SP Energy Networks launch £3.2bn investment plan Posted on: July 5th, 2021 SP Energy Networks has launched a draft of its £3bn-plus investment roadmap to increase capacity to meet UK’s net zero ambitions.The £3.2bn RIIO-ED2 business plan draft details the networks’ proposed upgrades in anticipation of increased demand from over 670,000 electric vehicles and 370,000 domestic heat pumps, expected to come online in the next decade alongside 5GW of extra low carbon electricity generation.[emaillocker id=”71749″]Work will be carried out between 2023 and 2028 across 105,000km of network and 30,000 substations across Scotland, England and Wales, the network said.To help deliver the plans SP Energy Networks plans to recruit more than 1,100 green jobs, with thousands more indirect jobs supported over the five years.SP Energy Networks chief executive Frank Mitchell said: “The scale of the task at hand cannot be underestimated. If the UK is to hit its net zero targets, we must deliver one of the largest, fastest upgrades of our critical infrastructure this country has ever seen.“We deliver an essential public service – keeping the electricity flowing to six million people across 3.5 million homes and businesses. This is an important and privileged role and it’s one we never take for granted, but it is so much more than just ‘keeping the lights on’.“This investment is vital and with five months to go until COP26, launching this plan shows our commitment to getting the job done for our communities across the UK.“In RIIO-ED2, we need to respond to our customers’ changing needs as we move towards Net Zero.“We’ve set out our plans to continue delivering exceptional service, supporting our most vulnerable customers, and taking on a more proactive role in our communities.“SP Networks said “efficiency” embedded in the new plan will save customers £173m.Mitchell added: “Our network has served us well over the last 50 years. Now is the time to invest so it stands ready to continue that service in a truly decarbonised future.”SP Energy Networks has engaged with over 15,000 customers and stakeholders on the Business Plan and will continue to engage and consult ahead of the submission of the final plan in December 2021, a spokesman said.[/emaillocker]