Land at Preston Down Road, Paignton Posted on: June 6th, 2023 Boyer’s Cardiff and Bristol office are pleased to have secured Full Planning Permission for up to 101 dwellings (including 30 affordable homes) on either side of Preston Down Road, Paignton on behalf of Torbay Development Agency (TDA). The landscape-led development will deliver a broad range of high-quality accommodation in the form of a variety of dwelling types and sizes (1–4-bedroom homes) to meet housing need and the Council’s 5 year housing land supply.This afternoon, Torbay Council Planning Committee granted permission for the landscape-led residential development on the 4.02ha vacant site on the western edge of Paignton. The site was identified as being suitable for housing development in the Torbay Local Plan and Paignton Neighbourhood Plan.Boyer co-ordinated and submitted the Full Planning Application and project managed the application through to today’s planning committee working closely with the applicant’s design/consultant team and Council Officers to overcome ecology and lighting challenges and achieve a positive outcome.