Procure Plus announces £1.3bn low carbon housing framework Posted on: May 6th, 2021 Manchester social housing framework specialist Procure Plus has unveiled plans to establish a panel of firms to supply and install low and zero carbon technologies.[emaillocker id=”71749″] Suppliers and contractors appointed to the £1.3bn framework agreement will be required to work collaboratively to increase energy efficiency within buildings across both social housing and the wider public sector.The new framework will cover the provision and installation of both air and ground source heat pumps, and photovoltaics.Originally focussed in the North West, Procure Plus will now extend its offer across the UK and has divided the framework into national and seven regional lots.SuppliesAir Source Heat Pump Systems and associated materials (value £195m)Ground Source Heat Pump Systems 3-6kw and associated materials (£6m)Ground Source Heat Pump Systems 6kw+ and associated materials (£3m)Heating equipment (£11m)Solar panels (£246m)InstallationAir Source Heat Pump Systems– National (£113m)– North West (£75m)– Wales (£15m)– Yorkshire and Humberside (£75m)– North East (£38m)– East Midlands (£30m)– West Midlands (£30m)– South (£75m)Ground Source Heat Pump Systems (£18m)Shared Loop Ground Source Heat Pump Systems (£25m)Solar Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems– National (£84m)– North West (£56m)– Wales (£11m)– Yorkshire and Humberside (£56m)– North East (£28m)– East Midlands (£22m)– West Midlands (£22m)– South (£56m)Firms will need to register their interest by 15 June on the Procure Plus portal.[/emaillocker]