Deeley Freed gets green light for brownfield development in Bristol Posted on: July 5th, 2021 Plans to turn a brownfield site in Bedminster in Bristol into student flats and offices have been approved by the city council.The site between Dalby Avenue and Whitehouse Lane is currently occupied by a car park, car repair business and car sales business.[emaillocker id=”71749″]Local developer Deeley Freed’s mixed-use scheme will provide 819 student-bed spaces, including 25 accessible rooms and study and social space for the University of Bristol.The plans also include 6,000 sq ft of flexible employment or commercial space that will be created along Whitehouse Lane.Deeley Freed said the two new buildings, which will be built alongside the restored River Malago, will be of “high-quality sustainable design”.The developer said its proposals will deliver improvements to the River Malago and Clarke Street, and will integrate with the infrastructure and highway improvements being brought forward by the council as part of the wider Bedminster Green regeneration project.According to Deeley Freed, the plans will create a “safer and more attractive place” for new and existing residents, and a new entrance for Windmill Hill City Farm.A new pedestrian and cycle route through the site will link Clarke Street to Whitehouse Lane and on to Temple Meads and the University of Bristol Enterprise Campus.Landscaped public spaces will be created, including the planting of more than 40 new trees, habitats for fauna and flora and green roofs.Max Freed of Deeley Freed said the £5m annual student spend would be a “massive boost” to the local economy and the development would help the revitalisation of nearby East Street.“It will act as a catalyst for the regeneration of Bedminster Green, enabling the Dalby Avenue, Whitehouse Lane and river Malago improvements to be brought forward by the council,” he said.Mr Freed said sustainability would be “critical” to the scheme, which will connect to the council’s proposed district heat network.The design will include the use of rain gardens, orientation of the buildings to make sure there is natural light and ventilation, high levels of insulation, and the ability to generate electricity on site with the use of photovoltaic panels.“As a business, we recognise the importance of environmental, social and corporate governance issues and because of this, the development will be BREEAM excellent, re-using a challenging urban brownfield site,” Mr Freed added.“It is sustainable, promotes the use of public transport and is virtually car-free. It also delivers an increase of 40 trees and more than 1,000% Biodiversity Net Gain.”Mr Freed said the contribution of around £3.5m through the Community Infrastructure Levy and Section106 contributions would help Bristol deliver on its strategic objectives.[/emaillocker]