Full Webinar Video & Presentations: Solving the Housing Crisis: The Role of Local Authorities in Delivering Homes

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This product gives you access to the recording of our webinar - including speaker discussions, presentations and Q&A.
Event Information:
This free-to-attend online event is brought to you in partnership with DCW Group.
In this online event we’ll be gathering a number of key decision makers from the housing industry to discuss the role the public sector and local authorities play in the housing sector, with a particular focus on bringing forward homes for private sale.
Through a series of short presentations and audience-led Q&A we’ll see details on new development projects, ambitious visions for the future, and information on how these companies and authorities are looking to work collaboratively to bring these schemes forward.
Speakers for this event include:
- DCW Group – the organisation is set to launch a new innovative solution for the housing and residential sector, and they’ll be sharing intel into how this tool enables new homes to be delivered quicker, whilst helping to save valuable costs.
- Karbon Homes – the firm are one of the North East’s faster growing social housing developers and have 10 sites that they are bringing forward for development over the coming year. Recognised regionally as being one of the most reliable and responsible affordable residential organisations, they have a unique take on what needs to be done in a region that is traditionally not renowned for wealth. They are also soon to venture into the realm of Garden Village development alongside Durham County council and Charlotte will be sharing all the exciting details of each project as part of this session.
- Nottingham City Council – are pushing ahead with ambitious housebuilding targets across 4 key sites within the city boundaries and as part of this session Chris will be talking in depth about the local authority’s collaborative approach to development and how they will be pushing ahead with delivery over the next few years.