Bury Council acquisition unlocks next stage of development Posted on: August 2nd, 2021 Council has completed on the purchase of the Longfield Centre. This will unlock the next stages of development and allow the council to work with Muse Developments – one of the UK’s best at repurposing town and city centres – to revitalise the heart of Prestwich village and transform it into a vibrant and connected mixed-use destination.Both Muse and the council will now explore options around a delivery vehicle to bring forward their collective aspirations to deliver a new town centre with extensive public realm improvements, that is inclusive to the local community, facilitating business growth, cultivating enterprise, delivering new homes, while injecting quality and economic resilience in the heart of a thriving town.A key part of the plans will see a new community hub delivered, which will host a range of public services, along with a number of community and wellbeing spaces, such as a library, fitness suite and performance area.Sustainability will feature heavily throughout the development, with proposals set to include a focus on walking and cycling, sustainable technology for heat and power, urban drainage systems, along with public spaces that encourage natural biodiversity improvements.David Burkinshaw, development director at Muse Developments, said: “We’ve been working with the council on a strategy to create a truly special scheme to benefit the Prestwich community, and we’re delighted the council has purchased the Longfield Centre.“We’re looking forward to engaging with the community to discuss our plans and work with them to bring these exciting proposals to life. Together, we’ll take a human and holistic approach to urban regeneration, by repurposing the area, to create an inclusive and sustainable scheme that drives investment, opportunities and prosperity right into the heart of Prestwich.” Cllr Eamonn O’Brien, leader of Bury Council, said: “The regeneration of our town centres is a key priority for the council. We have taken the lead in driving forward these plans for the Longfield site, investing millions of pounds to bring about transformation of the town centre which will be welcomed by residents and businesses alike.“We hope to finalise the arrangements with Muse Developments in October, and unveil the first proposals by the end of the year. There will then follow a period of consultation and formal planning procedures to go through in the spring and, if all goes to plan, work should begin onsite in 2023.”Muse Developments is the UK’s leading names in delivering innovative spaces and places where people can live, work and relax in towns and cities, through long-term partnerships with both the public and private sector. Muse is part of Morgan Sindall Group plc – the leading construction and regeneration group.The next phase for the partnership is to approve the form of delivery vehicle and establish a development brief for the first phase, while developing an outline draft masterplan prior to consultation.