Full Event Videos: University Property Development Conference
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Over £5bn of future university estate development projects and procurement opportunities will be discussed at the event, alongside projects in the PBSA sector with future schemes totalling more than 15,000 student-beds on the agenda.
We’ll be hearing from the leading figures – those heading up the estates facilities and management, the key decision makers in procurement processes and those at the forefront of major capital investment into university estates. Our delegates will be privy to presentations and thought leadership from the estates teams, giving inside intel into future development plans and offering the opportunity to connect and meet throughout the day.
Topics to be discussed:
- Hines plan to add 1,200 student beds
- Sheffield Hallam’s 3 new city campus buildings
- U of Nottingham’s student accommodation plans
- Newcastle University’s ‘World Class’ campus revamp
- Commonwealth Games Stadium redevelopment
- £840 million Uni of Bristol campus development
- Nottingham uni’s £36 million city centre campus plans
- Birmingham City Uni’s £70 million campus upgrade
- State-of-the-art UAL academic buildings
- Future Keele Science & Innovation Park growth plans
- Sheffield Hallam’s ‘zero carbon ready’ plans
- U of Nottingham’s future campus development plans
- Prime Student Living’s 6000+ bed expansion plans
- Watkin Jones new PBSA schemes with c6,750 beds
- £500 million Unite Students Development
- UAL’s 3500 beds student accommodation plans
- Keele Uni CO2 emission saving SEND programme
- Birmingham City University’s £70m campus upgrade
- Commonwealth Games Stadium redevelopment
- Royal College of Music’s £40M campus development
Speakers include: