Tulchan Developments announces plan for 40-acre ‘build to suit’ logistics project Posted on: July 5th, 2021 Tulchan Developments has is set to launch a new logistics development at Eurocentral in response to the growing ‘build to suit’ market.Orchard Park will be a 40-acre site that can deliver up to 400,000 sq ft of stock in the prime logistics location.[emaillocker id=”71749″] Gavin Robertson of Tulchan said: “We are delighted to be bringing this opportunity forward. Orchard Park will offer sites capable of accommodating units with generous yards and car parking, from 42,500 sq ft up to 225,000 sq ft.”Eurocentral has over 3m sqft of logistics space with occupiers including Lidl, Hermes, Amazon, XPO, NHS and Brewdog.While Tulchan is not planning to build speculatively, it will be able to react quickly to the ‘build to suit’ market, which is being fuelled by the current lack of available stock. Colliers and Montagu Evans have been appointed to market the opportunity.Iain Davidson, director of industrial & logistics with Colliers in Glasgow, said: “We are seeing unprecedented demand for industrial and logistics properties. Coupled with record low levels of existing supply, build to suit is becoming a more prevalent feature of the market and we are delighted that Orchard Park will be able to satisfy this demand.”Bryce Stewart, partner at Montagu Evans, added: “This is a much-welcomed announcement, which will deliver serviced land in a prime location.”Gavin Robertson continued: “Occupier requirements are at a high level and many have to accommodate specific operational requirements, which can only be met by a build to suit solution. Working with our joint venture partners, this is what we are focused on. The site already has planning permission and basic infrastructure is in place, to allow a quick response to occupiers.”David Young and Gavin Robertson, the directors of Glasgow-based Tulchan Developments, have worked in partnership over a number of years, delivering major warehousing and logistics projects throughout Scotland.Completed projects by the team behind Orchard Park include the land sale to Tesco for its 750,000 sq ft distribution hub at Livingston, on the M8, 40,000 sq ft for Geopost / DPD at Newbridge in Edinburgh, 70,000 sqft for DPD at Eurocentral M8 and the regional distribution facility for Co-op at Inverness Airport Business Park.Tulchan is also in the process of delivering a new bespoke warehousing facility of 47,000 sqft for a major occupier customer in the West of Scotland.[/emaillocker]