Announcement: Update & Information on 2020 Events Posted on: July 10th, 2020 The safety and wellbeing of our staff and those who attend our physical events is of absolute paramount importance to Built Environment Networking – and that’s why we’d today like to make an important announcement on our events schedule for the remainder of 2020. As global health concerns continue to develop, our team has been working diligently behind the scenes, whilst monitoring the continued updates from Government, to remove any uncertainty surrounding our physical events and develop a new calendar to give you piece of mind when booking and planning which events to attend. Today we’re releasing our updated calendar which sees us change several of our physical conferences planned in September and October to online and move our most popular physical conferences to November and early December 2020. We believe, especially with our new online conferencing platform which enables us to not only host speaker panels but also deliver networking and business development opportunities, that this is the best way to proceed, with the safety of our staff, venue staff, delegates, sponsors and speakers at the forefront of our mind. The new calendar can be found here >Whilst events have had to be rescheduled, don’t worry, we have automatically transferred your tickets and partnership packages to the new dates – and if you’re unable to make it you can transfer this to another colleague or move to a different event. Updating all delegates on the changes will take our team time and we truly appreciate your understanding as we navigate this new territory, whilst we also continue to deliver first class events online. We’d also like to take a moment to offer our most sincere support to any of those who’ve been affected by this virus in any way.If you have been made redundant, or know of others who have, please get in contact – we have a large number of free online conferences passes to help those in need to enable you to make new connections in the industry. Furthermore, we are recruiting for a Business Development Manager and a Data Director – so if you know people who’re looking for new opportunities please ask them to email keith.griffiths@built-environment-networking.comFrom all at Built Environment Networking, we wish you the best and hope to see you online or at a physical conference soon.The Built Environment Networking Team