Sussex councils’ £110m modular housing framework Posted on: April 7th, 2021 Two councils in Sussex have joined forced to create a four-year modular housing framework worth £110m.Lewes District Council (LDC) has taken the lead on behalf of Eastbourne Borough Council (EBC) and both are working on housing development programmes, primarily in the affordable sector. [emaillocker id=”71749″]The estimated value of LDC’s portion of the framework is £41.25m, for EBC it is £35.25m and for other contracted authorities it is £33.5m. Only one lot is available.The following other entities may use the framework:Aspiration Homes LLPLewes Housing Investment Company LimitedEastbourne Homes LimitedEastbourne Housing Investment Company LimitedEast Sussex County CouncilWealden District CouncilRother District CouncilHastings Borough CouncilHorsham District CouncilCrawley Borough CouncilAdur District CouncilWorthing Borough CouncilArun District CouncilMid Sussex District CouncilBrighton & Hove City CouncilConstruction companies have until May 7 to formally enter the tendering process.For further details email [/emaillocker]