‘It’s always good when we all get together’ Posted on: April 21st, 2021 Manchester City Council chief executive Joanne Roney highlighted the importance of senior industry figures, across all sectors, meeting up en masse when she spoke at UKREiiF’s latest monthly webinar.[emaillocker id=”71749″]Joanne was joined by three other members of UKREiiF’s Advisory Group as she outlined why an event like UKREiiF has been badly missed. The first annual conference will take place in Leeds next year (May 17-19)She said: “It’s always good when we all get together and we are all missing the spark and energy that comes from that. That connection and sparking of ideas and learning from other places. I think we are all desperate to get back to having those informal as well as formal conversations.“We have two of my top partners in the room today from Allied and the Scarborough Group – both fantastic partners, who work in many different places. And I think we are all in that place where we are thinking about future designs, zero carbon and the new agenda as we move forward for our cities and towns. And those developers, who have a breadth of experience from operating in different places, really bring a lot to the table in terms of upping the standards. That learning has been missed.“Also conferences like the one we are hosting play a key role in getting messages back to government so I think it is important on every level and it is great to come to Leeds. I hope it is going to be sunny and I hope we are all going to have a few great days.”Manchester City Council chief executive Joanne RoneyUKREiiF’s next monthly webinar takes place on Monday, May 17 and will feature Victoria Hills, Chief Executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute, Liam Ronan-Chond, Head of Engagement and Social Value at First Base, plus the Executive Chairman of Pagabo, Gerard Toplass.It will have a special focus on radically improving sustainability and driving the net zero agenda in the built environment, creating innovation through having a diverse and inclusive working environment and developing skills to ensure the industry is provided for in the future. To book your place click here.[/emaillocker]