Watford Council opens tender process on £200m redevelopment joint venture Posted on: April 14th, 2021 Watford Borough Council (WBC) has opened the procurement process on a joint venture proposal to redevelop Watford’s Town Hall Quarter (THQ).[emaillocker id=”71749″]Potential construction partners have until May 17 (5pm) to enter the bidding process for the £200m scheme. WBC requires a partner who can carry out preparation, design, build and finance, including (but not limited to) housing, retail, new residential units, commercial units, public government buildings and spaces including NHS clinics and education facilities. There may also be a requirement to undertake other specialist areas such as highway works.The Council is looking to form a limited liability partnership (LLP) on a 50/50 basis. While the joint venture LLP will not deliver all the THQ programme objectives it is expected to play a vital role in securing some of the objectives through the evolution of the THQ masterplan.Watford mayor Peter Taylor said: “The Town Hall Quarter is an exciting opportunity for the right developer to join us to create a distinct and exceptional scheme right in the heart of Watford. “We are looking for a partner who can blend a good understanding of heritage with leading edge design and innovation, working with us to deliver our ambitions for a thriving, prosperous and welcoming town”.Central to the scheme is the proposed conversion of the town hall into an office building and the redevelopment of the Colosseum theatre, which WBC took over in December 2020.The work is expected to take seven years to complete and the council intends to draw up a shortlist of up to four possible partners by June 14.Architects Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, projects managers Mace Project Management, plus consultants IoN Consulting and SFK Consulting have been advising WBC.For further information contact edyta.janaway@watford.gov.uk[/emaillocker]