THIS EVENT HAS NOW PASSED. CLICK HERE TO GET ACCESS TO THE VIDEO AND PRESENTATIONS. Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 8 Oct 2020 West of England Development Conference; Sponsored by Atkins Thursday, 8th October 2020 0900hrs – 1430hrs Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgramme SpeakersBecome a PartnerWhat to Expect This online conference will focus on development, regeneration and investment in the West of England. The West of England Development Conference is back – and this time it’s virtual. This major one-day event is a must for construction and property firms working within the area. It will focus on the phenomenal opportunities the region presents with a focus on driving investment, regeneration, development and economic growth across the West of England. Over 200 key stakeholders and business decision makers will be in attendance. Over £30bn in development projects will be discussed. Exclusive new projects will be launched. And over 30 VIP speakers from across the region from the public and private sectors will share their expertise on stage through a series of panel discussions, Q&As and presentations. This event offers a unique opportunity to meet the biggest names from across the West of England and get an understanding of the current marketplace and where your new business opportunities lie, with inside intel set to be shared on procurement opportunities, project timeframes and more. Speakers include: Greg Hill,Deputy Chief Executive Nuala Gallagher,Director of Growth, Investment and Infrastructure Dr Andy Salmon,Pro Vice Chancellor for External Affairs Lucinda Mitchell,Project Director Mark Ashton,Chief Executive Mark Edworthy,Managing Director Zoe Sharpe,Senior Development Manager John Chaplin,Director of External Affairs and Special Projects Barra Mac Ruairi,Chief Property Officer Sarah Phillips,Partner Gavin Bridge,Director Dean Ward,Managing Director Chris Neil,Regional Director, South West Sonia Davidson-Grant,Associate Philip Hoare,President Nick Sturge,Strategic Advisor More Speakers,TBC Soon Agenda and Programme: 09:00-09:30 Virtual Doors Open & NetworkingEnjoy some networking time with those also attending the conference and visit the exhibitors – with the ability to video chat with attendees, enter the speed networking area or visit the booths of our sponsors. 09:30-09:45 KeynoteAtkins; Philip Hoare, President 09:45-10:00 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 10:00-11:00 Session One: Developing the Western GatewayBritain’s missing powerhouse or merely a branding distraction? Regional policy makes and key private sector voices discuss the merits and drawbacks of the Western Powerhouse vision in this interactive Q&A session. Chair: EY; Sarah Phillips, Partner Bath Spa University; Dr Andy Salmon, Pro Vice-Chancellor for External Affairs Bristol Port Company; John Chaplin, Director of External Affairs and Special Projects Cheltenham Borough Council; Nick Sturge, Strategic Advisor 11:00-11:30 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 11:30-12:30 Session Two: West of England Placemaking and Destination Creation PlansA variety of public and private organisations unveil development projects which will contribute to the region’s varying place-shaping agenda including a look at topics such as creating inclusive communities, developing sustainable infrastructure and transforming town centres. Chair: Commonplace; Chris Neil, Regional Director, South West Bristol City Council; Nuala Gallagher, Director of Growth, Investment and Infrastructure Hill Group; Greg Hill, Deputy Chief Executive First Base; Lucinda Mitchell, Project Director University of Bristol; Barra Mac Ruiari, Chief Property Officer 12:30-13:00 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 12:45-13:00 Breakout – DCW GroupDCW Group has developed a new innovative solution that will save time and costs within the development journey of new homes – potentially shaving 3-months off the process. He’ll reveal all in this session. DCW Group; Dean Ward, Managing Director 13:00-13:15 Networking & ExhibitionDuring the break period you’re able to move around the event – with a speed networking area to allow you to video chat at random so get your elevator pitch ready. You can also invite any other attendee to video chat, direct message. And you can visit our exhibitions, chatting directly to them or watch their brand video and register your interest. 13:15-14:15 Session Three: West of England Major Development PlansA host of the region’s most exciting and large scale major development projects are unveiled and unpacked as part of a high level series of presentations and Q&A. Burrington Estates; Mark Edworthy, Managing Director Dandara Living; Zoe Sharpe, Development Manager Cubex; Gavin Bridge, Director Atkins; Sonia Davidson-Grant, Associate 14:15-14:30 Networking, Exhibition & Close We’re set to have an exceptional line-up of speakers who’ll be sharing intel into their future development projects, plans and vision for across the West of England. Here’s an overview of the confirmed speakers: Hill Group – Greg Hill, Deputy Chief Executive With their first venture into the South West of England, Hill Group are developing 165 new units with over 3,000 sq ft of commercial space also provided. The plan consists of 100 houses and 66 apartments, with 40% set to be affordable. Greg will be able to talk about future plans in the Bristol area, and why this development is important to both Bristol and Hill Group. First Base – Lucinda Mitchell, Project Director First Base are the developers behind the £175m Soapworks project which currently consists of 165,000 sq ft of existing buildings within a 2.25-acre site and is located on the edge of Bristol city centre, close to Bristol Temple Meads station. The proposal is to deliver a mixed use development that will celebrate Bristol’s past and as part of this session Lucinda will be delivering an update on project timelines, its projected social value contribution to the south west and actively engaging with our audience. Bath Spa University – Dr Andy Salmon, Pro Vice Chancellor for External Affairs As home to nearly 8,000 students, Bath Spa University plays an important role in attracting inward investment into the West of England. Andy will be able to discuss how the University builds relationships in an attempt to foster economic and cultural development, alongside driving economic regeneration in the region. Bristol City Football Club – Mark Ashton, Chief Executive More information to follow. Bristol City Council – Nuala Gallagher, Director of Growth, Investment and Infrastructure Bristol City Council have recently announced the £100m investment into flood management into the Avonmouth and Severnside Enterprise Area. This investment will reduce flood risk to at least 2,500 existing homes and businesses, create up to 80 hectares of wetland habitat and opening up 60 hectares for the Enterprise Area, which will supply 12,000 new jobs by 2026. Nuala will be able to share details of the flood management scheme, alongside the benefits for the region. The Bristol Port Company – John Chaplin, Director of External Affairs and Special Projects The Bristol Port Company is a key driver of economic growth in the Western Gateway and the West of England, enabling the import of 550,000 vehicles, 27% of the UK’s aviation fuel and 25% of animal feed annually. With over 1,000 acres of development land in the vicinity of the port – the largest brownfield development site in Western Europe – the opportunities for growth are vast and John will discuss the port’s ongoing expansion plans as well as land opportunities in the port’s vicinity. Burrington Estates – Mark Edworthy, Managing Director As part of an exciting £80m development on the outskirts of Exeter, Burrington Estates are developing 150 homes, 125,000 sq ft of commercial office space and a £5m leisure complex. As Managing Director, Mark will be able to share thought leadership and best practice on this development, alongside how this development will impact the region. University of Bristol – Barra Mac Ruairi, Chief Property Officer As it’s campus gradually expands and regenerates to meet the needs of a worldwide student population, several new schemes are in the pipeline including plans to develop an £80m landmark new library at the heart of its Clifton campus. As part of this session, Barra will talk about how the campus will evolve in the coming years and the University’s role in the city’s placemaking strategy. Cubex – Gavin Bridge, Director Cubex are staples of the development landscape in the South West and have a particular affinity to regenerating sits in Bristol. Their next project is a £70m eco-building on the site of former Avon Fire and Rescue station. They are determined to build a long term legacy in the region and on this panel Gavin will set out their future development vision scheme-by-scheme. Dandara Living – Zoe Sharpe, Senior Development Manager Dandara Living are developers and operators of apartment buildings designed specifically for the rental market. Their growing portfolio includes more than 7,400 homes in 10 towns and cities across the UK. Dandara Living’s pipeline in Bristol will deliver over 1000 new homes. They recently submitted a planning application for their Clarence Road project which sits within the Temple Quarter masterplan area. It will create 432 high quality apartments plus a ground floor terrace and public space with commercial uses connecting Chatterton Square and Clarence Road with a much improved public realm and public route through the scheme. Zoe will discuss this project, their key role played in the Bedminster Green regeneration area and their wider ambitions for the city Commonplace – Chris Neil, Regional Director, South West As a result of COVID-19, many companies have been using digital engagement methods to ensure their planning proposals are still able to go ahead even though face to face consultations can’t. As organisations turn to online tools to capture public opinion safely and effectively on a wider scale, many have achieved outstanding community engagement results. As a Regional Director, Chris is responsible for building Commonplace’s relationships in the South West and excited to provide our innovative software as a meaningful and transparent digital community engagement tool to shape and transform our places in an inclusive way. DCW Group – Dean Ward, Managing Director DCW Group has developed a new innovative solution that will save time and costs within the development journey of new homes – potentially shaving 3-months off the process. He’ll reveal all in this session. Atkins – Sonia Davidson-Grant, Associate Sonia is an experienced Executive Director, Chair and Board Member of both private and public sector organisations, an International researcher and a Strategic Advisor to governments in the UK and the Middle East. Sonia has previous worked with Atkins and is currently working with Ernst & Young. Sonia’s particular expertise lie in leading major capital delivery and change programmes, developing new commercial arrangements to deliver innovative efficiencies, ensuring supply chain benefits, maximising social value and embedding sustainable practice. Sonia is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation. EY – Sarah Phillips, Partner Sarah is a trusted adviser with a passion for projects that create value-enhancing individual, community and city wide resilience; improving life outcomes and building a better working world. Sarah leads our local government and public sector strategy and transactions team for England & Wales. She has recently returned from a period with EY Oceania, where she focused on transformational regeneration-led capital projects. Atkins – Philip Hoare, President Philip Hoare is President of Atkins, SNC-Lavalin’s Engineering, Design & Project Management sector. He is responsible for the company’s infrastructure engineering and design services around the world. He is a member of the Executive Committee of SNC-Lavalin. Philip joined SNC-Lavalin following the 2017 Atkins acquisition, but has been with Atkins since 1997. He has held several senior positions, including leading the transportation division as well as operations across Europe. He is committed to collaborating with clients and partners to deliver their objectives today and to face the future, taking full advantage of digital transformation to improve the efficiency and productivity of infrastructure delivery through best-in-class capabilities in engineering, design and project management. He is passionate about the skills agenda and celebrating diversity and inclusion, as well as a strong advocate of STEM and early career development. He is the senior leadership sponsor for our Women’s Professional Network and the sponsor for the Diversity & Inclusion program in the UK and Europe. Philip is a highly respected leader in the UK market having worked on behalf of the UK Government and the industry to develop a new Sector Deal for rail as part of the government’s