Bradford Council to Seek Consultant For £64m Link Road Business Case Posted on: July 11th, 2020 Bradford Council are seeking to develop a new South Bradford Link Road which will connect Westgate Hill and the East of the city – easing congesting and traffic, whilst unlocking land to create thousand so new jobs. [emaillocker id=”71749″] The £64m Bradford Link Road has been in the planning stages since 2012 – but the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) has committed to funding £46m of the cost. The WYCA will also provide £1.2m to enable the council to develop an outline business case for the road.On Tuesday (14th July) council members will be asked to approve a procurement strategy for the appointment of a suitability qualified consultant to develop the required business cases to support the delivery of the new link road. They’ll be told that developing a business case for the project is “significant” and current beyond the council’s own internal resources to deliver. The expert consultant, once procured, will look to plot the exact route of the road, which will incorporate new cycle and pedestrian routes. The route could unlock land which could deliver around 2,500 new homes, whilst commercial and employment zones could also be unlocked creating thousands of jobs. It’s one of the numerous projects set to be discussed on our Future Development Plans in Bradford webinar. You can register here: [/emaillocker]