Fusion21 announces launch of £120m consultants framework Posted on: May 27th, 2021 Procurement consultancy and social enterprise Fusion21 has announced the launch of its national Consultants Framework worth up to £120 million over a four-year period and is now inviting bids from interested consultants.[emaillocker id=”71749″] This is the fifth iteration of Fusion21’s successful Consultants Framework and is expecting to support over 100 projects each year. Open to all sizes of consultancy practices, it has been designed to meet the consultancy needs of a wide range of public sector organisations in the blue light, central government, education, health, housing and local government sectors.Lot 1 is a Multidisciplinary Consultancy offer and the other 11 Lots will allow interested consultants to bid for Lots specific to their expertise and capability. Firms that have the capability to deliver more than one discipline will be able to bid for any number of Lots. The full Lot structure includes:Lot 1 Project Management and Multidisciplinary Consultancy Services and Lead ConsultantLot 2 Stock Monitoring & AppraisalLot 3 Building Information Modelling – NEWLot 4 ArchitecturalLot 5 Fit Out Consultancy – NEWLot 6 Heritage and ConservationLot 7 Structural and Civil EngineeringLot 8 Building Engineering ServicesLot 9 Facilities Management Consultancy – NEWLot 10 Principal DesignerLot 11 Zero Carbon and Sustainability – NEWLot 12 ValuationsProviding geographical coverage across the UK, consultants can bid for the Lots suited to their delivery models and areas of technical expertise. The framework includes flexible call-off processes with options for both Direct Awards and Further Competitions.Peter Francis, Director of Operations at Fusion21 said: ‘Set for launch in September 2021 this framework has been developed in response to feedback provided from both our members and the supply chain. It marks the next stage in developing Fusion21’s consultants’ offer which has grown from strength to strength over the last decade.‘Fusion21 is an established framework provider that is well respected throughout the public sector. Our procurement teams are experienced technical experts in their fields that understand the needs of consultants when tendering and a contributor to our success is how we work for the mutual benefit of our consultants and members.‘We welcome applications from interested organisations that meet the criteria set out in the tender documentation now available on the Delta e-Sourcing Portal via the following link –https://fusion21.delta-esourcing.com/respond/CU8P7VP932.’[/emaillocker]