South Quay regeneration scheme: pre-application consultation launched Posted on: May 5th, 2023 A pre-application consultation has been launched in connection with Pembrokeshire County Council’s South Quay regeneration scheme (phase 2) in the centre of Pembroke.Asbri Planning Ltd. has been commissioned by the County Council to undertake the pre-application consultation in respect of a proposed planning application for the demolition of the existing public toilet at South Quay, and refurbishment and extension of the listed building 7 Northgate Street for a community hub with associated infrastructure work.The community hub would provide a service for older people, learning and skills areas to support independent living, and continued education for people with disability, and supported employment opportunities. The Council’s proposals also include environmental enhancements, improvements to the parking area at South Quay and improved access between the Henry Tudor visitor centre and the waterfront.