Green light for 1st phase of 4000 homes in Rugby Posted on: January 11th, 2023 The first phase of a major development for a 4,000-home development has been approved as part of the South West Rugby Sustainable Urban Development Extension.This stage will provide up to 210 homes, a new primary school, and create more than 350 jobs in Rugby has been given final outline planning approval.Leading strategic land developer L&Q Estates has received outline planning permission from Rugby Borough Council for plans on land off Cawston Lane, following the agreement of Section 106 contributions.The scheme originally received unanimous approval from the council’s Planning Committee in 2021, with Section 106 contributions now agreed between L&Q Estates and the local authority.It is expected to provide a huge economic boost to Rugby, contributing an estimated £4.4 million per year on retail and leisure.More than 300 jobs will be created in the construction phase and 60 permanent jobs in the school, while L&Q Estates is also providing more than £6.3 million in Section 106 contributions to enhance the local community, which includes £1.9 million towards education.Adrian Clack, Managing Director of L&Q Estates, said: “We are delighted to receive outline planning permission for phase one of our scheme at Homestead View.“As a company based in Warwickshire, we are really pleased to be facilitating much-needed housing for our region alongside community facilities including a two-form primary school, public amenities, and road enhancements.“We look forward to sharing further news as this scheme progresses.”Plans include developing a 14-hectare site on the south western edge of Cawston and includes a range of two-to-five-bedroom homes, of which 30 per cent will be affordable.The scheme has been sensitively designed within its surroundings to enhance biodiversity, and includes almost 40 per cent – 5.3 hectares – of open space, alongside play provision and a woodland buffer.Improvements will also be made to the highways network with a new roundabout installed at the junction of Coventry Road and Cawston Lane, and enhancements to Cawston Lane to improve traffic flow alongside pedestrian and cycling provision.Plans will be subject to a reserved matters application at a later date.The Homestead View development comprises a consortium of landowners and developers, including L&Q Estates, Homes England, Richborough Estates and Taylor Wimpey, and will gradually be developed subject to planning consents over the next 15 years.