Ambitious New Park Under Coventry Ring-Road? Posted on: February 20th, 2020 Major Midlands developer Complex Developments Projects (CDP) has revealed plans for an eye-catching new park underneath a busy Coventry ring-road – which forms part of a much larger 700-apartment project. [emaillocker id=”71749″] The apartments form the main element of the project – with 700 apartments planned on the 5.5-acre site of a former gas works – with new pedestrian and cycling routes. These are complimented by the 1km long park which could include its own climbing wall and amphitheatre – with the green infrastructure link connecting Naul’s Mill Park to Belgrade Plaza in the city centre. Feature lighting and landscaping are also proposed. The planning application submitted by Complex Development Projects (CDP) – who’ll be speaking about their projects at the Midlands Development Conference – who say that the route of the linear park would follow the line of the Radford Brook which will be recreated as a natural habitat. It would then run through the former gas works site in Abbotts Lane, where CDP is proposing to create the new apartments.The 700 apartments are being built on land previously owned by The National Grid. The £100m scheme has been brought forward with the help of Coventry City Council and West Midlands Combined Authority, and the homes will be available to both buy and rent. You can meet Complex Development Projects to hear how to get involved in their future projects here > [/emaillocker]