Cumbria County Council and Carlisle City Council are seeking £100m which will enable them to unlock a major new 10,000 home garden community.
St Cuthbert’s Garden Village is one of fourteen garden villages backed by the Government – with plans outlined to develop a new community consisting of more than 10,000 homes, but crucial infrastructure must be delivered including a new link road to bring the scheme forward. [emaillocker id=”71749″]
Funding has already been allocated from the Council’s own funding pots which has gone towards enabling works and the delivery of a masterplan – but additional funding is now needed to deliver the Carlisle Southern Link Road. The request for an additional £102m has been made ahead of a planned meeting with Homes England on the 23rd July.
The new development will be a focus of our Garden Communities & New Towns Conference – details of which can be found here: https://www.built-environment-networking.com/event/garden-cities-new-towns-conference/
The report submitted for the scheme to the Cabinet states: “St Cuthbert’s Garden Village is the single most important project for Cumbria, due to its ability to support growth in the local population and thereby contribute to reversing the declining working age population. The Garden Village provides a long-term growth site for Carlisle for delivery of 10,325 new homes over the next 30 years. To facilitate this level of growth, a major infrastructure upgrade is essential.”
“This road is critical in unlocking the development of the Garden Village proposals; providing highway capacity and access to support the delivery of St Cuthbert’s Garden Village and wider strategic connectivity from the M6 to the A595 and a more resilient network within the wider Carlisle highway network.”