Staffordshire will again take its wide-ranging investment offer to over 6,000 delegates at a leading national event next spring.

The inaugural UK Real Estate Infrastructure and Investment (UKREiiF) Conference took place in Leeds in May this year. The event brings together local and regional public sector organisations with Government, investors, funders, developers, housebuilders and more.

A delegation from Staffordshire including the county council and its partners will return to next year’s event between May 16 and 18 and again taking place in Leeds.

The team will continue to promote the ‘Staffordshire: A Place to Prosper’ campaign which includes over £1bn of future projects, and follow-up on the successful launch of the Staffordshire Prospectus. This document sets out why the county is a top location to live, work, invest in and visit.

Potential investors will find out more about recent successes in Staffordshire and major projects happening now or just about to get underway. These include the Stafford Gateway project, regeneration of town centres, Chatterley Valley Enterprise Zone, i54 South Staffordshire, the A50/A500 Growth Corridor and the West Midlands Interchange.

Staffordshire County Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for economy and skills Philip White said: “We’re looking forward to returning to UKREiiF in the spring following our successful visit and presentations at this year’s inaugural event.

“At the event we launched the Staffordshire Prospectus – something we will continue to promote in 2023. Next May we will be meeting with investors and developers to progress the exciting pipeline of our major projects which we are confident will attract significant interest and could benefit from additional backing from the Government.

“We know we have a distinctive Staffordshire brand which we’re strengthening with our partners.

“Our presence at UKREiiF is critical as we must make a lasting impact on investors and decision makers. This ultimately results in new jobs and better outcomes for our communities.”

Keith Griffiths, chief executive Officer and founder at UKREiiF, said: “We are delighted that Staffordshire are returning to UKREIIF with a bigger, more ambitious presence in 2023. This is testament to the success of their previous visit and we look forward to seeing leadership from across their county involved in content and working with them to unlock investment and regeneration opportunities.”

Businesses and organisations wanting to find out more about Staffordshire at UKREiiF should contact Lauren Hunt at: