CEG Delivers £10m in Social Value at Kirkstall Forge Posted on: April 24th, 2020 Developer CEG has delivered more than £10m worth of social value through their skills and employment hub at Kirkstall Forge.The £400m scheme is one of a number CEG are working on across the city, and in 2017 they created the Forging Futures Campus which provides new skills and an employment initiative programme aimed at helping young people from all background across Yorkshire. It aimed to develop the abilities needed to progress a career. [emaillocker id=”71749″] CEG – who’re speaking at our West Yorkshire Development Conference – are building 400,000 sq ft of commercial and community space at Kirkstall Forge along with other mixed-use space and more than 1,000 new homes. The published report on the impact of the Forging Futures Campus highlights:£10m+ in social value has been delivered to date The figure comes from reviewing the social, economic and environmental outcomes created for local communities and the wider Leeds City Region. 450+ people have benefited from the curriculum delivery, site visits, workplace engagement and more. 116 people have graduated from the training initiative for 16-24 year olds, with over 70% having a positive outcome including 45 new jobs and 54 going onto further education and training.Experience, support and funding offered to young ex-offenders helping to get them training. Since 2016 32 have graduated delivering an estimated saving of £2.25m to the public purse from reduced repeat offending. 50% have gone onto extra training, apprenticeships and jobs.Lucinda Yeadon, Community Liaison Manager at CEG, said: “We look forward to helping many more local people as our Kirkstall Forge and Temple projects continue. We’re passionate about providing long-term benefits to communities, so for us it was really important that we started delivering programmes aimed at those furthest from the job market.”“One of our key drivers, aside from the buildings themselves and the regeneration of physical spaces, is to firmly embed ourselves within the community that we’ve choose to develop within. We’re incredibly proud of those that have already taken part and are starting to see the positive impact.”Click here to register for the West Yorkshire Development Conference > [/emaillocker]