Sheffield City Council are looking to address their need to drive and accelerate the delivery of new homes within the region – with the launch of their New Homes Delivery Plan. The plan, which aims to provide an overarching strategic plan to build 2,000 new homes per year over the next five years, will help combat Sheffield’s ever growing population.
The Council – who’re set to speak at the Sheffield Development Plans event alongside New Era Developments, Scarborough Group and more – have focused their plan on creating new homes for younger people, older people, families and those who’re vulnerable within the community. Some of the key elements highlighted within the plan include:
- A mixture between homes for sale and rent
- Enhance the current offering of homes on the market
- Build 2,000 new homes each year for the next 5 years
- Target of 35% or more new builds to sit within the affordable bracket
- Delivery to be done through a strong collaborative approach with the public and private sector
- Prioritise the regeneration of brownfield land
Speaking of the new plan Cllr Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Transport and Development, said: ”Our homes matter to us. They’re the foundations of a strong community and, at a very basic level, they are a major factor in deciding whether we feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to have a more inclusive and successful city, so we need our housing to offer choice, be affordable and provide good quality homes for all. We will only grow and prosper as a city if we do this and if we do it right. People will only want to stay here and come to live here if there is housing that meets their needs.”
Cllr Jim Steinke, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Communities, added: ”Emphasis will be placed on providing choice: different types of housing and a mix of tenure-type and there will be a rapid increase in the number of new council homes. Sheffield has a significant shortage of specialist accommodation for older people, people with disabilities, young and vulnerable people and the aim is help these groups live independently.”
We’re excited to hear from Sheffield City Council on their plans for the region and how they’ll be driving homes, jobs and sustainable economic growth at the Sheffield Development Plans Conference.
Tickets can be purchased here.