Businesses invited to bid for Rotherham Markets tender Posted on: October 7th, 2022 Rotherham Council has invited bids from Contractors as it continues to pursue the redevelopment of the Rotherham Markets.Contractors are required to submit their bids in October 2022 which will outline their proposals for all design work on the scheme, which will include a brand-new markets space, the new town centre library, a community space, and an events space.Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Business and Regeneration, Cllr Denise Lelliott, said: “Since the Rotherham Market opened its doors over 50 years ago, they have been at the heart of the town centre. The markets encourage small business owners across the borough to get started and allows them to grow. I am excited to see each of the bids the businesses put forward so we can begin the next stage of the development on the markets.”The Council will announce the successful bidder later in the year once a full evaluation of the bids received has taken place. Following completion of the design stage an assessment will take place and a further decision will be taken in early Summer 2023 to progress with the successful contractor for the construction.Rotherham Council secured funding from the Government’s Future High Street Fund to part finance the improvements to the markets, which will be supplemented by the Council’s own resources and funding from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority. Works first began on the Market redevelopment in May 2022 when the former Charters Arms pub was demolished.Rotherham has a long history and heritage of markets which dates back to the 13th Century. In 1801, an Act of Parliament enabled the town to enlarge the marketplace in the area where the Imperial Buildings now stand.The markets have survived relocations and even a fire in 1888. Rotherham Markets have since moved to the current site and the current market, Centenary Market, was opened in 1971.