Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 3 Feb 2020 York Development Plans Monday, 3rd February 2020 1530hrs – 1900hrs The Hospitium, Museum Gardens, York, YO30 7DR Book online Download booking form View Partnership Packages EventsBecome a PartnerAttendeesOur last event in York was a complete sellout – and it was clear to see why. There are some truly transformational schemes happening across the region, with the York Central project in the heart of the city the centrepiece scheme and this of course will be one of the key projects being discussed as construction and real estate professionals join us in York this February. Cllr Keith Aspden,Leader Janet Waggott,Chief Executive Rosie Toogood,Chief Executive Officer Seb Horst,Development Manager Click here to register and secure your ticket > York Council – who’ll share intel on the 45-hectare York Central scheme transforming the city centre, a scheme creating 2,500 homes, 6,000 new jobs and boosting the city’s GVA by more than £1bn Selby Council – they’re working on plans to revitalise the town with a new gateway from the train station, a new urban quarter in the town, and several major employment zones including Sherburn2 and the regeneration of a former colliery site Legal & General Modular Homes – the modular house builder is producing 3,500 homes at their Sherburn site on the outskirts of York and they’ll be discussing potential partnerships, new sites and their vision for accelerating housing delivery. Tiger Developments – Seb will discussing Tiger’s ongoing development projects within York including their plans for 62 residential apartments, 28 car parking spaces and associated landscaped amenity spaces at Eboracum Way. Click here to book your ticket > Event Format: 1530 – 1600; Registration1600 – 1645; Networking with Wine, Beer and Soft Drinks1645 – 1815; Speaker Presentations1815 – 1900; Networking with Hot Food, Wine, Beer and Soft Drinks1900 – 2200; VIP Speakers’ Dinner (VIP ticket holders only) Our partnership opportunities will enable you to maximise your attendance at the conference – from VIP access to speak one-on-one with the speakers, to getting maximum brand awareness to boost brand advocacy and loyalty within the region. Be at the forefront of the event and showcase your brand in front of the industry’s biggest names and influencers. Packages available include: Partnership Package Exhibition Stand Delegate Places Number of Packages Cost (+VAT) Conference Partner Yes 4 1 £2,500 View Details Email Partner Yes 2 1 £1,750 View Details Registration Partner – 2 1 £1,750 View Details Drinks & Bar Partner Yes 2 1 £1,750 View Details Exhibitor Package Yes 2 4 £1,000 View Details VIP Dinner Partner – 2 1 £1,000 View Details Programme Partner – 2 1 £500 Sold Out Here are further details on the packages above: Conference Partner £2,500+VAT Become the conference partner for the conference – and gain the ultimate brand awareness, contact with the speakers and thought leadership. Benefits include: Prime branding for the whole conference3x1m² stand space in the exhibition area3 x pull-up banners at the conference including one on the stage behind the lectern4 x delegate passes for the conference1 x VIP Dinner ticket for the conference*Attendance at Network Training sessions for up to four people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomLogo on the speaker’s presentationsLiterature placement in the networking roomFacilitation of introductions to the speakers at all conferencesYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all marketing material related to the conference1 x full page advert in the conference programmeReserved seating on front two rowsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post conferenceInclusion within PR sent to local and industry pressAccess to event photography and video *Subject to dinner taking place Become a partner > Email Partner £1,750+VAT Prime branding on all emails used to promote the conference with delegates before, during and after the conference. Benefits include: Branding on all emails relating to events – circa 100,000 views3x1m² stand space in the exhibition area2 x delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Network Training sessions for up to four people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all marketing material related to the conference1 x half page advert in the conference programmeReserved seating on front two rowsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post conferenceInclusion within PR sent to local and industry pressAccess to event photography and video Become a partner > Registration Partner £1,750+VAT Sponsor the registration area – the delegate entry point to the conference. Benefits include: Branding of the registration table cloth2 x pull-up banners in the registration area3x1m² stand space in the exhibition area2 x delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to two people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all marketing material promoting the event1 x half-page advert in the conference programmeReserved seating on the front two rowsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post conferenceInclusion within regional and industry press releaseAccess to photography and videos from the conference Become a partner > Drinks & Bar Partner £1,750+VAT Prime branding at the drinks and bar area – the key delegate meeting point for all refreshments located within the main networking hall. Benefits include: Branding of the bar and refreshments area3x1m² stand space in the exhibition area2 x delegate passes for the conference2 x pull-up banners within the bar and drinks areaAttendance at Network Training sessions for up to four people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all marketing material related to the conference1 x half page advert in the conference programmeReserved seating on front two rowsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post conferenceInclusion within PR sent to local and industry pressAccess to event photography and video Become a partner > Exhibitor Package £1,000+VAT Showcase your brand in front of senior business and sector decision makers and leaders, with hours of networking time to make strong connections for future business opportunities. Benefits include: 3x1m² exhibition space at the conference2 x delegates ticketsAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to two people per yearAttendance at Exhibition Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the event websiteYour logo will be displayed on all marketing material for the event1 x A5 advert in the conference programme.Reserved seating on the front two rowsChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media promotion pre, during and post eventInclusion within the press releaseAccess to photography and video from the event Confirmed Exhibitors: Become a partner > VIP Dinner Partner £1,000+VAT Spend quality time with the speakers at the after conference VIP Speakers’ Dinner – with input into the seating arrangement and branding through banners and marketing literature to showcase your brand. Benefits include: 2 x pull up banners at the evening dinnerLiterature placement at the dinner venueInput into the VIP dinner seating plan2 x VIP dinner tickets2 x delegate passes to the main conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to two people per yearLogo on the website conference page1 x full-page advert in the evening dinner programmePromotion on social media pre, during and post conferenceInclusion within the press releaseAccess to photographs and video of the conference The VIP Dinner will run between 19:30-22:00 with private dining at a top restaurant (Michelin starred if available). The restaurant will be close to the conference venue with a maximum of 25 VIP guests in total. The dinner will be a relaxed and formal setting with a managed conversation from the dinner host. Become a partner > Programme Partner £500+VAT Become a partner > Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the industry, the region’s future vision and the whole built environment industry. As always we’re expecting a bumper crowd for our event in York – and we fully except it to sell out! Here is an overview of some of the companies who’ve already secured their tickets for the event: ACTS Group Addleshaw Goddard AECOM Alan Wood & Partners AM Bid Arcadis Atkins, Member of SNC Lavalin BAM Construct BECG BHP BNP Paribas Bramhall Blenkharn Built Environment Communications Group Buro Four BuroHappold Engineering Cartwright Pickard Architects CIOB City of York Council Clarion Solicitors Cundall Currie & Brown DarntonB3 Architecture Deloitte Delta-Simons Desco Design & Consultancy Elysian Property Energy Assets ERE Property ESH Evora Construction Faithful+Gould FES Frame Geo Environmental Gillespies Gleeds GRAHAM Henry Boot Construction Hoare Lea Homes England Houlton Identity Consult IFC Group ilke Homes Interserve Irwin Mitchell ISG Jacobs Keepmoat Homes KPMG L&G Modular Homes Lovell Partnerships M-AR Mascot Management Moortown Group National Railway Museum Network Rail Newforma Northern Archaeological Associates NPS P+HS Architects Pagabo Pegasus Group Pell Frischmann Perfect Circle Pick Everard Pinsent Masons Porcelanosa Purcell Rider Levett Bucknall Roger Bullivant Royal Pilgrim Communications Selby District Council Sewell Group Shared Agenda Solutions Silverstone Building Consultancy SMR Architects Squire Patton Boggs Stantec Sweco Taylor Wimpey The Landscape Agency Tiger Developments Turley Turner & Townsend Urban Splash Virgin Media Business Waterman Wates Whitecap Consulting William Birch & Sons Willmott Dixon Womble Bond Dickinson Woodscape W R Dunn & Co WSP York Archaeological Trust York Mix York TV Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Monday, 3rd February 2020Time:1530hrs – 1900hrs Venue The Hospitium, Museum GardensYork YO30 7DR, UK+ Google Map View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW Gallery Sponsors Programme Partner National Partner National BIM Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Frameworks Partner National Lanyard Partner National Badge Partner Diversity Partner Speakers Exhibitors Video