Full Conference Video & Presentations: Seaside Towns Development & Regeneration Conference
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This product gives you access to the recording of our webinar - including speaker discussions, presentations and Q&A.
Event Information:
This event will focus on the regeneration and development of seaside towns – reviewing successful projects, ambitious masterplans, and future visions which reveal potential work opportunities and regenerate plans.
With over 11,000 miles of beach-line in the UK it’s no surprise that seaside towns are amongst the leading tourist destinations across the UK. But these once thriving locations are now having to re-design and re-develop themselves to continue being a destination that attracts tourists. And these towns are also having to re-position themselves for the future, with a need to regenerate with the existing and future communities in mind.
At this event we’ll be hearing from a mixture of leading figures who’ve successfully regenerated or those who’re looking to bring forward major development masterplans to transform their seaside towns into thriving destinations once more.
Speakers include: