Basildon Council commits to £100m investment into estates and new homes Posted on: June 30th, 2021 Proposals to invest millions into creating clean and safe estates and building more homes for borough residents have been considered by Basildon councillors.[emaillocker id=”71749″] The Housing and Estate Renewal Committee met on Tuesday June 22 and agreed the development of a ‘Safe and Sound Estates’ Estate Renewal Strategy and a proposal to build an extra 200 homes as part of the housing development programme.Committee chairman, Councillor Andrew Schrader, said: “Tackling estate renewal is my top priority and we are committed to providing more much-needed Basildon homes for Basildon people.“We have made significant investment in previous years and we stand ready to invest even more to ensure our tenants have decent homes that meet the new standards as well as contribute to our net-zero carbon target.”“We are also helping the most vulnerable through Discretionary Housing Payments.”“Throughout, we will remain committed to listening to residents and their priorities will guide everything we do.”It is anticipated that this programme of estate renewal will require an investment of £10million a year for four years.In terms of the Housing Development Programme there is currently £59 million in the HRA capital programme for this. Funding for an additional 200 homes would be in the region of £54million.[/emaillocker]