£120 million proposal for 500 homes to go before Falkirk council Posted on: October 28th, 2022 A Cala Homes proposal for the Gilston Park residential-led mixed-used development has been submitted by Halsteen the application for planning permission in principle.The proposal has been recommended for approval by officers, and will assist Falkirk Council to achieve its required housing land supply targets.The scheme has also received support from Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce.This sustainable neighbourhood will provide around 500 homes (including 25% affordable housing); sizeable parkland; and a neighbourhood centre for retail and community use.49% of the site will be open space, with a central park and wetlands, linked to recreational areas.Ian Conway from Cala Homes said: “The Gilston Park development will deliver much-needed affordable and private for sale homes, as well as employment and commercial opportunities. This highly sustainable development continues to build on our already strong presence in the Falkirk Council area and will bring considerable economic benefits to the local community, delivering a jobs boost and millions of pounds worth of investment.“Assisting in overall regeneration of the site, the extensive greenspaces including linked parks, play areas and general amenity will also create new and enhance habitat areas that will contribute significant environmental and social benefits for both the future residents and the wider local community.”