£600m Cavalry Barracks plans approved Posted on: October 21st, 2022 Inland Homes has received, on behalf of the third-party project investor, a resolution to grant planning permission at Cavalry Barracks in West Hounslow for a mixed-use development of 1,525 homes and 2,700 sqm of commercial space.Inland Homes acquired the site from the Ministry of Defence and submitted the planning application in March 2021. It continues to act on behalf of the project investors to finalise the terms of the Section 106 agreement with the council, which is expected to be signed within the next few months and then support the investor through the site disposal plan.The former MoD site is one of the largest remaining undeveloped brownfield sites in London at nearly 37 acres.Nish Malde, interim chief executive of Inland Homes, said: “The historical significance, location and scale of the Cavalry Barracks make this an exceptional brownfield site and we are delighted to have worked with the London Borough of Hounslow to have secured a resolution to grant planning permission on behalf of the project’s investor.“We look forward to finalising the terms of the Section 106 as quickly as possible so that the next phase of the Cavalry Barracks’ story can begin.”