Industrial Strategy. Philip has also held a number of positions across the industry including roles on the Boards of the Railway Industry Association, the Rail Supply Group, the Defence Growth Partnership and the National College of High Speed Rail. He has also held positions as the Chair of the Highways Term Maintenance Association and as a Non-Executive Director of the Rail Safety and Standards Board. A chartered civil engineer by profession, Philip is a member of both the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation Cheltenham Borough Council – Nick Sturge, Strategic Advisor Cheltenham Borough Council are currently developing the ‘Golden Valley Development’, which will be home to Cyber Central and will be the UK’s focal point of cyber security activity. As a Strategic Advisor for Cheltenham Borough Council and Consultant of The Golden Valley Development, Nick is best placed to share insight into the £300 million project which will supply up to 3,000 new homes in an exemplar garden community. Associate your brand with the West of England Development Conference and position your brand at the forefront of one of the UK’s biggest discussions and debates around development in the region. Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Conference Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £2,500 Sold Out Session Partner Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,500 View Details Best Practice Presentation Package Yes Yes 10 Yes £1,000 View Details Exhibitor Packages Yes – 5 Yes £500 View Details We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities, exhibition space and those that will drive brand awareness, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the construction and property sector and the whole built environment industry. Conference Partner Become a partner > Session Partner £1,500+VAT The role of the session partner provides an opportunity for you to participate in one of the sessions to build brand awareness, loyalty and trust amongst hundreds of civic and business leaders from across the industry. You’ll be seen to be a thought leader within your area of expertise and showcase your company in front of key decision-makers from across the industry. Benefits include: Ability to help shape the session agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the eventOption to recommend speakers for the sessionInclusion with pre-conference speaker communicationsAccess to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsBranding for the whole conference and your sessionOne speaking position on your panelOption to do a five minute introduction to your panel or thought leaders presentationOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature10 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventBecome a partner > Session One Partner – Developing the Western Gateway Become a partner > Session Two Partner – West of England Placemaking and Destination Creation Plans Become a partner > Best Practice Presentation Package £1,000+VAT During the breaks delegates are able to speed network and visit the exhibitors – but with this package you can also give them the option of coming to see your company deliver a 15-minute thought leadership presentation, enabling you to play a key role in the conference. Build brand awareness, loyalty, trust and new business leads amongst numerous civic and business leaders from across the industry. Benefits include: Ability to deliver a 15-minute presentation during one of the break periods Access to the VIP Room – a green room for speakers, VIP guests and sponsorsBranding across the rest of the conferenceOnline exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share content10 online delegate passes for your team and/or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media, etcMaster of Ceremonies ‘thank you’ in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion in any PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the eventBecome a partner > Exhibitor Package £500+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to meet online delegates and chat with them – then our exhibitor package is perfect. Some people can be reluctant to approach exhibition stands – but online it’s different and you’ll be inundated with enquiries and questions about your brand. Benefits include: Online exhibition space allowing you to video chat with delegates and share downloadable content such as literature5 online delegate passes for your team or guestsDigital media branding: your logo will appear prominently on the website, marketing emails, social media etcMaster of Ceremonies “thank you” in the opening and closing speechesSocial media – pre, during and post-conference activityInclusion with all PR and outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to video of the conference after the event Become a partner > If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 Our online conferences will merge our face-to-face conferences with a virtual platform – providing networking opportunities, exceptional panel discussions and debates, speaker presentations and an exhibition hall. Here’s a little video highlighting what to expect… And here’s a bit more information of key areas of our online events… You’ll receive unique log-in details to join our online event via computer or phone – and you’ll be greeted with an easy navigation tool. You’ll be able to navigate to: Main Stage Where our ‘Programme’ will take place with excellent speakers and content. You’ll be able to get involved, asking questions and taking part in live polls. Networking Area Just like a real conference you’ll be able to meet and connect with new people in our forum. You can directly request to chat with someone or you can enter our ‘speed networking’ area to meet numerous new people within the industry. Get your elevator pitch ready! Sponsor / Exhibitor Area Meet our partners and sponsors – view what they’re all about, video chat with them and download their literature and product information. Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Thursday, 8th October 2020Time:0900hrs – 1430hrs Venue Online – Hopin View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW Sponsors Conference Partner Session Partner Session Partner National Partner National Framework Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Lanyard Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Core Digital Partner Core Digital Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Diversity Partner Speakers Exhibitors