategy including their recently announced plans to bring forward over 1,200 sustainable BTR homes across 10 sites and how they will increase sustainability in their future developments which include c.10,000 homes and 7.3m sq ft of commercial space currently going through planning. Kennedys – Helen Johnson, Partner Helen is head of real estate & construction at Kennedys Law LLP. Helen specialises in construction projects and disputes, and acts for developers, contractors and professional consultants. Helen has lived in Sheffield for 12 years and is an executive board member of Sheffield Property Association. Kennedys is a global law firm comprised of over 2,000 people, in 58 offices in 22 countries across the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific, UAE and the Americas. Our vision is to become the go-to firm for straightforward, expert legal advice, wherever in the world our clients require it. Drawing on the extensive resources and expertise of our global network, we are committed to providing a seamless service to our clients, wherever they may be. Sheffield City Region Combined Authority – Dave Smith, Chief Executive Officer Dave heads up the team responsible for delivering its £350m programme to drive prosperity across the region and its 68,000 businesses. He works with an immensely strong private-public partnership which has helped create investment-ready opportunities for many foreign owned companies with a base in the region. On this event he’ll share details on how they’re working to attract most investment and unlock more development across the city region. HBD – Tom Wheldon, Director & Head of Yorkshire & North East Region HBD are one of the most active private sector developers in the North Yorkshire region. They are currently developing a £107m scheme on the site of the former Terry’s chocolate HQ. Aptly titled, The Chocolate Works, the scheme will see the delivery of 163 individually designed apartments where the main multi-storey factory once was, as well as 22 bespoke apartments within The Clock Tower building. The Chocolate Works will also include a new brain surgery hospital creating 145 healthcare jobs, and retaining a vital health service in the city following the closure of The Retreat. Waystone Hargreaves Land – Lee Weatherall, Senior Planning & Development Manager Waystone Hargreaves Land have massive plans for Doncaster; a new 800,000 sq ft regional distribution centre and training facility that will create more than 1,000 jobs. This scheme is part of the Unity development which will see over 2 million sq ft of employment space, 3,100 new homes, a new marina, school, transport hub and open spaces be built over the coming years. Willmott Dixon – Julia Barratt, Chief Sustainability Officer Julia Barrett has led Willmott Dixon’s sustainability agenda since 2012. Willmott Dixon is a privately-owned contracting and interior fit-out group. Founded in 1852, it creates value for customers, stakeholders and communities by working in a sustainable and responsible way to shape the built environment and make a positive impact to society’s well-being. Julia chairs the company’s Gender Diversity Steering Group and is a board member of both the Aldersgate Group and Supply Chain Sustainability School. She is passionate about sustainability, and inspiring and leading change across the built environment sector. An experienced environment and sustainability professional, Julia is a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Environmentalist and Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. She previously worked for Cambridgeshire County Council, the Environment Agency and ICI in various technical and commercial roles. Godwin Developments – Stuart Pratt, Group Development Director Having recently acquired a one acre site in Sheffield to develop a 300 home BTR scheme, Stuart will join the panel to discuss the strategic importance of the Sheffield City Region and why the Godwin Group see the city of Sheffield as a great place to develop. Capital & Centric – Tim Heatley, Co-Founder Capital & Centric are ‘re-writing the rules on town centre living’ with their latest plans in Bolton. C&C are planning to create “Neighbourhood Bolton” and are bringing forward plans for the first few areas on 6.2 acres of brownfield sites in and around Bradshawgate. Neighbourhood Bolton is set to regenerate the area around the town’s train and bus stations with the aim of being a catalyst that kick-starts wider regeneration of the whole area. Tim is leading on C&C’s ambitions and will join the conference to outline this scheme as well as the positive progress they’ve been making on their schemes in Wigan, Stockport, and Manchester. Sheffield City Council – Janet Sharpe, Director of Housing & Neighbourhoods Sheffield Council is investing heavily in council housing over the coming decade, with £500 million already proposed to building new housing and improving existing council homes. Janet will tell us more about the councils plans which could see over 3,000 new council home built over the next 10 years. Forge New Homes – Andy Beattie, Project Director Backed by 5 leading housing associations in South Yorkshire, Forge New Homes are breaking into the market with their first scheme in the Sheffield City Region. Keen to grow and forge new partnerships, Andy will take us through their ambitious plans and future pipeline. Sheffield Property Association – Martin McKervey, Chair Martin is Chair of the Sheffield Property Association (the S-PA), an independent association of individuals and organisations with an interest in land, property and development in Sheffield and the City Region. The S-PA is the collective voice of property in Sheffield. It exists to inform policy-makers, promote investment and drive economic prosperity across the city. The S-PA was forged in the city as the only formally constituted Property Association outside of London. It showcases the city at home and abroad and seeks to ensure that Sheffield resonates positively in our nation’s capital and around the world. Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Friday, 3rd July 2020Time:1000hrs – 1700hrs Venue View our ticket T&Cs. 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