£30bn framework launched by Crown Commercial Service Posted on: September 27th, 2021 The race has begun to tender for the latest CCS framework – with ProCure23 and major project framework covering public spending departments.[emaillocker id=”71749″]The fourth-generation ProCure23 element for the NHS is set to be split into three lots, with the other two covering the Ministry of Defence (MoD) airfield works and construction works valued more than £80m. The major projects lot has a potential forecast of £20bn over a 56-month period.The framework lots are split into:ProCure23:Projects under £20m – split into seven regions (total £3bn)Projects between £20-70m – 8 places available (total £3bn)Projects over £70m – 8 places available (total £3bn)General Construction LotsAirfield Works – 6 places available (total £1bn)General construction over £80m – 20 places available (total £20bn)[/emaillocker]